Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Caption Please


RMcGeddon said...

Gideon gets his drinks order in early to avoid the new minimum pricing regulations.

PJH said...

1) The chancellor is still not convinced that his 'independent' review on drinking is correct, so decides to do some personal research.

2) Waitrose home-delivery service run out of 1907 Heidsieck, leaving the Chancellor with Möet - a rather inferior replacement.

PJH said...

3) Delivery driver ponders the reaction when the customer discovers that, due to the fact that the Waitrose manager forgot the keys to the newly installed shutters on the fag cabinet, his box of 25 Corojo #5 El Gigante are missing from his order.

Macheath said...

'Papparazzi increase efforts to lure Chancellor out of hiding'

or, alternatively:

He gets Moet et Chandon
Delivered to the Cabinet;
"Let them eat cake", he says,
Just like Marie Antoinette...

(with apologies to Queen)

pa_broon74 said...

"Delivery from The Association of British Charities... If you could just sign this guarantee- erm, I mean delivery note..."

pa_broon74 said...

"... No, you're not supposed to deliver these here, they're for the Economist..."

Demetrius said...

Now that Gordon Brown, he used to prefer asses milk.

Crinkly & Ragged Arsed Philosophers said...

Hubbly Bubbly no toil but plenty troubly.

Sandy said...

Yup, we're all in this together alright.

JRB said...

Mr Osborne - the paperwork you ordered from the Ministry Of Economic Trading has arrived !

RMcGeddon said...

The IMF send a thank you gift to Gideon for his kind donation of £10Bn of our money in order to feed the EU beast for another few days.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

I know that chap, therefore Oz borne Moet.


Look numpty, I own a chateau and already have more than enough moat!

Anonymous said...

This is for cleaning the drains. The Perrier-Jouet is on the next van.

subrosa said...

Via Twitter:

Veeloooo Vee Mack
@scots_subrosa Yes we'll take this in for next door.They popped out to pick up some freshly made foie gras for their dinner party tonight.
Apr 17, 12:21 PM

Macheath said...

In a similar vein to VVM;

"I'm sorry, sir; the Camerons definitely said to deliver it to your place and they'd pick it up later round the back."

subrosa said...

Wonderful contributions from all of you. Greatly appreciated.

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