Tuesday, 25 May 2010

The Orange Digital Campaign Awards (NOT)

The Orange Digital Campaign Awards (Not): a gentle protest

As most of my regular readers know I'm not particularly interested in awards, but I have been contacted by Matt Wardman of the Wardman Wire who has asked me to bring the Orange Digital Campaign awards (NOT) #orangedigitalawards to your attention. You can read all about them in more detail at the link but briefly these are awards which will be given to people and parties judged to have made excellent use of campaigning in the Election.

One of my reasons for agreeing is because I use Orange and another is that I disagree with panels of judges not being nomination independently, as has happened in the original awards. Matt details the panel for these awards and yes, they are all leading journalists and bloggers but all are Westminster-focussed. None has the slightest interest in Scotland or Wales and Matt's intention is widen the remit to the whole of the UK.

He asks you to:

  1. Nominate the best example of digital campaigning known to you.
  2. Link back to this post or comment here, so I can add it to the list.
  3. Start your title “Orange Digital Campaigning Awards (NOT)”, including the hashtag #orangedigitalawards.
  4. Tag some others who can help us find the best online campaigning.

I'm going to limit my choice to 6 bloggers who, in my opinion worked hard throughout the election. They are:

Scotland Unspun (Scottish independence)
Fitaloon (Conservative)
Autonomous Mind (conservative with a small 'c')
Dick Puddlecote (Libertarian)

If you do feel like taking part in this (NOT) award gentle protest please do. You can nominate yourself or any other blog you feel would be worthy of an accolade. Go for it - you know you want to!

Let me state here and now I'm not promoting Matt's gentle protest for the first prize of a year's travel anywhere in the world. I believe the prize also includes the cost of staying at 5 star hotels and an acceptable amount of daily spending money - enough to ensure the winner would feel comfortable browsing the shops of Rome or Madrid. No, no, it's not for the prize. It's for a principle which is fairness. As we say here 'We're a' Jock Tamson's bairns'.


Dick Puddlecote said...

I feel 'umbled, Ma'am. :-)

My effort (tagged by Anna Raccoon) is here.

subrosa said...

Well done Dick. I concentrated my efforts on the Scottish scene mainly as you may well have noticed. :)

Unfortunately I left out a few I highly respect but it was done in haste to keep the meme going.

Like you I have to attend to the day job first.

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