Thursday 15 April 2010

FMQs 15 April 2010

Even although the general election is making most of the news columns, the Scottish Parliament continues its business as usual.

Today's session opened with a lengthy statement from the First Minister, in response to Iain Gray's first question, from the First Minister on the effects on Scotland if the volcanic ash, from the Eyjafjallajoekull eruption, drifting from Iceland. All air space over Scotland was closed from 6am this morning and would be until 7am tomorrow morning, although the FM stated he would be updating the Chamber at 5pm.

Tavish Scott pursued the matter in more detail, (as the MSP for the Shetlands air travel is essential to certain aspects of life there), and he received more detail about emergency procedures.

Iain Gray continued to press the issue of knife crime sentencing and I began to wonder if both the questions and answers were pure politicking. Cuts roared Mr Salmond, jail them shouted Iain Gray.

Annabel Goldie quipped "When will the FM next meet the PM - the present one that is". I smiled anyway. Her questions regarded expenditure on the NHS to which the reply was the Scottish government would continue to fund the NHS as usual even though - wait for it - the London parties will be making massive cuts which will affect our budget.

You can watch the half hour on HolyroodTV or the BBC iPlayer.

Thankfully I'm out this evening so, upon my return, I can be selective about the parts of this evening's 'great' debate I view. That will be after I've read blogs of course!


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