Sunday 16 August 2009

Ronald Regan on Healthcare (1961)

Ronald Regan, one of the few Presidents of the United States blessed with common sense, talks to his nation about socialised healthcare. The video has been taken from a 1961 LP. It's only 10 minutes long so do listen.

My thanks to All Seeing Eye


Jim Baxter said...

A health service should free people from at least one kind of worry. Ours, instead, enslaves us.

subrosa said...

Morning Jim. Exactly. People just don't see it though. I remember labour saying some years ago I'd have choice about my own healthcare. What choice? All I see is a take it or leave it choice.

McGonagall said...

I wouldn't want to live in a country that refused care for the sick. Reagan BTW is lying through his teeth. Giving trillions to the Pentagon is never questioned, but money for healthcare is somehow a communist plot? What a wanker.

Reagan was a corporate front man.

subrosa said...

Does the US refuse healthcare to some scunnert? I'm afraid I'm not too clued up about America's healthcare system but I understood it offered basic healthcare to all, although it was only of a decent standard if you were working because it was employer based.

It seems the average American doesn't want it to be an equal provision for all but I'm sure I can be proved wrong.

Healthcare isn't the domain of socialism, conservatism or liberalism, it's the domain of equality for all. If it happens to be based on scales of affordability then I don't mind in the least.

But I do want politics out of the decisions. I want my healthcare system to be run by healthcare professionals.

McGonagall said...

No matter what system is used rationing of some treatments is unavoidable. Orphan diseases - those that affect relatively few people - will always be underfunded.

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