Friday 17 July 2009

Select Committee meets Gordon Brown

I was surprised to find little about Gordon Brown's bi-annual meeting with the Select Committee yesterday. Parts were broadcast live on both the BBC and Sky and in between chores, I watched snatches - on a couple of occasions rewinding to hear the question, which he was so determinedly refusing to answer.

My first impression was he looked very relaxed, in fact smug. He pumped out the usual statistics with his usual verbosity and refused to be in the least intimidated by the comments of the MPs.

Ian Dunt provides a report of the whole occasion (isn't that photograph rather sinister?) and this particular observation caught my attention:

At one point this morning MPs asked Brown if he would consider giving testimony to the committee more often. He told them he was already being "generous with my time". They laughed at that, in a way which was not remotely friendly. As he heard the tone, he glanced up at them and there was, for a short moment, a trace of the infamous behind-closed-doors phone thrower about him. Many of those MPs would have felt the chill.

The Defence Select Committee also published a report into Helicopter Capability yesterday and it can be found on a link here. Damning content indeed.


Events dear boy, events said...

A tip. Follow Andrew Sparrow on the Guardian Politics blog. He posts a running commentary for all these occasions and they are very good.

The liaison committee was one big bore yesterday and only half the members turned up. See my blog.

Brown was relaxed, not least because he knows these sessions are meaningless. They are just window dressing to give the impression that he is accountable.

INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

What does he know that we don't?

Does he know he'll be "invited" to lead a National governemnt in perpetuity?

He MUST know he's got a snowflakes chance in a barby that we'll return him and his posse!!!

What's going on?

Heads up.

Clarinda said...

What is the Bilderberg crew up to these days? Have a look at Stephen Lendman june 1st 2009, on - partcularly his last couple of paragraphs?
I've also found - which details the manner (film and text) by which the US was lead into war in Iraq.

Goodnight Vienna said...

It was an abysmal performance by Brown, SR - all laid back with tie doing the Cresta Run over his expansive stomach. I posted a cple of vid clips at my place - though I think you've caught the essence of it well enough: Incapability Brown

subrosa said...

Thanks for that tip Howard. I read your blog every day and must have missed it.

Meaningless right enough, similar to the other committees. What has the finance one done since their 'interrogation' of the bankers? Absolutely nothing.

subrosa said...

Incoming, did we have similar stories in the press here just a couple of months ago?

subrosa said...

Many thanks for the links Clarinda. I think the Bilderberg lot are alive, kicking and still in control of the world.

subrosa said...

I must have been half asleep this morning when I visited your blog (and Howard's) GV because I didn't see anything.

Must pay more attention in mornings!

Anonymous said...

"generous with my time"

Erm... what? Who is it that pays his wages and expenses?

The cheek of this arrogant b****** is jaw dropping.

John McClane said...

I honestly loathe that man. I cannot think of a PM I've loathed more, with the possible exception of Harold Wilson. And to think that he is allowed to hang around schools and schoolchildren without even a CRB check.

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