Tuesday 14 July 2009

Andrew Neil Exposes Bungling Armed Forces Minister

I missed this on the Daily Politics but Fitaloon has been kind enough to post it. To think this man, Bill Rammell and his ilk are responsible for the lives of thousands of our troops beggars belief. Until today I'd never heard of Mr Rammell and after watching this video I know why.

Key bored Warrior has also picked up on this by asking 'Why does it take 12 months to move helicopters from Iraq to Afghanistan?'

He mentions 10 chinooks are there but are more often than not used to fly dignitaries around such as visiting politicians and Afghani tribal leaders. That is common knowledge in Helmand. Several times I have suggested politicians keep away from the front line as their presence adds nothing and detracts many from their dangerous duties. In today's world of technology it would be perfectly possible for politicians to see conditions and take part in talks with senior officers from the comfort of their Westminster offices. Alas, they prefer the opportunity of the front line photo call and they should be ashamed.

Most political visits are completely unnecessary and should be halted. Unfortunately nobody in the Westminster government listens to the military and they have stopped bothering to speak out.

The service chiefs felt that there was no point because Mr Brown, both at No 11 and at No 10, was not going to be an interested listener.

What a disgrace especially when right at this moment I'm listening to radio broadcasting the sorrowful arrival of eight more of our fallen.


CommonDog said...

Bill Rammell's performance on Newsnight last night was appalling as well, stating that troops have everything they ask for in Afghanistan – this was immediately countered by the words of a recently fallen soldier’s diary (Capt Mark Evison) who stated that they were short of water, communications equipment and medical equipment. The governments promise to support the Army with whatever it needs has been exposed as a barefaced lie. Gordon Brown as much as admitted it in the House of commons yesterday. What is also shocking is the words of MP David Crausby who seems to think he knows more what the Army needs then General Dannett himself: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6689952.ece The worrying things is as he sits on the Defence Committee he should be the one holding the government and its ministers to account!!!!

CommonDog said...

P.S 60% of F**k all is still F**k all!

subrosa said...

I didn't see that Common Dog, it must have been when Newsnight turned to Newsnight Scotland. I'll watch it on iPlayer. You're right, then halved the helicopter budget in 2004 and now say they've increased it by 60%. Scum.

CommonDog said...

Statistically speaking as troop numbers have doubled and helicopter numbers (and we are not even just talking about troop carrying helicopters) have only gone up 60%, in real terms the quantity of helicopters per man has gone DOWN 20%

subrosa said...

Plus of course CD, much of the air hours are spent ferrying non-troops around because they don't want limbs blown off. I'd make the barstewards walk.

The Last Of The Few said...

I am stunned whatching this.

Yes about 20 is correct.
I put the number at 16.
The reason being in 2001 we purchased 8 chinooks at a total of 422 million quid.
They sat on the ground until this year as they were purchased with THE WRONG RADAR which meant they were unusable.

* bloody years and no one bear in mind we were fighting on 2 war fronts did a damn thing to rectify this problem. Not a blame thing, just fix the bloody machines. recrininations later.

So maybe the PM was spot on when he said he doubled the helicopters in service. Added these 8 now they are fixed and straight away 100% uplift.

This subject matter is becoming very painful.

The Last Of The Few said...

Excuse my last post spelling.
I was fuming.

I meant 8 bloody years and also fighting on 2 fronts no one did a damn thing.

Apology...........rage is a terrible emotion

subrosa said...

No need to apologise LotF, I rage often and I know I ramble then rather than make the odd spelling error.

Yes it's painful but it needs to be kept in public view and the MSM will drop it in a few days so it's up to us bloggers to keep it alive. The politicians are hoping it will just drift into the news bin.

banned said...

Todays Telegraph ( Tues 14/7 ) page 4 graphic " Chinooks, number in theatre ten ( 10 ) ".
USA have 120.

To rimmer Rimmells view that you can't just pluck fighting helicopters out of thin air ( sorry ) might I suggest that places like Thailand or Indonesia may well have a few fighting choppers that they don't need right now so just buy/rent or steal from them. Ross Kemp would, giving the urgency of the situation.

Bugger Lugs said...

I saw it too and leaving aside the other Music Hall Defence Minister I have never seen such a complete erse of a performance.

There has been a 50% increase in helicopters in Afghanistan since 1843.

I cannot give you actual numbers for operational reasons. Ask the feckin Taliban; they count them out and in.

As Banned said, they could lease them in from Vietnam, Thailand, S Africa etc.

However did we get into this state.

Brown should be publicly horsewhipped and then handed to The Taliban for carving practice.

Bugger Lugs said...

I think that the repatriation at Wooton Basset could do down Brown.

It could well be the focal point for the Nation's anger.

Anonymous said...

He's almost as pathetic a little runt as his unbelievably awful boss Aintworth.

subrosa said...

He is as pathetic Tris but dresses in a smart suit.

subrosa said...

You may well be right bugger lugs. If more and more people turn up there when a coffin returns, Brown will panic.

CrazyDaisy said...


Despite the need for helos, the lads need to be on the ground to win hearts and minds and then hold said ground, you can't achieve that with 8,300 men and women without serious stretch and eventually ending up in a stalemate.


subrosa said...

I always respect what you say CD, but in this situation I think, no matter how many hearts and minds we win, that the winning will be temporary.

These folks' lives are so hellish they are easily bribed and I understand why. It has always been the case. It would need us to be there for generations before any real change took place and I still don't see evidence that they want that. They want their own culture with a reasonable government. That's what they like about the west, our democracy - for what it is.

I'd take a bribe if my family's lives depended on it. That's the way that culture operates with little trust or loyalty. I'm sure we all understand why.

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