Friday 15 May 2009

"Why Did the Telegraph Focus on Me?"

Seems like Mr Malik's statement that he abided by the rules 'a thousand per cent' wasn't good enough.  If this is the quality of justice minister we have making the laws of this country no wonder it's such a shambles.  Bribing your electorate by promising to put your posh TV claim to a local charity possibly won't happen now. 

'I earned more in 1999 than I do as an MP.'  May I kindly suggest you return to your previous job Mr Malik although, if you are found guilty of abusing the system, you may find that not so easy.


CrazyDaisy said...


Let's get the Polis in and get the whole bloomin lot investigated, enough is enough.

I've read a fair few articles on folk trying to tarnish the SNP - with the exception of Angus feckwit - it appears that they are well within the rules. Some good banter on the Hootsman and Blether with Boring Fat Biased Brian!

Crazy D

subrosa said...

Aye Angus is daft. Will have a wee read of BWB and the Hootsman, haven't had a chance yet today.

Oldrightie said...

A house full of people like these please!

subrosa said...

Thank you for the link OR. It would take years to get Westminster filled with such honest decent people.

RantinRab said...

Ray Mallon was on the telly earlier calling for the Met polis to start a criminal investigation.

subrosa said...

I don't know why the police haven't started already Rab. Maybe it's something to do the with link OldRightie gave (see above).

Indy said...

I've actually got more respect for him than for the ones who are filled with fake humility and issuing completely false apologies. At least this guy has the balls to stand by his own actions. I am not excusing his actions - just to be clear about that - but let's face it the rest of them are only sorry they were caught, they are not sorry for what they have done. It has been quite sickening watching it.

If we are to have villains running the country I would prefer them to be honest villains, who don't creep about pretending to be ever so humble when they are caught out. Though clearly it is better not to have villains running the country in the first place!

subrosa said...

I appreciate your view Indy but his continual protest on TV hasn't done him one bit of good. Especially when he said he would give the £1050 cost of his TV to a 'charity' in his constituency, what was all that about? Bribery?

I have to disagree with you on this Indy. The man's a fool but the labour party have allowed him to be the stooge for their inadequacies. Shows the standards of the labour party in my view.

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