Tuesday 5 May 2009

Jim Murphy - Working for Scotland?

The Secretary of State for Scotland has been found wanting according to the Herald.  Last year there was a crisis over the duty hike in whisky and no action or intervention was made by Mr Murphy.

Angus Robertson MP, through the FOI process, said Mr Murphy's inaction at a time of crisis for a major Scottish industry destroyed the myth of his as a "hyper-energetic" Scottish secretary. "This correspondence shows that the Scotland Office was not involved in the run-up to the highest increase in duty ever planned."

Mr Robertson's first FOI application was knocked back as being against the public interest but he made a follow-up request simply asking whether any meetings had taken place.  The reply stated that there was no record of any meeting with industry representatives.

Mr Robertson continued:

"We are told that the Scotland Office performs a vital function within Whitehall in standing up for Scottish interests and liaising with other Whitehall departments. We also have a hyper-energetic Secretary of State for Scotland with a high regard for his own ability.

"This is the first really concrete example of the gap between the rhetoric and the PR with the reality of what the Scotland Office or the Secretary of State actually do, especially with their burgeoning workforce and budget."

Of course a spokesman for Mr Murphy's department accused the SNP of "any number of distortions."  So now we know how hard Mr Murphy works for Scotland.


McGonagall said...

Aye - the myth of Scotland's man at Westminster. He's been caught dead to rights as a poseur.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Get onto the bastard's blog. I'm on it often and the twat usually doesn't moderate your post as long as you don't call him names!

subrosa said...

Aye at oor expense tae scunnert.

Nikostratos said...

Bit of contradiction from the snp

(1) they want to decrease alcohol consumption using price as a mechanism
(2) The snp also accept the evidence of a massive increase in revenue and the consequent ability to easily withstand any duty increase

"the alcohol industry could actually experience a 68% increase in revenue whilst selling 30% less of heavily discounted products"

Health secretary Nicola Sturgeon welcomed the professor's findings.


She said: "This study shows improving public health and having a successful alcohol industry are not mutually exclusive."

subrosa said...

Niko you know full well that the suggested pricing is aimed at the cheap booze.

CrazyDaisy said...


Thanks, looks like Murphy has been caught with his troosers doon! Another waste of rations!

A man that has failed to live up to his own hype, ego and claimed ability.

Standing up for Scotland? Niver he's only fit for muckin oot the pigsty and that's demeaning to the pigs.

Have a braw day,


subrosa said...

Morning CD, clever move by Angus Robertson. He's obviously got friends in the business who gave him his lead.

You have a braw day too.

Anonymous said...

Morning Subrosa. Nice picture. is that his best (better) side?

Jim Murphy is just a wee Brown loyalist, probably promoted above his level of competence and full of looking busy, talking a lot, and keeping Iain Gray out of the press and public view (because the whole Labour movement knows that he's a tiny fish in a small pool and, to continue the fish metaphor, an intellectual minow).

Murphy cares only about his next promotion in the Brown government .......

....sorry, short pause there to collect myself after great mirth caused by the fact that there is going to continue to be a Brown government.....

Murphy didn't want this job; he was happy in Europe. As we said at the time "Today Prague, Amsterdam and Paris; tomorrow Arbroath!" He took it because it put him in the Cabinet, and from there the only way is up.... or so he thought.

Actually Jim.... the only way is OUT!

Munguin said...

We all know exactly what the Scottish Office and Jim Murphy do, they do what they are told, just like Ian Gray.

Talk about the spectre at the feast, that's these two, there to spoil the party for everyone else.

subrosa said...

Tris, you should have written this post, you've said it so much better than me.

We all know Murphy's agenda but it's good to see it in black and white isn't it?

subrosa said...

I've never had much time for Jim Murphy Munguin, but I wonder how good a politician Ian Gray would be without the restraints of London labour. Possibly hopeless, but we shall never know.

Oldrightie said...

All Labour people care about Labour only. So they fail at every attempt to appear for the people. Brown's so that way. Labour and power above all else and the rest of us are to be punished for hating them.

subrosa said...

Morning OR (just made it!), you're right of course. I want these people out now as they're damaging the UK day by day.

Anonymous said...

Well, thank you SR. That was a kind thing to say, although I have to disagree. I prefer your writing to mine anytime. LOL.

PS... what is it about me... the WV this time is "Lushco"

subrosa said...

Muchas appreciado tris. See, I told you, you do have a way with words!

CrazyDaisy said...

Murphy's got a face you widnae tire of punching - oh my goodness I was daydreamin!

Hate the twat - there's a great view from MoD Main that you could do a great deal of damage to The Scotland Office from!

Imagine unfurlin a great big banner from your office windae "Jim Murphy's a big fat neep!"


subrosa said...

I'll make the banner CD, I'm good with a sewing machine :)

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