Wednesday 1 December 2010

I'm Tired

I'm tired of hearing George Osborne and his boss saying "We're all in this together" and that 'the people understand the cuts are necessary'.  No, I don't understand.  I don't understand why I should pay for the misjudgments of politicians who decided to import the US invented financial deregulation, promising me it would be the epitome of the new capitalism that was going to offer the world economic salvation.  Those involved in the introduction of this not-tried-and-tested style of dealing with our financial organisations won't suffer. A 9% increase in their utility bills won't make a dent in their pocket money as they continue to award themselves bonuses for doing their jobs, even though taxpayers own swathes of their businesses.  None of our current leaders have the bottle to even halt the practice within government departments.

I'm tired to being conned by the climate scam and the unfolding environmental catastrophe that awaits me unless I return to the lifestyle of my grandparents, when I consider I've donated my fair share towards reducing pollution.  Scientists now suggest that 'the world should progress towards an international deal on climate change without the US' as talks kick off in Cancun with little hope of the US agreeing to cut emissions.  How can an agreement be international when the most powerful country in the world refuses to agree with it?  Reading the tripe, which is promoted in the MSM, makes sad reading because anyone with a modicum of common sense knows they're being brainwashed, yet the scammers are happy to continue until we're all bled dry.

I'm tired of doing my best to believe the EU is good for the country when they spend large sums of money supporting big global companies and millions of euros are siphoned off by organised syndicates.  The same EU hasn't had their accounts cerified for years, yet if any small business wasn't able to produce certified accounts to HMRC they would be charged with a criminal offence.

I'm tired to trying to read with a low voltage bulb in my lamp.  Of course, if I pay £10+ I can have one which distributes 'daylight'.  Just a couple of years ago I could buy one of these for around 50p.

I'm tired of hearing how wonderful the NHS really is.  It's not.  It's average.  In fact it's possibly worse than average.  People who say it's wonderful haven't experienced healthcare in many other European countries.  How many know of friends who have been unfortunate enough to have required hospital treatment in such as Spain, France, Switzerland or Germany coming home and saying it was wonderful and far exceeded our system?  It's true.  Our NHS isn't pro-patient it's pro-management. It's the sixth largest employer in the world yet it is inefficient, not because it's big - the largest employer in the world, Wal Mart, is very efficient - but it's balance has been skewed.

We educated some of our brightest to become doctors, yet we don't treat them well and they move to other countries to complete their training, taking their expertise with them.  Many never return.  Then we import doctors who may not even be competent in English.  I've no objection having foreign doctors here, but I do object to paying to train those who are regarded world-wide as some of the best, then lose them to other countries because of our politicians' inertia.

Maybe I'm tired of seeing my dreams of a fair and decent country slowly bite the dust in my 50 years of adulthood.  I'd certainly like to be proved wrong.  Thankfully though I'm still not too tired to read some good, plain common sense.


JuliaM said...

Hear hear!

subrosa said...

Thanks Julia. I just couldn't get inspired to be positive about much this morning.

Foxy Brown said...

The NHS is incredibly shabby, and yet our enlightened political and media class still prattle on about how wonderful it is.

This situation is not too dissimiliar to the state-sponsored art of 1930's Russia with its scenes of happy peasants reaping bountiful harvests of wheat - while the population at large is actually starving.

Apparently, this deception is for our own good.

subrosa said...

Well said Foxy. Yet there are intelligent people who insist the NHS is the best in the world. That's what never ceases to surprise me.

They think that by removing a few managers all will be well. We don't even have the equipment many European countries have to assist diagnosis.

GoodnightVienna said...

Spot on, SR. Perhaps it's a case of having heard it all before thus we see the gaping gap between their words and their actions more easily than youngsters. Politicians and their policies really are an incredible let-down and an insult to our intelligence.

Anonymous said...

Utterly brilliant post Subrosa!

But then you are the architect of the 'light in my life'.......

Anonymous said...

Och you do sound down.

Get yourslef a nice cup of coffee and go and sit oot and look at the lovely snow, and think nice things... OK, promise?

It's a hell of a place, run badly by people who run it as a hobby, although there are worse places (Burma, North Korea, Somalia, I'm starting to run out lol). But even George Dimbo Osborne and Smily Eton Boy can't take away our mountains and our heather (although they would if they could). And in a few months it will be spring and everything will look better.

I promise.

Jim said...

Well said Subrosa - that's pretty much where I'm guessing the majority of us are just now...

There's going to come a time when we're going to need to shut down a few of the 'pressure groups' that society has allowed to blossom and concentrate on the issues that matter to most of the people most of the time - they could do with using your list as a decent starting point!

subrosa said...

They do insult us GV. I think that's what I find most frustrating.

subrosa said...

Auch Anna, that's kind but it was just a rattled rant. I could have gone on for hours. :)

Aye a bit of daylight makes such a difference. ;)

subrosa said...

Naw Tris, just feeling quite sad when I look at the world you young ones have in front of you, when my generation thought we were making it better for you.

Yes I agree and I would say where I am perhaps I'm in one of the best places in the UK, but being 'on the outside' I can view what is happening with some objectivity maybe.

subrosa said...

Another thing Tris. Back in the 50s and 60s buses ran through all weathers. Roads were cleared by farmers if the councils couldn't cope.

Now little is done. So much for modern techniques.

subrosa said...

Pressure groups = quangos such as ASH, all these 'health' lobbyists etc Jim? Long past time all these were done away with.

Now we have our government writing a leaflet entitled 'Sexmas' to tell youngsters to use condoms over Christmas and New Year. What a complete waste of money.

Dramfineday said...

I know what the trouble is, you've gone stir crazy being stuck in doors with all this snow. If you can dig your way to Edinburgh we could have a pleasant day wondering around the not tram sites. That would cheer you up (cause I'd be greetin then)!

I must confess to liking the noises that came out of Iceland and maybe even Ireland. Let the banks fold - they were PLC's after all! Why should we pay to keep these wasters in the lifestyle they continue to enjoy? Utter maddness to inflict this on our children and their children. I think a few should be put up against a wall and shot as a reminder to the rest that greed comes at too high a price (TB and GB you are up first).

There you've got me all depressed now!

Crinkly & Ragged Arsed Philosophers said...

Ach, hea a wee rest Rosa and tomorrow there'll be something that gets your dander up and going again. Or something you read, see or hear that fires the senses.

In the immortal words of Gump. Stupid is as Stupid does - those that are blind by it can't see it.

There's a lot of candles out there spluttering for survival against the storm of this holocaust.

Jim said...

regarding the condoms... Well from what I saw at the maternity unit last week... They've really got to try something to keep the weans from making more weans before they're ready...

RMcGeddon said...

Good rant SR. Yes life is infuriating as you get older. Thinking of '7 homes Huhne' frolicking in a jacuzzi in Cancun with his lesbian mistress while telling us we need to bring back rationing to stop global warming gets my blood pressure boiling.

I stocked up on proper light bulbs in the years before they brought in the new mercury ones. The shed is full of them as they were 5 for a pound from poundland for years.
Some German has brought out 'heat bulbs' which seem to get around the ban on proper light bulbs..

Elby the Beserk said...

Well said Ma'am. It would seem to me that were are being subject to what the Americans call a "shakedown". Turned upside down and our pockets emptied. Contumely rain down on them all. And great showers of shite.

Woodsy42 said...

Yes, I have to agree. It's a depressing cold week during a depressing bout of turncoat politics. And inevitably as one gets older the political/commercial tricks and scams become so much more obvious and visible, while time becomes one's enemy rather than one's friend.
But don't forget that Dave has the answer! The feelgood index to replace those useless cost of living and GDP measures will soon have you feeling better.
And in the meantime why not try this superb nannying and hectoring little happiness survey. guaranteed to have you livid in no time :-)

RMcGeddon said...


Cast irons £2m to see how happy we are actually got me laughing today.
Lyndsey Roy the 'postal ballot' MP for Glenrothes asked the PM if it was a wasted £2m at todays PMQ.
Cast iron said 'well obviously looking at you' or something to that effect.

Oxfam are happy though. Sending gold chocolate coins to Cancun to remind them to save the planet..

I must admit I'd be happy working for Oxfam. 32 of them on over £60K a year and 4 on over £100K a year. 'Suitabily adjusted payscales to compensate for the weakening of sterling'
Total wage bill £100m with £50m in the UK alone.
Plus lots more dosh to come if they can trouser some of the global scam money.

subrosa said...

Aye you may be right Dram. 18" of the stuff, clearing it every day. I've the cleanest kitchen cupboards in Scotland.

Edinburgh? Couldn't even get to Perth today but the imagine of that certainly brings a smile.

The thought of those responsible for the mess being brought to justice cheers me up.

subrosa said...

I'm well rested RA, the only energy I'm using is clearing snow. :)

Aye and what troubles me is that the candles are snuffed before any democratic progress.

subrosa said...

Jim, most folk look younger than us. :)

Aye, can you imagine a government spending money on a sexmas leaflet? When will it end.

subrosa said...

Oh RM, dinnae get me started oan Mr Huhne et al. I resisted that temptation.

Thanks for the link about lightbulbs. That's a good idea. They don't seem to do them in bayonet but of course all German lamps are screw-in. Never mind, something's better than nothing. This yellowish light is depressing. No matter what size of bulb you buy they all omit the same light.

subrosa said...

A good description Elby.

subrosa said...

Will I, won't I Woodsy? In for a penny...

Off to do your wee survey.

subrosa said...

That's another setup which needs investigating RM. I know a few stories about Oxfam.

What a damned disgrace getting 'suitably adjusted payscales' with our money because I think they bank with one of the bailed out banks.

subrosa said...

Woodsy, as soon as I read the question 'do you smoke' I knew where that survey was going. Jeez.

Anonymous said...

We're all in it together, eh?

Not the smokers. They're standing outside.

Woodsy42 said...

"Woodsy, as soon as I read the question 'do you smoke"

Did I not suggest it would soon have you livid?

I rather like the way it relates happiness to BMI and amount of recycling. Talk about obvious!

Dioclese said...

My daughter is a radiotherapist and my son-in-law is a programmer. Can someone explain to me how someone who saves lives is worth less than someone who writes code for computers?

Seems to me we have the wrong set of values. Important people get treated like crap whie non-entities and wasters get paid a fortune. Admittedly life ain't fair, but nevertheless...

cynicalHighlander said...

Even if you dont believe in AGW think of the pollution that we are creating and dumping in the oceans.

Scientists fear mass extinction as oceans choke

He says the heart and lungs of the planet are being tampered with.

"We are starting to see changes in the ocean's ability to produce oxygen and to produce food and produce all of the ecosystem's services that are so important to not only us, but all of the other organisms on the planet," he said.

DAD said...

As I read the other day :-

"If you don't get grumpy as you grow older then you aren't paying attention."


Joe Public said...

Good evening SR.

Another thoughtful post. "I just couldn't get inspired to be positive about much this morning."

Why apologise for stating facts AND the truth? If only politicians did the same. [Well, when they do, they get the immediate chop as Howard Flight & Lord Young have found to their cost.]

Barking Spider said...

Great post, SR, I'm fed up with the sight of Cameron and Osborne already - some of us are definitely more in it than others and Cameron, (Steve Hilton), seems to have absolutely no idea when his "catchphrases" are grating like hell on people!

banned said...

Just to pick up on one point SR, last year I met a newly qualified medic, he was the ONLY one of his university yeargroup that was still resident in UK, all his peers having gone abroad for whatever reasons.

banned said...

Here's a little ditty to cheer you up SR, an old favorite from a near namesake of yours.

Poison Girls, Cry No More, on much the same theme as your post.

subrosa said...

That's right Frank. We should start considering ourselves as being rather special don't you think.

subrosa said...

You did Woodsy. I didn't get as far as recycling but I've no idea why that would make me happy.

subrosa said...

I've no idea Dioclese. Values are different to those I remember when younger.

subrosa said...

Oh I believe in pollution CH, always have. I just don't believe that the world will be destroyed unless I cough up every penny I have in order to line the pockets of someone who wants to sell CO2.

subrosa said...

Thank you DAD. That's a good one and rather true don't you think.

subrosa said...

Evening Joe. Aye, I wouldn't last five minutes as a politician would I?

subrosa said...

Cameron's a PR man BS. Catchphrases are his stock in trade. Glad they grate on your nerves too. :)

subrosa said...

It seems that's the way banned. The EU directive about hours is stopping many get future training here so they're moving to other English speaking countries where they're far better treated.

subrosa said...

Many thanks banned. Great video.

RMcGeddon said...

God help us but I see Lord 'Two Jags' Prescott is away to the jolly in Cancun as 'EU Rapporteur' or something..

The food looks alright anyway. Best they hide it as Lord Pies will be famished by the time he gets over there...

subrosa said...

I heard him today speaking to Andrew Neil RM. Spouting the usual drivel of course.

Thanks for the links.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Subrosa.

I think that there is a very good reason that we all ‘pissed off’ – especially the older generation – and that is CONTRADICTIONS.

There was a time, not long ago, when the vast majority of the people worked and earned a living until they were 65 years old or so, at which point they retired. When they retired, they had a pension sufficient to live on. During their working lives, they amused themselves more or less as they wished – the state did not interfere. If they became ill, the NHS provided as best it reasonably could be expected to – it did not keep people who were dying alive for a few more months at enormous expense. Children were the responsibility of their parents, with the safeguard of ‘health visitors’ in schools. From time to time, accidents happened – someone would fall of a cliff, but no one expected the whole coastline of Britain to be fenced off because of this.

It is hard to put a finger on precisely when the CONTRADICTIONS appeared. But certainly we have them now. On the one hand, we have the Health Dept trying to keep people alive for as long as possible, but on the other hand, we have the Treasury complaining about the cost of pensions. On the one hand, we have the NHS bringing in more and more costly procedures to keep people alive and on the other hand, the Gov complaining that the NHS is too expensive. The Gov agonises about Terrorists, but allows any Tom, Dick or Harry into the country, and then passes laws which stop itself from returning them to their country of origin if they turn out to be terrorists. The Gov creates, promotes and pays for fake charities whose sole purpose is to lobby the self-same Gov to solve problems which it has itself created and which are not problems (for the Gov) at all (such as people dying at the age of 87 rather than 88 because they enjoyed tobacco).

I feel sure that Cameron has the best of intentions, but if he does not get to grips with these inherent CONTRADICTIONS, he is stupid.

subrosa said...

An excellent contribution junican and you've hit one of the nails on the head. Contradictions indeed but is that to confuse us or because politicians are stupid?

Anonymous said...

I think that there is a lot more to it than either of those, S. In the last twenty years or so, there seems to have been a massive explosion of special interest groups, institutes of this and organisations of that, all pulling ministers left, right and centre, along with the EU, the UN etc. It is clear that Gov has become too big - even politicians recognise this themselves - but what to do about it? The latest wheeze seems to be to devolve stuff, but would it not better to scrap a lot of 'interventions' altogether? The EU should be a trade organisation and the UN engaged with world peace. Neither of these organisations should be involved in tobacco control, for example.

Do we need a new form of government?

subrosa said...

Yes junican. You're right of course. I only listed a few quickly but there are multiple organisations, paid for by us of course, which are unnecessary and make government top heavy.

If many of these organisations had to rely upon voluntary public funding they wouldn't exist. Then again that's where they should be in the pecking order and not registered as charities under any other pretext.

Anonymous said...

You were right to point out those things. My little comment only scratches the surface also.

Cameron seems to be moving in the direction where his ministers have to 'make their own way' and be responsible. This is contrary to what we have seen in the recent past where questions were constantly aimed at the PM. I think that this is a very good thing, and a big change. Are things moving in the right direction? For example, will Health Sec Lansley's 'big idea' of devolving health initiatives to local authorities work? Well, maybe, PROVIDED THAT THE INVOLVEMENT OF 'TOBACCO CONTROL' IN THE HEALTH DEPT IS VIRTUALLY ABOLISHED AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES FUNDING IS AIMED AT ACTUALITIES RATHER THAN THEORIES! Maybe he is not as silly as he seems. We must wait and see - the signs are not hopeful!

An interesting discussion. But we must move on I suppose.

subrosa said...

I do hope you're right about Cameron junican as I've yet to be convinced.

Thanks so much for taking the time to contribute. I've enjoyed it.

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