Tuesday 30 November 2010

An Extraordinary Performance

'Could be better' is the consensus from friends about the Scotland Bill.

A wee bit of music for St Andrew's Day - Annie Laurie sung by the Former Soviet Red Army Choir.  Many thanks to Tom.


Conan the Librarian™ said...

Sweet baby Jebus Rosa...

That was grand.



subrosa said...

Aye, it's no' bad Conan. The manny kens how to sing it.

Less o' the comrade. ;)

banned said...

Trust you enjoyed your St Andrews day SR, how come you get a public holiday when we don't get one for St. George? (You don't need to answer that one).

subrosa said...

Banned, it's not a mandatory public holiday here. Anyway every day for pensioners is a holiday - so they say. :)

Anonymous said...


If you want to know how far their range stretches, try searching for "give me all you loving" by the Leningrad Cowboys....

And then try and get it out of your head.

subrosa said...

Thank you Rightwinggit. I can't still believe the modulation of the singer in this vid.

Better than the Glasgow Phoenix Choir by a long chalk.

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