Friday, 22 February 2013

Common Purpose #2

Yesterday's post resulted in some excellent comments, not least this one from Apogee:

Could just be me this morning, but I get a strong feeling that a problem was needed to result in a particular solution.
Most of the problems we have are the unintended consequences of the application of half-arsed policies dreamed up by apparatchiks with no common sense and no conception of the problems they would cause by applying these policies in the wild. And by the time the problems surface, the originators are long gone to other public service jobs.
Nothing will change,"lessons will be learnt", and forgotten till the next time. This is the EU way of doing things, a little at a time and never go back. Do not panic the sheeple lest they bolt. That could cause BIG problems.

Both Sheila and Elaine were kind enough to provide links which, if you didn't read the comments, were related to my post.

Sheila discovered the Annie E Casey Foundation which is an American organisation 'dedicated to researching, developing, testing and communicating what works to improve outcomes for children'.  Real CP speak.  

As well as questionnaires for 9 - 13 year olds and 14+ year olds, parents of children from 0 - 8 are also being asked to take part.  

Note that in the surveys completed within school hours, Evidence2Success states that ' it won't be possible to identify you at the end of this process'.  They've completely deceived these children, because it's obvious to any thinking adult that by being asked for their age, date of birth, gender, type of school, what year they are in and ethnic group, that researchers will have a name and address for the child.

Furthermore, stating that the survey is secret/confidential is false because it also states 'We will match your questionnaire answers to other information the school and council holds about you'.  That would be impossible without having a name and address.

As I said yesterday I think some of the questions are an intrusion into any child's privacy.  Also I consider it places ideas into a child's head that some things must be 'right' or the question about them wouldn't be asked.

It's so disappointing that my own local council, Perth and Kinross, appear to be proud to be the first in Scotland willing to put school children - and pre-school children and mothers - through such questionnaires on the blatant lie that the information is confidential.

I wouldn't like any child of mine to feel pressured into doing this survey, would you?  As one mother said in the Courier article, "Yes it does say that it's voluntary, but some children will be too timid to say no, especially if they see their peers taking part."

If the government require such information they should be including parents not alienating them. Children are as likely to give the answers they think 'right' in a school situation as they are in their own home. JRB's point that social/health questionnaires aimed at children should be done within a health or social environment is sensible.

But Common Purpose trained individuals have their common sense removed while they're brainwashed. Their aim is power and financial gain and they will do anything to achieve that - even concocting a problem which fits one of their 'off the shelf' solutions.

I wonder what these children will think when they're old enough to realise all the information they provided is in a file somewhere and will be there, for use use of certain agencies, until the day they die?


Joe Public said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't think I but into the "bumbling idiots" meme. It may be that "bumbling idiots carry out what they are told to do but those with the real power know exactly what they are doing.

The real people in positions of power are bright, clever, devious etc. They know what they are doing. They have analysed it thoroughly, considered all the options and then made it happen through their "bumbling idiots". The end result may, at times be a shambles, or upset loads of people or be unworkable but they will have achieved their ends mostly and they aren't on the radar. The "bumbling" get their rewards.

This current vogue for governments, councils or any sort of statist organisation to rush into "first in the world, country etc. boasting just shows how stupid they are. Early adopters always pay a heavy price for rushing in.

JRB said...

Yesterday I said I was not against education authorities and health boards wishing to gain a better understanding …

However, Perth & Kinloss and NHS Tayside have proven themselves to be a dangerous exception to my generic acceptance of what is reasonable enquiry.

Your link to the actual questionnaires made for horrifying reading.

It is self evident that this ‘Evidence2Success’ survey goes way beyond gaining any acceptable basic ‘understanding’ and instead intrusively pries into areas of a child’s health and social circumstances for which it has neither need of such information nor the authority to ask.

The very ethics of this survey must be questioned.

I applaud your efforts to bring this disgrace to the attention of all parents of school age children.

Joe Public said...

1. May teachers with a conscience refuse to involve 'their' class, or, will their prospects of promotion be detrimentally affected?

2. How does a survey enquiring about the sexual habits of 14+ year olds differ from paedophilia grooming?

Sheila said...

"I don't think I but into the "bumbling idiots" meme. It may be that "bumbling idiots carry out what they are told to do but those with the real power know exactly what they are doing.

The real people in positions of power are bright, clever, devious etc. They know what they are doing. They have analysed it thoroughly, considered all the options and then made it happen through their "bumbling idiots". The end result may, at times be a shambles, or upset loads of people or be unworkable but they will have achieved their ends mostly and they aren't on the radar. The "bumbling" get their rewards."

This has certainly been my experience of watching all this unfold over the years - here in Scotland and across the world.

Most professionals only see their part in this from their own blinkered viewpoint and this is how it is deliberately presented to them. They only see their one piece of the jigsaw.

We are entering a brave new global system of global governance which cannot function without vast amounts of interoperable data on everything and everybody.

Interesting spin here:

Of course there are greedy rent-seeking parasites desperate to make money out of all this but the real aim is control.

Measuring "wellbeing" at individual, community, national and global level is a big part of this.

Sounds lovely - Measuring what Matters - sweet!! - until you see examples like these questionnaires.

Measuring wellbeing,in this brave new "expertly" run world, involves measuring everything about everything and everybody (including "sustainability") at individual,household, community, national and global level.

And then suitable "interventions" are prescribed (at whatever level) and progress towards our re-determined outcomes is evaluated.

The vast amount of highly personal data used to target "services" at individuals, also feeds the bigger system.

Sheila said...
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Clarinda said...

What evidence of previous beneficial research did The Social Research Unit,Dartington,Devon which is leading this survey, demonstrate to the P&K council that compelled the procurement of such an expensive exercise? I'm sure, judging by the Unit's self-promotion to extol their initiative in being the first to capture funding and access to P&K children, that their academic kudos in plenty of 'new' research data and publications may out-weigh any advantage to P&K children - unless good old P&K Council have squirrelled away specific funds to make right any child welfare deficits and concerns potentially exposed by this research - if the children answer honestly of course. But, I suppose, lessons will be learned?

Hamish said...

SR I broadly agree with your views on this matter, but take issue with the following:
"Common Purpose trained individuals have their common sense removed while they're brainwashed".
That sounds like conspirachy theory. What is this Common Purpose? Is it a religious cult? A political movement?
Genuine question. Perhaps someone can direct me to an objective source of information about it.

Elaine said...

Hamish common purpose have a web presence this is the UK site
Hope that helps

subrosa said...

'bumbling' but devious TT.

subrosa said...

Thanks JRB. Unfortunately I can't find the questionnaire for when these people visit the homes where there are children from 0 - 8. How mothers are persuaded to comply with their request for information beats me.

subrosa said...

Joe, my answers are 'don't know' to both your questions.

subrosa said...

Sheila, excellent contributions to the subject. Thanks.

subrosa said...

Sheila, I've removed your duplicate post.

subrosa said...

I don't know what evidence Clarinda, but I suspect it's hypothetical propaganda.

Do hope that the Courier keeps on this subject and more parents protest.

subrosa said...

There's lots about Common Purpose on the internet Hamish. The taxpayers pay for the training too, yet only the 'chosen' are permitted to attend their training sessions.

I've witnessed someone who undertook CP training and it changed them from a genuinely sensible individual to an arrogant, self-righteous, devious person.

In a nutshell it's about grooming the few to be the leaders of the rest of us.

Sheila said...

Scotland is be riddled with Common Purpose but for an illustration of how they operate,look at how they are working to remould Libya:

subrosa said...

I hope Hamish sees that Sheila. Many thanks.

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