Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Recently the Scottish Government has launched a new mobile App directed at women and alcohol consumption.

It purports to show a woman's change in appearance over a period of 10 years if she drinks 10 glasses of red wine per week.  Even though the app creates images that can be far from the truth, the result is supposedly scary enough to make drinkers reconsider their habits.

Isn't it sexist to have an app only for women?  Perhaps men don't show signs of wear and tear due to alcohol consumption.

The app is free and for those who are interested I couldn't get the 'drinking mirror' to work, so I can't comment on its effectiveness.


F***W*T TW****R said...
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Joe Public said...

I agree it is sexist, SR.

The proposed equivalent App for men is called "Beer Goggles".

Now that scientists have worked out why members of the opposite sex can seem more attractive after a few drinks. With this new (male) App, he takes a drink and views the first frame; takes a second drink then views the second frame; and so on.

The "Beer Goggles" App simply indelibly imprints the initial image in a man's brain, irrespective of the number of drinks he's had.

Clarinda said...

Alcohol is sexist.
Alcohol is more damaging to females - plenty of research refers to this male/female differential. Fewer females drink alcohol but the damaging effect of alcohol on females is much greater even in smaller amounts compared with that on male physiology.

Demetrius said...

Ah, Melrose, my of my favourite places. Lovely ground, wish I'd played there some time!

JRB said...

Having achieved the official status of OAP, I’m afraid such health ‘initiatives’ as alcohol consumption etc no longer hold much sway.

Never being entirely sure what tomorrow might bring, I prefer to maintain an acceptable ‘quality of life’ today, and if that includes a glass or two with my deep fried supper, then so be it.

pa_broon74 said...

As a way of targeting female drinkers, its a bit clumsy; the idea being if you drink you'll lose your looks never mind what it does to your internal organs.

IN that regard it is sexist, but then there have been similar campaigns aimed at guys and their girth/ability to perform.

Not sure that its sexist really, just a bit clunky. (It has nothing to do with the 'app' that shoes a woman becoming more attractive the more the man supposedly drinks, that and variants there-of have been doing the rounds for years.)

dognamedblue said...

I don't understand the app?
I thought it was the more you drink the better people looked? [or was it I just got better looking?]

subrosa said...

Superb idea Joe. Email it to Alex Salmond. :)

subrosa said...

Good information Clarinda. Thank goodness I've gone off the stuff myself.

subrosa said...

I used to work near Melrose Demetrius. Used to go down to the rugby and support the lads if I wasn't on duty.

subrosa said...

A little bit of what we fancy is supposed to do us good JRB.

subrosa said...

I had my tongue in my cheek when I wrote the title pa_broon.

subrosa said...

Couldn't get it to work myself dognamed blue. Perhaps too ugly.

pa_broon74 said...

I see where you're coming from now SR, some times I can be clumsy myself.

(Ironically, when I read your post, I was completely shit-faced... I'm joking! I wasn't, honest... ;-)

subrosa said...

Mmm, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt pa_broon. :)

Gordon the Fence Post Tortoise said...

so the app didn't work for you?

I wonder how much they paid for it?

If I were to hazard a guess that if it wren't cobbled together for pocket money by an "executive"'s spotty teenage offspring then the bill for an app that didn't work might well run to £10K+ or if they were spectacularly goosed three or four times that.

I can feel www.whatdotheyknow.com coming on - will you? - or shall I?

subrosa said...

No it didn't Gordon. I doubt if these things are cheap, especially when it's interactive.

You go for it! Remember to give us the link.

Ian said...

Who was it who said," I've never slept with any ugly women after a night in the bar but I've woken up with a few " ?

subrosa said...

Possibly one of my past lovers Ian. :)

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