Normally I pay little attention to celebrity endorsements of political parties, but having followed and admired the work of Brian Cox for many years - as well as keeping an eye on how well he's wearing because he's only a day younger than me - I was delighted to discover the life-long Labour supporter has decided to support the SNP next month because, "The SNP has a vision for education in Scotland and the experience to ensure that they see it through."
Brian is currently the rector of Dundee University and the 'word on the street' is he's doing an excellent job fighting to keep our education standards. His defection will add to the woes of Labour who had an alarming Manifesto launch yesterday.
Two other high profile Scots have declared their support for the SNP; the writer Iain Banks and the highly successful actor Alan Cumming. This is excellent news for Alex Salmond and the SNP.
Note: Prior to writing this post I spent some time trying to find prominent Scots who are supporting Labour in the Holyrood elections. It was my intention to show my impartiality by posting a picture of one or two. I found one.
Do you think, SR, that one day the Nats might find a Scottish 'patriot' who lives in Scotland?
Surely that's the dream of Salmond.
One has to admire and respect Mr Brian Cox for openly and publicly supporting Alex Salmond.
Mr Cox has been a lifelong Labour supporter, and no doubt will continue to support many of their policies. However, as he said himself –
“Alas, my position as rector of Dundee University supersedes in this situation my hitherto strong Labour Party affiliation.”
Oh! - If only our politicians would selflessly stand by their principles on education, or on any topic.
That's rather a parochial view William and it's certainly not mine. Let's be honest, Scotland isn't really the best place from which to travel is it? Every journey has to involve London.
When we're independent we can build a better infrastructure.
Aye, he's a man who has never been afraid to voice his opinions JRB. Are all Dundonians like that? :)
I remember some 30 years ago, when a colleague of mine with two young girls was posted to Prestwick by our employer.
The girls were very upset, as were their parents, when they were placed in classes two years below their age group, as the education in Essex at that time was about two years behind that in Scotland. Fortunately,they were both very bright and soon recovered lost ground and in due course went to Scottish Universities.
Now I gather that the standards in our countries are very similar, and as they've clearly fallen here in England, something terrible must have happened in Scotland!
The discussions between Coxie and the Principal of Dundee must be interesting.
>> When we're independent we can build a better infrastructure.
And free ice-cream for all!
The system still differs EP but you're right, we're no longer in the excellent category here. I blame that on the introduction of comprehensive schools, plus the introduction of NVQs which certainly has lowered standards.
There's a qualification for everything these days. Unfortunately few show the amount of work put in by the student.
I believe they get on fine Alec but it's not a match made in heaven. Both are strong and enlightened enough characters to remember courtesy never loses.
Auch not ice cream. :(
Isn't part of the economic success of any country to have an infrastructure which makes access and agress convenient?
I'm not sure how current Scottish services compare to, say, Denmark or - to use one of Salmond's favoured models - Montenegro, but all these highfalutin ideas of what we'll done on independence really should have been put to bed with the collapse of the arc of prosperity.
Funny, I would have expected you to be in favour of tutition fees. Everyone congratulating Salmond for his "vision" might end-up finding themselves doing a Nick Clegg not-too soon.
Mr Gray's second rapid exit strategy continued this morning when faced by a few angry public sector workers protesting about cuts at Glasgow Central Station. The hapless Fudd was there to promote Labour's commitment to reinstate GARL. Despite the best efforts of his trusty bouncer, Mrs Curran, he withdrew and was chased along the street until seeking refuge in a sandwich bar - before ordering an extra large chicken roll? The clip is currently on BBC 'Scotland' if you hurry before the BBC takes it down.
I'd like to think that perhaps Mr Salmond would have stood his ground to speak with the protestors?
I heard somewhere that Mr Brown may be resigning at the end of this week in time for his seat to be renewed at the election in May.
Speaking from outside the quagmire of Scottish politics-it has a poor capacity for covering up its sharny shortcomings-I noticed the news that the honorary licentiate of Robert Gordon's- Donald Trump- has expressed his interest in the greatest office of the west.
Now that will be a feather in the bunnet for Alex Salmond of that ilk.
But have no fear, I have emailed Daft Donald with the details of Scottish lang spoon makers, in finest Feughside birkwood, for any time he wishes to sup with his buddy. I also hear that Donald intends to take up residence in Slains castle, restored to its former glory, and with a 40 storey black reflective glass, sustainably built annex to the rear,(for Donald's essential “me time”)-and overlooking the twin metropolises of Boddam and Gommorah, aka the “bloo” toon, an epithet that perfectly captures its heady , ironic mix of both literal and metaphoric frigidity, and abandoned licentiousness, and surely a great candidate for development as a rival to Las Vegas. Of course all will know that Slains is locally thought to have fired the imagination of Bram Stoker, as he whiled away his time at Whinnyfold.
Dracule Donald, the Timeshare Tout of Uptown Manhatten, and a plump, pink Sandy Nick at the Newburgh hotel, carousing over Sticky Toffee pudding- its signature dish-now that is a thought to warm the blood of our beating Scottish hearts. (So much the better to suck.)
>> I'd like to think that perhaps Mr Salmond would have stood his ground to speak with the protestors?
You'd like to think, of course.
The 'Citizens United Against Cuts to Public Services'? Who are they and who appointed them the disruptors of democratically elected politicans?
I'd like to think that Salmond's less-than-consistent control of his temper when faced with opposition would have got the better of him, and he'd decked at least half a dozen. I'd pay to watch that.
Was Adam Ramsay involved?
Oil at $120 a barrel.
The Scots should be super rich.
- Aangirfan
No Alec, that's defeatist. Not everyone agrees with Salmond's arc of prosperity but once we're independent we can find the way, by trial and error of course, how we wish to govern our country.
I'm not in favour of tuition fees and neither am I in favour of comprehensive schools and having youngsters being paid to go to school. We need a radical change in our schooling system and reduce the numbers going to university. Only those who receive top grade qualifications should be admitted and universities should be stopped from being businesses and start providing for the future of our brightest.
We can and should have equally brilliant colleges for those who don't reach the qualifications but would benefit from a few years of study.
It makes no sense to me that a young person studies 4 years to get a first in engineering (surely you agree that's a top degree) yet a young person spends 4 years studying media. The courses need to be revised also, but the universities won't like to do that because the more bums on seats the more money they get.
Clarinda, I saw the video on the STV site. Have a look. I'm sure it was a chicken roll, then his statement about Rwanda made me laugh. He was the manage for goodness sake. He's have been sheltered by more than Mrs Curran walking the streets there.
I know too much about Ofam to give Mr Gray much respect.
Aye, he's only got until tomorrow to speak up has Snotty. Wonder if he will?
Aye MacPuddick, the Donald has make soundings for some time about taking the heid job and you're right, he'd walk all ower oor politicians nae bither.
Ah didnae ken aboot him takin Slains Castle though. Tut tut.
I thought clootie dumpling was oor signature dish, but maybe it's too wholesome and not full of unnecessary ingredients.
Alec, since when has anyone had to be 'appointed' to make a public protest?
If the protest about GARL had been in Perth I'd have been there too asking questions.
These groups have appointed themselves. Nine people!
No-one could have stayed to reason with them, because their demands - no cuts - is unreasonable and unobtainable. They should be ignored as the anti-democratic trouble-makers they are.
>> No Alec, that's defeatist. Not everyone agrees with Salmond's arc of prosperity [...]
Well, he was the one appealing to it. Why should someone so badly wrong be given the benefit of the doubt?
>> [...] but once we're independent we can find the way, by trial and error of course, how we wish to govern our country.
That's an argument, but you'll find that the one which has bewitched many SNP voters is that the means for prosperity are there and simply being with-held from us.
People such as you, at the end of your working lives and with savings or assets through your houses, might see it as an ideological cause, but others might weigh up the need for providing for their families with the having to finance you in your dotage, and go for the former.
The bastards.
I appointed myself when I protested about c.diff in my local hospital a few years ago Alec. I didn't realise I needed anyone's permission.
Ideological cause just because I'm in my 60s? That's a little hard hitting.
No Alec, I've been reading, listening and talking to many who have far greater knowledge than me about self determination for most of my life. I've lived in a few independent countries.
Whether I have savings or a home which I have worked for over 40 years has nothing to do with it. If I sold my home I'd still have to buy another.
Do you mean that those who don't own their homes are not ideologists?
You may not be aware but many of my generation sacrificed a great deal for our families and also managed to save a little to pay for problems in our old age. That's was the culture of my generation.
We never dreamt that as soon as we had a job we must own our homes but that's the way it is now.
I'm reasonably well aware of some of the major problems which will occur when Scotland is independent but all countries have them and it's up to the people to decide - after being provided with all sides of the argument.
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