Saturday 6 February 2010

Bush At War

One of my readers, Crinkley & Ragged Arsed Philosophers, is an erudite blogger but little known.

Ragged Arsed (as he prefers to be called), was given a Christmas present of Bob Woodward's trilogy of Bush at War.

He has now completed reading the tomes and has posted a comprehensive review, 'Pit Bulls, Poodles and Politics'. It confirms what many think but cannot prove.

I won't be purchasing Mr Woodward's trilogy after struggling to finish Alistair Campbell's tedious novel All In The Mind, but at least I have an idea of the 'fascinating - disturbing - shocking- or downright frightening' powers of those who wander the corridors of the White House.

You too can read it here.


Oldrightie said...

'fascinating - disturbing - shocking- or downright frightening' powers of those who wander the corridors of the White House.

You can apply this to Downing Street but omit fascinating.

Cate Munro said...

Bravo you for managing to read "all in the Mind" ! Needless to say my levels of concentration fail me when it comes to the dead tree press ;-)

subrosa said...

Yes you can OR. I was just quoting Ragged Arsed but he did say delete as appropriate. :)

subrosa said...

TT, that book was a struggle. It didn't 'flow' for me and the story line was stilted and truthfully just a series of folk sitting in a psychiatrist's office. It wasn't a novel.

It'll certainly be the last I read of his and I've returned to my Stuart McBridge, Quentin Jardine and all the good crime writers we have - plus a few decent biographies etc.

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