Monday 19 October 2009

Dave Ducks and Dives Debate

Isn't that a terrible photograph? I expect it was paid for as part of a PR portfolio.

The reason for this post is not to discuss David Cameron's photogenic talents or the talents of his photographer, but to record that Mr Cameron has rejected the idea of a series of debates between all three party leaders.

Gordon Brown has proposed up to six debates while the libdems are demanding three three-way debates.

Both labour and the libdems are accusing the Tory leader of "backing down" after months of calling for a television debate. Why is he backing down when he's already agreed to one debate. Do we want a series of debates between these three on our TV screens?

This is a clever move by Brown who, if we remember, has avoided televised debates like the plague. He doesn't want even one now either, so he offers a whole strong if them knowing the tories will reject his proposal.

One broadcaster involved in the negotiations described the situation as "madness." "The detail is bringing it down. The danger is it will continue getting bogged down and at this rate may never happen."

Seems Gordon Brown will come out of this being the 'good guy' while David Cameron, the one whose idea it was initially, will be the 'bad guy'.

The SNP should continue their argument about being included in high profile debates though, because they deserve far more exposure in the MSM - the disgraceful lack of coverage of their conference this past weekend is testament to that.


Clarinda said...

Enough already. What we really need to know is when are we going to have a debate about the debate on the debate about having a debate?

manwiddicombe said...

The proposed format of the '6 debates' idea is madness. Brown-Clegg, Clegg-Cameron, Cameron-Brown followed (or interspersed) by 3 3-way debates on a single issue.

Trust Gordon to overcomplexify the situation .. .. ..

Anonymous said...

Brown knew that Cameron would never agree to spend half of the rest of his life debating with him on telly...

You're right Subrosa, the wee wiley git has managed to make it look like he was up for the debate... Fat chance. No one really believes that.

And the reason that they won't debate with our Fist Minister, all of them, is that he'd wash the floor with each and every one of them.

Anonymous said...

Hum... he's not our "Fist" Minister at all, although it looked like Mr ...erm, I forget his name, that wee chubby one that he washes the floor with... he wants to be the Fisty Cuffs minister.

I meant of course our First Minister.

brownlie said...

I understand the working title for the proposed broadcast is the "X Certificate Factor".

subrosa said...

Oh Clarinda, you do cheer me up. These debates, if they happen, will be so staged they won't be worth viewing.

subrosa said...

He's doing that purposely of course captain. All part of the strategy to eventually have broadcasters hold their hands up and say 'I give up'. Then Gordon doesn't have to say no does he?

subrosa said...

Ah tris, we're on the same wavelength.

Do you mean the man who sits to the left of the SNP in Parliament and calls himself a leader? Fisty Cuffs minister indeed - good one! As they say in Dundee, he couldnae punch his way oota a paper bag.

subrosa said...

And here's me under the illusion it was to be called the' Y factor' brownlie. Of course we'll never be told Y because none of them knows.

Great Big Billygoat Gruff said...

Don't trust this man, don't ever trust this man.

He has a Tony Blair morality; me, myself and I.

He will do anything, say anything to get elected and if the people of Scotland think that for one moment he will not treat Scotland with utter contempt after he is in control they deserve what they are going to get.

A vote for Labour in the hope that they will defend Scotland and our interests only strengthens Cameron's hand.

I am not a member of the SNP and even I can see that unless the SNP get a wad of MPs, say 25+ and get an overall majority at Holyrood Scotland will be shafted royally.

Nikostratos said...

SNP conference..what? where? when ?

Allan said...

Can't really be sure that Cameron is entirely up for the debate(s), after all he must have pulled a muscle with that faux anger during his speech.

The "Heir to Blair" indeed.

subrosa said...

It's good to hear the opinion of someone like you Billy. Sometimes you see the wider picture from a distance.

subrosa said...

Niko, you've blown it. You work for the BBC don't you? They didn't know there was a conference on either or I'm sure they would have had all their political commentators there - just as they did in England over the past weeks.

subrosa said...

Aye Allan, I'm not impressed by the man. He holds himself so tightly to the script making the flaws more obvious.

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