Wednesday 8 July 2009

If You Own a Mobile Please Read

I must thank young Daniel 1974 for discovering this. As most of us know from the middle of July there will be a mobile phone directory which will list every active mobile in the country. This information will be held in the usual style of a 118 directory service and will hold the number for minors and the elderly. The database is unfiltered and obviously there will be companies purchasing call lists which will be available.

The database is said to have over 15m numbers collected from various agencies and companies and also from brokerage firms which buy and sell person information, such as telephone numbers. The information on this database has been purchased in a manner which has satisfied the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) which investigates allegations of breaches into the Data Protection Act.

If you don't want to be part of this directory, you can go ex-directory before the launch of this service by following a few simple steps. It is free. Have your mobile phone to hand before you begin the process which takes less than 2 minutes.

Click 'Home' then 'Ex-Directory' in the menu at the top of the page.

Enter your mobile number and the security words which appear on the screen.

This will take you to a new page where you need to enter a 5 digit code which will be sent to you by text a few moments after entering that page.

That's it done. I've managed it so I'm sure anyone can.

Update: I notice this morning that 118 800 have changed their page to state they don't sell numbers etc.


Obnoxio The Clown said...

I actually know a little about this service and I think they're getting undeservedly bad press.

You can opt out, obviously, like you can from a telephone directory, but the key thing is that they contact you and ask you if you want to accept a call from the person calling you or they send you the phone number of the person calling you. You can always choose not to accept the call or ignore the number they send you.

So it's always under your control. ;o)

subrosa said...

Nothing about that on their website Obo.

I bow to your superior knowledge but quite honestly, the way governments handle data, I'd rather be out of the loop. I don't trust any of them.

It took me 3 years to get the correct spelling of my surname fixed on their residential directory.

Nikostratos said...


I wonder how you would feel if a person was to knock on your door to ask if you would like to talk to someone.

you go and answer the door(when you have far more important things to do) you say no thanks.

A few minutes later another knock on your door would you like to speak to some one..Uh no thanks back to what you was doing

a few minutes later knock..knock..knock

I think you get the idea getting unsolicited calls on your mobile from unwanted sales people is bound to end up with a lot of complaints..

we have only recently managed to stop (after many months) the tyranny of unsolicited calls(probably from a call center in India) every single day around 5pm to 7pm

The people who allowed this should be stood against a wall and have mobiles thrown at them until they are dead.

I shall be opting out forthwith if not sooner.

Bugger Lugs said...

Mr Myze;inxljhqsbpdijunepiuvn

Switch on the house cloaking device

Nikostratos said...

well done subrosa
i have just gone ex directory and am now doing it for the rest of my family.....Hooray

Just wait until that sight is up and running complaints galore! mark my words

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up. My cell phone is for close friends only. My landline is fine for others who wish to phone me.

Good of you to share. I'll make sure all my family are aware too.

Clarinda said...

Despite signing up to an effective opt-out system of barring unsolicited 'cold calling' Sales phonecalls, they have found a loophole and now present themselves through 'cold call' Promotions instead! Hence the renewed morning and tea-time deluge of "Anthonys" and "Marions", with interesting accents, breaking the good news that I have been "specially selected".

Apparently the ID card u-turn unilaterally declared by Postman Pat Johnson is a fraud and personal details are being collated from a range of other sources via a legal instrument currently being sneaked through Westminster. Transparency anyone?

subrosa said...

There is that Niko. I'd rather not be on their base than have the bother of trying to remove myself from it once it's up and running.

subrosa said...

Same here tris. My mobile is personal.

subrosa said...

Better never to opt in Clarinda than to have to opt out. I usually say 'Eh? Whit? Wh? Whit?' until they put the phone down. But it is annoying the few I get.

Now I shall go and dig around to find out more about that this evening. Doesn't surprise me in the least of course, we're the most watched country in Europe.

Did you know councils receive data from the Post Office about the letters delivered to address and the addressees? They also know the percentage of mail coming to a specific address and person. For example, if I had 4 people living here and of course with 4 different names, they know exactly what percentage of mail is delivered to each person.

So much for privacy.

CrazyDaisy said...


Me and Mrs Crazy have opted out, sneaky sneak feckers.

Right, time to have tea, pouring rain today, at least it's sunny for the Ball at the weekend!

Hoots mon!

Crazy D

subrosa said...

Well done CD. Sunny here. Auch you'll survive the ball, they have gazebos and things these days!

banned said...

What are the chances of them using the opt out clause to produce a database of shady characters who want to be 'anonymous' which is suspicious innit ?
My mobile is unregistered since I lied when I bought it, it still works fine though I am expecting to be ear-tazzered when they make registration compulsory.
Good work though SR, Obo and Daniel

Any forthcoming junk calls will probably come 'caller number withheld' in which case I would ignore it anyway, in the same way tht I would not open my door to someone wearing a facemask ( or burka ).

subrosa said...

My problem is I have a couple of friends who do withhold their mobile number when they phone banned, so I was delighted to remove myself from this database.

Indyanhat said...

OOps too late the page says they won't let you opt out until the system is up and running now. which means it will publish your number before you can opt out, so everyone left on the system now will have their numbers sold off to god knows how many firms who deal in such things.
Can't think of a way round it as yet, but thanks for the warning!!

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