Wednesday 29 July 2009

Heffner Has a Go at David Cameron

We all know the tories have no chance of being the biggest political party in Scotland, but the scenario is difference in England. If David Cameron does win the next general election it will affect Scotland, whether we like it or not.

Those of us who keep an eye on Westminster politics have wondered why David Cameron and his party aren't completely on top, considering the opportunities he has had because of the bungling and incompetent present government in Westminster. He has seldom dominated PMQs and his announcement to shelve the recommendations of the Calman Commission was not well received in Scotland.

Simon Heffner, one of his commentators, gave a rather brutal assessment of the tory party in yesterday's Telegraph and the comments are worth a glance too.


Great Big Billygoat Gruff said...

I have always felt that Cameron is a political makeweight.

Faced with the most incompetent Chancellor and then Prime Minister who is congenitally gaff prone Cameron seems incapable of landing a killer blow.

He lacks incision, retort wasting humour and gravitas over the dispatch box.

I feel that he couldn't score in a bordello, so taken is he with himself and not putting a foot wrong.

He is as vacuous in detail as was Tony Bliar but no where as adept.

In short he is a man looking for a party to lead. He is just not capable of picking it up by the scruff of the neck and sticking it into Gorgon. He like to morris dance to much but doesn't have the Cloggies boot manoeuvres.

He is surrounded by marketing men, plotting a strategy to take him to high office but ignoring the elephant in the room, Scotland, which will have to wait until he gets around to it. Like Thatcher, he doesn't need Scotland so, why bother. He will emulate her contempt for Scotland only until we bit him on his erse.

Roll on the GE.

The Labour party will not defend Scotland nor will Anna or the Libs.

We are on our own.

If Scotland fails to back the SNP, God help us and we will deserve everything we get.

subrosa said...

He's being far too cautious, timid even Billy. That's not leadership. He lacks passion - that's what makes great leaders.

Nobody will defend Scotland so yes, we are on our own. The SNP continues to do great work campaigning but it's still the west that's a difficult nut to crack. Yes John Mason won, but 'one swallow doesn't make a summer'.

Glenrothes was a disaster. They ignored the warnings about the costs for the elderly and they paid the price.

INCOMING!!!!!!! said...

Everytime we see these clowns on the MSM remember what they are saying/writing has been rehearsed, coached, re-rehearsed and signed off by their handlers over and over and over again.

What we see/read is what their handlers want us to see. If you feel that you could knock seven bells out of these placemen in a debate over any point of oppositional or goverment policy,that is because the whole bally thing is being moderated for a very specific event/purpose that they've been hatching/rehersing. Not necessarily with these specific placemen taking leading roles though.

The MSM are orchestrated to give some Fourth Estate/Fifth Column, left/right cover to get us all expectorating.

They're all fake, pay them no attention.

Heads up.

Oldrightie said...

I thought this was to be about Hugh Hefner! Heffer is a failed Tory candidate and full of sour grapes. As for DC, magic, write him off before he's even in power. Not your best post ever, my dear Subrosa. I remember how villified Churchill was and virtually an out cast, pre-war.

subrosa said...

Now now OR. you know I feel DC isn't defined enough with certain issues. Heffner outlines some I've already mentioned to you.

I'm all for giving him a chance though as you know, but do tell him to be kind to Scotland and encourage the Scots to go alone. :)

subrosa said...

I suppose it was always so oncoming. Alex Salmond and DC are good at spreading the word without making it sound over-rehearsed. Alex just has the edge with his passion I think and that's where the votes are.

As for Gordon Brown, well, I don't have time. When I have a day or two ...

Fitaloon said...

Underestimate Cameron at your risk.

As for Heffer, if you believe anything he says next you'll be telling me Scotland will become independent in the next 10 years.

subrosa said...

Morning FL, you know I'm not a tory and this wasn't a tory-bashing post by me. I'm prepared to listen to all parties' views and I just feel the tories have missed a few tricks recently. Why I don't know because I do find DC has a rather pleasant personality when he's on the MSM.

No FL not the next 10 years, we've to get rid of my generation beforehand. :)

Richard T said...

Subrosa be careful what you wish for. A Tory government will be detrimental to Scotland's interests - if you have any doubt just read Simon Heffer's columnsIf elected. If elected, the incoming tories will do what every Tory government does - cut services and benefits to those who need them to protect the incomes and privilege of the better off. The prospective cut in inheritance tax is a good example. It will only benefit the rich and anyone thinking this a good move is deluded by the running dogs of the gutter press.

Conan the Librarian™ said...

Strangely enough, one of the first posts I ever did was on Heffer.
Something on the lines that I would pee on him, but only if he wasn't alight.

subrosa said...

Indeed Richard, there is so little difference these days.

subrosa said...

Conan, yer just wonderful! I'm sure you're aware many of the English blogs, especially the tory ones, are jumping up and down at his article but he has mentioned a few things which have been noted by me.

The poor Telegraph. Gigantic sales throughout June then back to their usual readership numbers. All this and it's still nicknamed the Torygraph too.

sm753 said...

I'm going to (almost) use a word which DC himself apparently used today.

It rhymes with "cat".

Heffer is a tw*t.

Henry Booth said...

I think that actually most of the scottish anti-tory comes from the thatcher days (ye gods! really? can I have my prize now?!?!)

But Cameron's mum and dad were scots, and so was his missus's. yeah he may be home counties through and through... but I think party guilt from the days of thatcher (aka the great devourer, whore of babylon etc) means that we might not do too badly out of a conservative victory.

Henry Booth said...

whoops, his wife isn't scottish, my bad.

Conan the Librarian™ said...

I find myself agreeing with sm753 again.
I'm scared...

Henry, if there had been a Scottish devolved government during the Thatcher years, we would now be living in a Scots Republic; of that I am sure.

Allan said...

The first thing to remember is that these comments come from one of the more right wing contributers to Question Time.

However, it does seem that Cameron is the heir to Blair in more ways than one in terms of trying to be as inclusive as possable, rather than play the Tory card of tax cuts for the rich straight away. Strange to see this aping of Blair not really going down well with the Tory grandees, considering that pragmatism used to be a Tory strong point pre Thatcher.

I have said before, and i will probably write a post about this in the near future, but i think that there is milage in the SNP running the next general election campaign as a referendum on the Union. Both Cameron and Brown would be forced to spend time defending the union rather than do what they have done in every GE since devolution, ignore Scotland.

Nikostratos said...

Churchill I mean comparing Cameron to Churchill....Shakes head with a sigh!

Conan the Librarian™ said...

There are many similarities Niko.
They both went to public schools, their names both begin with C,they are both Torys, Churchill ordered troops out on the streets of Glasgow, Cameron *will* order troops out on the streets of Glasgow, etc.

Ewan Hoyle said...

"George Osborne, his economically illiterate shadow chancellor" Ouch!

I fear the coming of the conservatives, as it will almost certainly be accompanied by a surge for the SNP, unless of course Cameron isn't half as conservative as Heffer wants him to be and there is no reason to burn the border in a desperate attempt to escape.

subrosa said...

Morning Ewan. A rather grand display of party posturing don't you think but again, it's fun to read.

Indeed much depends on how Dave will co-operate with Scotland.

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