Monday 15 June 2009

The 4th Iraq War Inquiry

Gordon Brown announced the 4th inquiry into the Iraq War this afternoon. The last three didn't give the public much information and because this one is to be held behind closed doors and within the confines of Westminster, there is little hope that it will be different.

He says it will cover the period between the start of the war in 2001 and 2009. I think it should cover the year prior to the start of the war, when it was muted that Tony Blair and George Bush planned the war during a visit by Tony Blair to Camp David.

Also it must be held in public. To use the excuse of confidentiality is not acceptable. It would be simple to hold parts of the inquiry in private if they were deemed to be a risk to national security, but to deny the families and friends of the fallen transparency is, without question, contemptible.

The proposal to stretch the inquiry until after the general election is one which will seriously backfire on Gordon Brown and the labour party. Our Prime Minister has forgotten the millions who protested on our streets and worldwide about this war and they, along with those who have military connections, will ensure labour are kept out of power for many years.

Gordon Brown only wants 'lessons to be learned' and no blame attributed. I want the culprits blamed and shamed. Why should anyone escape from accepting responsibility for their actions?


Startled Leafletter said...

Again, our undemocratic, unelected dictators decide to insult the memory of men and women who died for this county by covering up the government's totally inadequate resourcing for the forces.

Our troops deserve better than this.

subrosa said...

Far better SL, far better. What about the hundreds seriously injured? They must be feeling so let down right now. I can't believe how most of our politicians can sleep at night having these deaths and injuries being partly their responsibility.

Anonymous said...

It is beneath contempt, and somehow the odious little man thinks that we are going to believe anything that comes from this private inquiry...

The lot of them should be in the Hague now preparing themselves to be shot.

subrosa said...

Tris, it's the guilty judging the guilty.

Veritas said...

Join the fightback against the whitewash:

An inquiry has to go back to at least 1990 and the UN resolutions for the liberation of Kuwait and relating to WMD. It also needs to consider the period from 1998 onwards in detail as this is when UN monitors were withdrawn prior to Op Desert Fox.

From my knowledge I guess that the decision to go to war was taken in mid-2002 and I know that war planning was taking place from mid-to-late 2002 onwards.

We all know about the dossiers - the intelligence picture for the entire period needs to be considered - why did Iraq become a threat so rapidly (and conveniently)?? Hmm...

Anonymous said...


Sorry i disagree, okay i would have been 4 when the first Iraq war started but from what i read it was justified... The second Iraq war was not and was conducted on something called WOMD but we never found any.

subrosa said...

Spook I posted about inquiries into the present Iraq war not the one back 20 years ago. Google the (pathetic) enquiries which have been done so far.

subrosa said...

Thanks veritas, I've already got you on my reader.

Anonymous said...


"Spook I posted about inquiries into the present Iraq war not the one back 20 years ago. Google the (pathetic) enquiries which have been done so far."

Subrosa i know that and its fair to say we are both on the same boat on this issue, my response was to Veritas and having this inquiry going back to 1990 which i cant see the point on doing so...

brownlie said...

Would it be too cynical to suggest that this is an attempt by Brown to thwart the full public inquiry that Cameron has promised if he wins power at the General Election? It is surely in the Labour government's interests to hold the inquiry behind closed doors. Even at that, to cover every angle, he has ensured that the "findings" will not be made known until after any General Election.

Anonymous said...

No Brownlie, it would not be too cynical at all.

Indeed I doubt if anything could be too cynical when looking at this duplicitous lot.

I hope Cameron has another inquiry, one that will try ot find the truth.

Then, if they find themselves short of marksmen to do the shooting when they are found guilty in the Hague (which I doubt), I'll gladly pull the trigger on Blair, Brown, Hoon, and that wee git Browne.

subrosa said...

Brownlie, 12 years ago Brown would have got away with this type of crap, but nowadays we know his government exists on lies.

subrosa said...

Sorry Spook if I mistook your meaning. The Iraq war was planned long before 2001.

Anonymous said...

Its as if there was a little amateur bomb disposal man in Gordon's head disconnecting all the wrong wires, every decision he makes blows up in his face.

subrosa said...

Lorenzo, the bomb disposal man is called Mandy.

wisnaeme said...

I will suggest that Iran was not a minor consideration in Dubya and company's reasoning for invading Iraq.

I will do more than just merely suggest that it was the Iran factor that was the major consideration and primary motive of Dubya and co in their foreign adventurism.

Many senior Iraqi figures in positions of power cultivated Oxbridge accents. Indeed many received Sandhurst training.

... and despite the nature of the Iraqi regieme, there was close unofficial links between it and the UK establishment.

...and to even suggest that HM's government was uninformed about Iraq's capabilities or the lack of them, is to be gullible in the extreme.

So which country was more of a threat with regard to WMD's and was not exactly USA, Neo Con user friendly in that region?

Let me guess.


Anonymous said...

To your peace-loving hangers, floggers and shooters. We do NOT shoot people who are found guilt of war crimes. NONE of them. Not even if they deserve it.

Grow up.

Tony Blair is a hero, as history books will show. Get off his back, with your ignorant KNOWledge.

You know nothing.

subrosa said...

I'll let you guess wisnaeme but I'm sure you'll be right.

Your assumption is thought correct by many and was planned long before Tony Blair decided to join in the crime.

It's well known that Sandhurst processed many Iraquis over the years and with the assistance of the Westminster government of course. They set the fees and conditions of entry.

This puppet inquiry will yield nothing more than we know already.

subrosa said...

Keeptonyblairforpm, you're perfectly entitled to your opinion.

Tony Blair is no hero. He lied to the UK electorate. That makes him a liar.

wisnaeme said...

Did someone mention "Cuddles" again, Subrosa?

I see the Knunts incorporated have just headhunted a new high flying PR fella for the Broon Jobbie. One of "Cuddles's" aquaintances. "Your faithful servant" of the money men, no less.

Whose brother just happens to be,

Heid shed of the Telewag and "your most faithful servant" of Barclay brother, esquires, incorp.


subrosa said...

I'm a wee bitty lost here itwisnaeme. Naebody has mentioned cuddles tae me fur months.

Is a bloke named Will Lewis not the editor of the Torygraph?

Auch it's possibly because I'm tired and about to go to bed. :)

Baron's Life said...

Sorry folks, it seems to me, we're all being politically correct beating around the bush and being tushy nice...
Do you realy, for one minute, think the truth will come out....dream on... I would like our politicians to explain to me how one of our victims, soldiers, sons, daughter's death in a foreign land, beseiged by fanatics who would behead you without giving it a second thought, is protecting us... when we are not really willing to use real military power to erradicate them as we did with Hitler..., please go think about it and give me a break... this is a big farce...this is an old boy's club..if we want to secure our homelands, people, next generation, we need to be able to stand up and shoot....period, point finale...these politicians could go fuck themselves so far as I am concerned...but hey...that's only my opinion

subrosa said...

Morning Baron. Your opinion is important. I think the words the politicians use are 'don't upset the natives.'

brownlie said...

keeptony etc etc

What is "ignorant KNOWledge"???

I suspect history books will eventually show, in one way or another, the exact opposite.

CrazyDaisy said...


Having served both in 1991 and in Iraq - I went the second time because I was better informed and ashamed of Tony fuckwit Bliar's behaviour and lies.

I went to rebuild and I pointed that out to my sons that I was not going as a warhero to be glorified, far from it.

This "secret" enquiry is being held to deny transparency and those that have suffered a voice. When the GE rolls around then we all have a democratic right to vote these incompetent troughing knuts out and permanently.

Gordon and Tony et al have the blood of thousands on their hands and are War Criminals, period.

Remember the Government does not hold the loyalty of the Armed Forces - they swore loyalty to protect the people and the Queen.

As usual I predict a riot!

Crazy D

subrosa said...

Indeed they do CD and isn't it time the heid bummers started to tell the truth about Iraq rather than cover for the government? Mind you they'd be pushed out of a job I suppose.

Anither riot doon sooth? Dustbin lids at the ready. Damn, we dinnae hae dustbin lids these days and I couldnae wield a wheelie bin!

Anonymous said...


I was being lighthearted when I suggested that I would shoot the lying creeps of cabinet ministers. I know that they are not shot.

I can't for the life of me see where you could get the idea that Blair is any kind of hero though.

Ask Rose Gentle and others like her about that if you will. Ask the hundreds of thousands of people with horrific injuries in Iraq just how much of a hero he is.

Just a point of interest from you please. If the removal of a dictator in Iraq made Blair good and right, when are we starting on other places that have dictators? There are plenty of them. And if it was to remove the WMD, I suggest that we invade North Korea next. They actually HAVE WMDs.

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