Wednesday 4 March 2009


As my regular readers know I seldom quote other blogs without comment.  This post from Craig Murray requires no comment apart from the fact that we are a democracy and each citizen is entitled to freedom of speech.  It starts:

'March 4, 2009

Your Help Needed - Reveal Torture to Stop It

On Tuesday 10 March the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights will discuss whether or not to hear my evidence on the UK government's policy of using intelligence from torture. They discussed whether to hear my evidence on 3 March but failed to reach a conclusion.

The government is lobbying hard for my exclusion. I need everybody to send an email to to urge that I should be allowed to give evidence. Just a one-liner would be fine. If you are able to add some comment on the import of my evidence, or indicate that you have heard me speak or read my work, that may help. Please copy your email to

Please also pass on this plea to anyone you can and urge them to act. Help from other bloggers in posting this appeal would be much appreciated.' 

'I was British Ambassador in Uzbekistan from 2002 to 2004. '

The remainder of the post outlines the key points he wishes to make.  Do consider sending an email to
Note:  This post is not because I necessarily agree with Craig's opinions but I do believe in British citizens having rights.


Faux Cu said...

Could you please tell me why H Governent is lobbying hard so that a former member of our Diplomatic Corps will not be permitted to share his insight and experience with your committee?

Have they something to hide for, they are acting as thought it were so.

Yours faithfully

Faux Cul (not my real name silly)
(concerned British Citizen)

subrosa said...

I've also emailed Faux Cu. It's the fact that they're attempting to silence one of their (ex) own that troubles me too.

Faux Cu said...

Why is it just we two?

subrosa said...

I've no idea at all Faux Cu. Obviously our freedoms aren't too important to many.

This is the thin edge of the wedge as you say because Craig was 'one of them' until he was brought home. I think somewhere on his blog he explains all.

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