Tuesday, 13 January 2009

My Beliefs

Having spent much of my working life in Europe, when I returned to Scotland in the 80s, I realised how down-trodden and defeated the people appeared to be.

Not that it was obvious initially, but having bought a house in what was a staunch Tory area at the time, so many people were quite happy to accept what the government in Westminster expounded.  Nobody questioned anything, we were all subservient.  At local government level it was much worse.  In my area the majority of councillors were labour (84%) and it had been that way for many years.  They had destroyed the city of my birth and I was angry.  Then again, in Dundee it had always been a staunch labour supporting electorate and I think the people of Dundee expected great things from labour, as they had in the past.

The early 90s rolled on and I realised, with some thorough research, that my country was being sold down the Tay.  The finances didn't add up.  By that I mean the amount of money which was popped into the UK Treasury in comparison with the money returned.  No point in giving URLs for this, but I'm sure readers will find details very easily on google.

Since my eyes were opened, my view is that Scotland could well be independent.  The problem is that the UK government don't think so.  They need Scotland.  Not because of the skills of the people or the contribution they make to the world, but they need Scotland because of our oil and hydro assets.  Of course the fact that Scotland has a third of the coastal line of UK comes into it because, once tidal technologies are perfected, Scotland will be by far in advance of the rest of the UK and Europe.

But it all comes down to money as we see from the latest GERS report.  England would be happy to be shot of the Scots;  in fact the English would wish us well as they've been brainwashed into thinking the Scots are 'given' so much more money than themselves.  The English are delightful folk (give or take exceptions as in any nationality) and would have no problems with us being able to make our own decisions.  Many of my English friends think it only natural that they produce a passport when coming so far north now.

I sympathise with my unionist friends.  They feel the need to cling to the status quo because they know no different.  Fortunately most are 55+ and will die out within 20+ years (that includes me).

It can be hard to accept change but change must be made for Scotland.  We must start to think we're able, education levels must be radically improved (back to what they were in the 50s), confidence must be boosted (that's up to the government) and people must start to think how they can improve themselves - without the constant lies of Westminster.

As a conclusion, I am not a member of the SNP although I support their aims.  I am in accord with policies of some of the other parties - although I do think labour policies (I hear you say what policies) are limp and so dated.

My desire is for my country to be one of the successful small countries in Europe and the world and take full responsibility for our own affairs.


Nikostratos said...

policies which one's are they do let us know..And Unionists always cling to 'nanny' it's just the way we are

McGonagall said...

Very well said Subrosa. Your comments reflect my thoughts and feelings but delivered with an eloquence, and sincerity that is both powerful, and persuasive.

subrosa said...

Niko, I don't have a month to tell you the policies I'd like but improving the decimation of our education system would be one near the top of the list.

What would be wrong for 'nanny' to be our own Scottish government niko? For a start it's certainly nearer that London, England.

Thank you scunnert, most gracious of you to comment with kindness.

Anonymous said...

Well put Subrosa and a fantastic introduction to yourself and your blog.

Like you say, Labour have no polices left, The UK needs Scotland more than we need/want them.

As well as our assets, they seek our unspoilt deep lochs to harbour illegal nuclear weapons which are parked less than 40 Min's from 2.3 million Scots inhabitants.

They have taken us for a ride to far and IT'S TIME !! to move on.

Conan the Librarian™ said...

Well said indeed subrosa.

I became a SNP supporter in eighties after being made redundant twice in three years.

Watching all our nationalised industries being sold off cheap to make the rich richer, and provide tax bribes for the SE of England.

I must really try this blogging thing...

subrosa said...

You go for it Conan. If nothing else it's good therapy against the frustrations of unionist spin.

I'm fuming about the bank bonuses article in the Scotsman. Obviously these are just the tip of the iceberg with regard to the 'New British Bonus' culture.

Slowly we're learning where all of our hard-earned cash has gone.

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