Friday 31 December 2010

Last Call

For many years Rikki Fulton entertained us at Hogmanay.


EvaW said...

Was just looking at these on YouTube today to send to someone. Still can bring a smile. All the very best for 2011!

subrosa said...

They don't make them like him today Eva. A Guid New Year to you too.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! My gf gave me a video tape with a whole lot of this guy's sketches, relaly funny stuff.

JRB said...

Slange Var

Here’s tae us, wha’s like us - damn few and they’re a’ deid

Wishing everyone a Good New Year.

Jo G said...

I found an old video-tape the other day. It was my dad's and it was double Scotch and Wry. I put it on and sat and watched it all the way through. Its at least sixteen years old and yet I laughed and laughed. I'm sure Mr Fulton will still be doing Hogmanay nights somewhere and I'm sure my folks will be laughing along as we all did once every New Year.

All the best Subrosa and to all who post here. x

Jo G said...

My very favourite Rev IM Jolly sketch was the one where the water in the jug was actually alcohol and he became more and more sloshed as the chat went on. Absolutely hilarious. What a talent!

JJ said...

Happy New Year Subrosa.

JuliaM said...

Happy new year! :)

subrosa said...

Happy New Year to you lazaruszine. Aye, they don't make them like him anymore.

subrosa said...

Afternoon John. A guid New Year to you and yours.

subrosa said...

Jo, when I need cheering up I nip to Youtube and watch his sketches. They always work.

Happy New Year to you.

Aye that's another superb one.

subrosa said...

Happy New Year JJ.

subrosa said...

Happy New Year Julia and many of them.

J. R. Tomlin said...

I love this one. Not IM Jolly but-- *giggles* I love Salmond.

Dearly beloved, fellow Scots and Gordon Brown. *giggles*

J. R. Tomlin said...

And the same gentleman "in kick erse mode".

If you Scots decide you don't want Salmond, we American's could use someone who knows how to do that.

Stewart Cowan said...

HNY Subrosa.

We used to love Hogmanay night as it was about the only time we got to watch Scottish programmes.

Also, it's hard to believe that I.M. Jolly was based on the STV show "Late Call" (was it every weekday night?) with a real minister!

"Late Call" was followed by another programme and then a nice chap said goodnight and reminded us to unplug the telly and other sound advice.

He'd say things like, "Have a safe night, especially if you live alone".

Simpler times. Only three channels and Mary Whitehouse holding them to account!

subrosa said...

Happy New Year Jeanne. I was going to put Eck's video up as the second one, but decided on another Rikki one.

Aye, there aren't many politicians who would have the courage to do that.

As for your second recommendation, I hope he can get into that mode for the next four months.

subrosa said...

Same to you Stewart. Aye, we used to get the minister on TV every night preaching the doom and gloom of Christianity on STV. The BBC only offered God Save the Queen.

Simple times indeed, when TV wasn't pumped into most homes 24 hours a day. I'm not sure it doesn't do more harm than good.

Stewart Cowan said...

Doom and gloom of Christianity, SR?

As the good news of the Gospel becomes less important to Brits, our country declines proportionately.

I'm sure all that telly does more harm than good.

Maybe I'll start a "Bring Back Late Call" pressure group!

subrosa said...

Maybe I should have said the doom and gloom of presbyterianism Stewart. The heaven and hell scenario.

Now I'd support you with that. :)

JJ said...

Don't you ever sleep Subrosa?

subrosa said...

Oh I do JJ, it's just that if I waken in the night I tend to get up rather than toss and turn. At present my heating's on low all night so the house isn't freezing cold.

I went back to bed around 3.30 and slept like the proverbial log.

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