Wednesday 5 August 2009

Chris Patten - Available for Hire

Lord Patten, once commonly known as Chris Patten and current chancellor of Oxford University, has stated he would be interested in a senior position within the EU and has emerged as a potential candidate to become the EU's first foreign minister.

He said he would not lobby for the post but would be 'very positive' if asked.

Britain now has two political heavyweights who have signalled their availability for new high-profile jobs next January, if the Lisbon Treaty is finally ratified this autumn.

Tony Blair is being backed by the UK government to become the union's first president. If Mr Blair became president, it would dash any hopes Lord Patten may have of returning to frontline EU politics as nobody imagines two Britons holding the two new jobs.

Chris Patten's chances are not too good. It is said Britain will throw its support behind Tony Blair while some regard Mr Patten as yesterday's man. Some of his views do not play well in Paris. France blocked moves to install him as European Commission president in 2004. President Jacques Chirac did not want a Briton in the post, although diplomats claimed Mr Patten's French was not quite up to scratch.

It will be an interesting contest in October, not least because the Conservative party oppose the Lisbon Treaty.

Source: FT


G Laird said...

Dear Subrosa

Personally; I wouldn't want either Blair or Patten to hold EU jobs.

This cronyism is getting beyond a joke.

Yours sincerly

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

subrosa said...

Thank you George. I concur.

wisnaeme said...

Chris Patten available for hire?

Really, is that a fact?

Strange, I thought himself has always been available for the hiring.

For a price agreeable to himself, naturally.

subrosa said...

Oh dear wisnaeme, was my headline inappropriate? :)

Anonymous said...

How do they intend to go about the election? Will it be a vote of the people or will it be a vote by governments?

Surely no one in Europe will want a war criminal and all round greedy, money-grubbing, American President butt licker as the president of the Union. That would demean us all, and dangerously, would mean that Europe would have the possibility of becoming America's poodle, just as the UK has been in the past. Sarkozy, who is keen on Blair, might want to remember that Blair was the Prime Minister who oversaw the Anglo Saxon financial model (ie complete greed leading to complete chaos).

Chris Patten might make quite a good Foreign Affairs minister, but again, I can't see a Brit being chosen. Brits, of all political shades, are seen as being in the pockets of America, or half way up the president's butt.

wisnaeme said...

What !!

...only half way up, Tris.


subrosa said...

You took the words out of my mouth wisnaeme!

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