Thursday, 14 March 2013

A Pre-School Test For You


Which way is the bus below travelling?
To the Left or to the Right?

Can't make up your mind?
Look carefully at the picture again.
Still don't know?

Infants all over the United Kingdom
were shown this picture
and asked the same question.
           90% of the Infants gave this answer.

"The bus is travelling to the right."
When asked, "Why do you think
the bus is travelling to the 

They answered:
"Because you can't see the door
to get on the bus."

How do you feel now ???

I know, me too.


JRB said...

[Embarrassed blush] Ooops!

Crinkly & Ragged Arsed Philosophers said...

Me too!

Perhaps there is hope for the future.

Bugger le Panda said...

but if it was a Greyhound Bus?

dognamedblue said...

ooooh I hate these pictures lol
I'm dyslexic, been tested twice & have an educational psychologists report from dr gavin reid of edinburgh [] & he uses, somewhat more artistic versions of pictures than pre school, but it's the same thing "what's wrong with this picture?"

Dick Puddlecote said...

Excellent! :)

Joe Public said...

Age is my excuse; what's yours.....?

Demetrius said...

I have a bus pass but alas no bus service.

JimS said...

Maybe you need to remember what the 'standard' children's pictograms look like - as an eight year-old I can recall being puzzled why Christine Blake, who lived in a block of flats, painted 'her house' as having a central door, flanked by two windows down and upstairs!
Of course she was not alone, I think just about everyone else apparently lived in the same sort of dwelling.
Do children still draw 'trains' as six-wheeled steam engines? My brother used to say, "the train goes forwards and the smoke goes backwards" which might have been an aide memoire to the accepted pictogram rather than an early discovery of Newton's Laws.

Richard said...

As an occasional caravan user (put the gun down), I should have got this. It's the main way of telling whether a caravan is UK or European. But no. Fail. Miserable fail.

My Highland Estate In Lochaber said...

What bus? I only see a flying saucer which has landed on two logs :-)

JimS said...

MHEiL: Yes, I'm afraid I struggled to see a bus which makes me think it is a 'taught' pictogram by teachers that can't draw.

My early vehicle drawings put a lot of effort into wheel arches, surely a child's eye view? But then we were brought up on Land Rovers!

buildingstoat said...

Grumpy response:

It is not a bus, it doesn't look anything like a bus and I defy anyone to say they have seen a bus like that. As whoever drew this didn't see fit to suggest a windscreen, passengers or indeed connect the wheels to the body, why assume there is a door?

There is no reason to suppose the 'bus' is travelling left, right, up or down, it could be any of them.

This is not a test of observation, intelligence or reasoning, it's a test to see if the child has made socially approved assumtions.

It is, in my view, a good example of really crap psychological testing.


My Highland Estate In Lochaber said...

What I want to know is .... when that school hired the art teacher, why did they not notice he was only six years of age?

subrosa said...

Aye, we analyse things too much JRB. :)

subrosa said...

I'm not too sure about the 90% figure Crinkly but if it's right then there is hope.

subrosa said...

Pass Snotty ;)

subrosa said...

Well dognamedblue you do a good job if you're dyslexic. Do computers help you in any way?

subrosa said...

It is Dick isn't it.

subrosa said...

I don't need one if you're saying your age is your excuse Joe. :)

subrosa said...

I don't have one Demetrius but then I have a very limited bus service here.

subrosa said...

Ah Jim, spot on. My granny bought me a book which puzzled me for ages. I eventually worked it out though.

subrosa said...

He he Richard. Next time you'll get a pass. Fingers crossed.

subrosa said...

Imaginative Highland Estate. :)

subrosa said...

Good points building stoat. Don't forget our children are being socially engineered more today than ever before.

Edward Spalton said...

I knew it was to the right but couldn't quite say why. A bit like some of the 18th and 19th century coaching pictures- Stubbs and Herrings sketches of the road - I always had the feeling that the coaches going left to right were headed up the Great North Road to Edinburgh and those right to left were returning (obviously loaded with many Scotsmen heading toward their finest prospect of advancement), as Dr Johnson would have put it)

Woodsy42 said...

What bus?

subrosa said...

I couldn't work it out Edward, even by thinking in your terms. :)

subrosa said...

Erm... Woodsy. :)

Junican said...

The bus is moving? Relative to what?

Junican said...

Sorry....'travelling' and not 'moving'.

Junican said...

Gosh! How these things annoy me! Having said the above, I would still have been fooled had the question been 'which end is the front of the bus'?

Why? Because as an adult, I would not have expected the drawing to be accurate, and so I would have accepted it as a 'representation'. The fact that there is no door would not stop me from accepting the representation.
A child is different. A child might well seek more detail in the representation, and observe the lack of any things which it would expect to see, which would include a door.


Edward Spalton said...


You are quite right. I remember showing my son (age 4 or 5 I think) a picture of the insides of a motor car (in a Ladybird book, I think).

He was asking about the electrics and I explained how the "battery electricity" got whooshed around in the induction coil
to make "sparking electricity" for the plugs.

"But it will not work" he said. So I went through it again and he repeated "But it will not work"

So I asked why not and he said

"Because it is not connected up"

Sure enough the battery was off the page. The two wires just went to the edge of the page.

subrosa said...

Sorry to annoy you Junican. Goes to show how our minds develop though at times I wonder if develop is the correct word.

subrosa said...

Lovely story Edward.

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