Wednesday, 21 March 2012


From top left: Sergeant Nigel Coupe, Corporal Jake Hartley and Private Anthony Frampton. From bottom left: Private Christopher Kershaw, Private Daniel Wade and Private Daniel Wilford

Yesterday, David Cameron, Tony Blair and Gordon had front row seats in Westminster Hall to listen to the Queen's Diamond Jubilee address.

Not one would have given the slightest thought to what was to occur later at RAF Brize Norton - one of the many horrifying results of their warmongering decisions.

The grief of families and friends was all too evident when the cortege passed the site of the new memorial garden sited on the edge of Carterton.

May the five members of 3rd Battalion, the Yorkshire Regiment and Sgt Coupe, who belonged to 1 Battalion, The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment and was on secondment to 3 Battalion, rest in peace.


Oldrightie said...

May the architects of their wasted sacrifice rot in hell. Laughing, giggling, posturing and disgraceful selfishness, wrapped cosily in their unprickable bubble. All of them peas in a blood filled pod of arrogance and ignorance.

RMcGeddon said...

Sad pictures and horrendous for their families and friends. I wonder how many more will die or be injured before we pull out in 2014.
The Telegraph said "Sgt Coupe, a member of 1st Battalion The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment" rather than the Yorkshire Regiment.

subrosa said...

I concur OR. I read your post this morning and thought not many people seem perturbed by the behaviour of politicians. We're being slowly brainwashed.

subrosa said...

There will still be thousands there after 2014 RM. The last report I read was that only 500 are coming home.

Thanks for pointing that out. Now amended.

RMcGeddon said...

That's not so good SR. Maybe it will be like Iraq where we saw photos of the last of the US troops leaving with just 50,000 'advisors' left in post.
Leaving Afghanistan will be awkward as there's a lot of kit to transport. Pakistan seems to have gone cold on us for some reason ;) So Uzbekhistan looks like the route to take. This is where opponents are boiled alive or are forced to confess while their families are tortured. But needs must so Mr Hammond has been over there buttering them up...

WitteringsfromWitney said...

SR Nice comment re Cameron etc.

Ahem one small point It is not Catherton but Carterton.......

For interest the main gate to Brize Norton is actually at the end of the road in Carterton itself where they hold the weekly market. The gate they use to exit with the funeral cortege is on the other side of the airfield and the route takes it about 2 miles from the town and onwards to the A40 and then Oxford.

Joe Public said...

I agree with everything you & your commenters have stated, SR.

Blair has a lot to answer for.

cynicalHighlander said...

And yet another falls today to satisfy government and their corporate friends.

Anonymous said...

More lives lost on a war that has no purpose or end in sight.

The incompetence of Westminster is beyond comprehension for placing our service personnel in such a place.

Nothing has been achieved by NATO for the Taliban never went away but simply retreated to Pakistan where they watched and waited for the day when they can walk in unopposed to take over again and return Afghanistan to the middle ages.

Observer said...

I am still puzzled why we have not seen mass demonstrations on the streets about this, & to be honest I think the idea that all serving military in Afghanistan are ''heroes'' may in part be responsible for making people associate being against the war with being against the military thus stifling perhaps the urge to dissent.

I imagine that when the last NATO troops leave Kabul it will be like when the last US troops left Saigon. I don't remember that in person but I have seen the footage on telly.

God help those Afghans who came out against the Taleban as they will be left to their fate.

Shameful all round.

subrosa said...

An accurate account of numbers has yet to be made public RM and I suppose I can see why.

Many thanks for the link.

subrosa said...

Thanks for the correction WfW, duly amended.

I've never seen the gate they now use as I've always used the main gate when at Brize Norton. Can't remember the village either but my visits were many years ago now.

It does appear as if the gate is well away from any community though. Intentional of course.

subrosa said...

He does indeed yet he has no conscience Joe.

subrosa said...

Yes CH. That's this morning post. :(

subrosa said...

One result will be far more drugs on our streets M, as the drug business has grown extensively since we invaded.

subrosa said...

Observer, I hope you don't mind but I've used your comment on this morning's post.

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