Monday, 16 January 2012

BBC Censorship Exposed


Gedguy said...

Not only is the BBC Scotland political cabal refusing to allow us to clear up their anti-SNP bias but they refuse to be taken to task by their own BBC in London. Where is the BBC trust when you need it; probably keeping their heads down.

Joe Public said...

Could it be because it is the British BC, not the Scottish BC?

cynicalHighlander said...

Glad someone put this up it just needs the MSM to pick it up now, wishful thinking I know.

Woodsy42 said...

Don't think it's that Joe. I'm english and I see the BBC as being full of bias on all sorts of topics.
In particular they lie and discredit any politics or opinions that are not left wing liberal. Lying by omission is a favourite tactic.

subrosa said...

BBC Scotland is a disaster Gedguy - these days anyway. As you rightly say the political wing is terribly SNP biased.

subrosa said...

In that case Joe we should get 10% of the total BBC broadcasting time. We don't.

subrosa said...

We can but try CH. Some do read blogs - even little ones like this.

subrosa said...

I feel sorry for the English at times when the BBC refuses to say English and says British Woodsy. In certain matters it's irritating and others infuriating.

Lying by omission... that's another story altogether.

Woman on a Raft said...

There's also the consideration that the BBC might be divided at Independence. BBC Scotland is essentially a division, but it could reasonably argue that it should become SBC, a state broadcaster.

The BBC would then have to decide if there is enough B left to continue to be the BBC, or if the Welsh would stand for it becoming the EBC. They might want to take over their own division.

Fights about who owns the intellectual property in the back-catalogue should feed lawyers for years to come.

J. R. Tomlin said...

As for it being the British BC... does that make censoring acceptable? I wasn't aware that censorship of political debate was a British belief.

Perhaps I was wrong.

subrosa said...

No you're not wrong Jeanne. The censorship is aimed at two BBC Scottish political bloggers. The BBC English political blog readers have no such problem.

subrosa said...

The Scots have tried, since 1999, to have a Scottish channel WoaR, but only succeeded in getting Alba, which is Gaelic with subtitles. It does produce some excellent programmes, but it's not everyone's taste because of the subtitles.

I suppose they could still call it British BC? Not too sure. Would be interesting to hear other opinions.

Aye, the intellectual property aspect would keep lawyers in malt for some years.

John "Newswatch" Thomson said...

The Courier is running a news story in tomorrow's (Thursday 18th Jan) newspaper. Photographer was out today getting my photo for the article.

Hopefully more news media organisations will run the story now.

subrosa said...

I'll see what I can do John although I'm not a news or media organisation.

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