Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Is Nothing Sacred?

Historic Scotland, the owners of Edinburgh Castle, has agreed to the London Olympic Committee erecting the games' symbol on the Castle's ramparts, for the next 9 months.

The plans were submitted to Edinburgh Council last week but have not yet been discussed by councillors/

At 26ft high and almost 60ft wide the structure will be very visible in most of north Edinburgh.

Are there going to be similar rings on Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle?  I think not.

It would appear Edinburgers aren't happy and have expressed there anger at the Castle being used in this way.  I really can't blame them.  Of course the Olympics Committee aren't pleased:

The Department of Culture, Media and Sport at Westminster said the reaction to the plans was "short-sighted".
A spokesperson said: "It is short-sighted and disappointing that some people cannot recognise the benefits of having the Olympic rings in Edinburgh.

Historic Scotland should withdraw their permission for this ridiculous idea and realise they will lose a great many loyal customers if they don't halt the defacement of Scotland's most historic monument.  Historic Scotland holds monuments and sites for the nation and not for financial reward.


Anonymous said...

Hear Hear.

The LONDON Olympics committee (the clue is in the name) has no business putting Olympic rings on a beautiful monument in a city that has, as far as I can see, no Olympic events.

So we don't benefit from a vast influx of visitors like London does, and yet we have this hideous garish symbol advertising their multi billion pound London extravaganza.

I hope the councillors have the good sense to realise that there is nothing to gain and everything to lose from allowing this.

Historic Scotland should also remember that they do not own the building; we do. They merely manage it as custodians.

Joe Public said...

It could be worse SR.

The castle could have been asked to display one of the logo suggestions that a joker actually persuaded the Beeb to transmit, as an alternative to the universally loathed 'official' 2012 logo.

J. R. Tomlin said...

They have GOT to be kidding. This is an obscenity.

Crinkly & Ragged Arsed Philosophers said...

Quid pro quo - can we fly Saltire's and banners for independence on the Olympic Arena.

I'm sure Westminster would recognise the benefits.

Apogee said...

That is what comes of being a "Protectorate"of another country.
A castle which is a tourist attraction in this country is to be debased to advertise a five ringed circus in another country, a circus that has already cost Scotland a lot and for,as far as I am aware, for nothing in return.
But then I heard last night on 5 live that during the games, certain Royal apartments are to be available to well heeled punters for £50.000 p/n, only heard it once and I might have got it it wrong,one of those items you only half hear when you are not really listening, some one else in the B&B market.

DougtheDug said...

The question which should be asked about this plan is who is this logo aimed at and what's it for?

It can't be for Olympic ticket buyers because most tickets will have been sold by now anyway.

It isn't there for those going to events in Edinburgh because there aren't any.

So the only explanation is that it is really just a form of upmarket graffiti, a set of coloured rings rather than a spray painted, "The Olympics Committee wuz here".

It is planned to be an, "in your face", mark of authority. The London Olympics can put its symbol anywhere, even on Edinburgh Castle, and don't you forget it Scotland.

Dubbieside said...


If this goes ahead I will cancel my membership with Historic Scotland.

Brian said...

I thought it was The Mysterons.

subrosa said...

Tris, what worries me is the Edinburgh councillors' attitude to this. I wouldn't trust them at all.

subrosa said...

Jings Joe, I missed that one. Right enough, it could be worse.

subrosa said...

Indeed it is Jeanne.

subrosa said...

Now there's an excellent idea Crinkly which Westminster would veto immediately of course.

subrosa said...

I read that yesterday - about the Royal apartments for hire - Apogee so seems it's genuine.

Your last paragraph says it all.

subrosa said...

I used to be a member Dubbie but no longer. Mind you I'm going to send them an email giving my opinion about their behaviour. As Trist says, their custodians not owners and do that on behalf of the Scots.

subrosa said...

Doug, they know full well it's to show where the power lies - London.

subrosa said...

Brian, I remember them! If anyone clicks on Brian's link, ensure your volume is turned down or you'll burst your eardrums.

Leg-iron said...

The arrogance is astounding but all too common with the sort of people now in charge.

Anyone objecting to the defacement of a historic building is 'short-sighted' now.

As for the benefits of having an advertising patch stuck on Edinburgh castle, what are those exactly? Why is it any different from a spray-painted 'Kilroy was here' tag?

I like visiting Edinburgh. I have relatives there, I like the Dungeon and the castle even though both involve a lot of steps, but I won't bother going there while this travesty is stuck to the castle walls.

subrosa said...

Aye, LI, we're all short-sighted because we disapprove. Marvellous isn't it?

I won't be visiting either if this goes ahead.

Dioclese said...

What benefits?

J. R. Tomlin said...

Dioclese, you mean you don't consider having your National War Memorial desecrated a benefit?

How short sighted of you.

Tedious Tantrums said...

This is appalling. Arrogant too. It serves no prupose since as someone else said the tickets are gone and it's pretty unlikely that anyone is going to arrive in Edinburgh, see the rings and realise that London are having the Olympics.

SNP response please?

I'll also email Historic Scotland and complain.

Key bored warrior. said...

It tells us an awful lot about the imperialistic mind set alive and well within the walls of Historic Scotland.

I recently visited the Timespan museum in Helmsdale Sutherland, and found it to be predominantly middle class English wifies working there.

Am I being racist.

The point is these organisations seem to me to be colonies of middle class English people who think that Scotland is really a possession of England and ought to be preserved in the manner that they have come to believe is right and proper for their country folk to visit every August. I.e. preserved in aspic as a bleak desolate wilderness, fit only for grouse and walkers. With a castle here and there. This mindless act of imperial aggression is just typical of how they think.

Am I being racist? I really am past caring.

Quiet_Man said...

I'd be just as unhappy if they appeared on Rochester Castle and the Medway towns are actually hosting some Olympic events. London is supposed to be hosting the Olympics, Not England, not the UK and certainly not Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Edinburgh Council must be morons of the highest order to allow that.

subrosa said...

You've lost me Dioclese.

subrosa said...

TT you've cracked the bug!!

subrosa said...

I don't think so KBW. I'd expect Scottish middle class wifies in such places in Scotland.

Their middle classness shouldn't be held against them though. The reason they're there is because they're confident enough to apply to do the voluntary work. What is needed is for everyone, regardless of circumstance, to know that they could contribute.

subrosa said...

Edinburgh councillors are a breed apart QM. Well perhaps all councillors are. I'm not confident their decision will be negative.

Munguin said...

I should point out that unlike English Heritage, Historic Scotland is not a QUANGO, it is in fact an executive agency of the Scottish Government and will come under Fiona Hyslop's department. And as they say he who pays the piper calls the tune.

J. R. Tomlin said...

I sent them SH a little comment about how American tourists might react to this obscenity. They are fond enough of our dollar and I do NOT expect to see a historic castle (though it isn't as old as some might think) turned into a cheap billboard. What next? Hanging adverts on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?

pictishbeastie said...

J.R. I'm not sure what you mean by "(though it isn't as old as some might think)"? There is actually evidence of human habitation on Castle Rock since the 9th century BC and there were certainly fortifications,in the form of a hill fort,as early as the 2nd century AD! That all seems pretty old to me? Personally I think the whole idea of using it to promote an event in a foreign capital is obscene and,as other posters have stated,it's the British Imperialists trying to remind us who's boss! SAOR ALBA!

subrosa said...

Munguin, thanks for that information. I didn't realise it wasn't a quango. So it's a done deal then.

subrosa said...

Good for you Jeanne. I still await a reply from my email to Historic Scotland.

subrosa said...

Pictishbeastie, now I'd have to dig my history books out of the attic, but I think your observations are similar to what I've read.

BrianSJ said...

I don't suppose Edinburgh will be advertising the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow!

subrosa said...

I'd like to think they would Brian, but they wouldn't be crass enough to use the castle ramparts surely.

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