Friday 10 December 2010

The Sting At Cancun

It's too quiet in Cancun.  Suspiciously quiet.  With the exception of Chris Huhne's unnecessary attendance in the tuition fees vote today there has been little information about this expensive jaunt for the vast UK contingent.  While looking for the exact figures of UK representatives, I came across this gem:

'But UK diplomats are not just sitting in the warm sunshine, listening to the surf and sipping tequila sunrises. No sir. Our government has invited an unknown number of green businesses to Cancún, promising access to energy secretary Chris Huhne, and other "high-level British government representatives", to both Mexican and British senior level officials, business owners and politicians. Participation is heavily subsidised by the British government, including subsidised accommodation.' source

More taxpayers' money poured into the climate change deception with 'green' businesses having subsidised holidays in the sun.

However, there's a far more serious side to this summit and the most important development.  That's perhaps why the media has been subdued.  Viscount Monckton has highlighted the main points of the UNFCCC's Chairman's report with an explanation as to how these documents are published:

All UNFCCC documents at the Cancun conference, specifically including Possible elements of the outcome, are drafted with what is called “transparent impenetrability”. The intention is that the documents should not be understood, but that later we shall be told they were in the public domain all the time, so what are we complaining about?

Furthermore he continues:

Finance: Western countries will jointly provide $100 billion a year by 2020 to an unnamed new UN Fund. To keep this sum up with GDP growth, the West may commit itself to pay 1.5% of GDP to the UN each year. That is more than twice the 0.7% of GDP that the UN has recommended the West to pay in foreign aid for the past half century. Several hundred of the provisions in the Chairman’s note will impose huge financial costs on the nations of the West.

The world-government Secretariat: In all but name, the UN Convention’s Secretariat will become a world government directly controlling hundreds of global, supranational, regional, national and sub-national bureaucracies. It will receive the vast sum of taxpayers’ money ostensibly paid by the West to the Third World for adaptation to the supposed adverse consequences of imagined (and imaginary) “global warming”.

I dare not suggest that the lack of MSM reporting is because they know full well that the Free World, of which we are part, are quietly and 'casually letting go of liberty, prosperity and even democracy itself', but may I suggest you read Christopher Monckton's evaluation of the report.  He's seldom short of the mark.

Follow the money as many say. We've allowed our respective governments to throw money away without accountability, not least to do with overseas aid.  Surely we must realise that we can't fund this project, which is intended to make money for the few and bring the masses into further poverty.  The UK spends 6.3% of its budget on defence.  You can do the sums if you don't mind while I gear myself up for the propaganda which we'll be fed for Cancun next week.


cynicalHighlander said...

"Christopher Monckton's evaluation of the report. He's seldom short of the mark." He's been rebutted by a lot of people as he fiddles his data and has no creditability SB.

A Scientist Replies to Christopher Monckton

The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism

I disagree with all these 'green' taxes because they are controlled by politicians to throw around like confetti but that isn't a reason to deny our involvement in affecting the global climate.

banned said...

Guardian link not working SR.
The general silence about Cancun is very telling, probably orchestrated by the powers that be to avoid embarrassment should Cancun fail like Copenhagen this time last year.
When did the IPCC get replaced by UNFCCC?

Autonomous Mind said...
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Autonomous Mind said...

Great post Subrosa. It fits superbly with my recent post about following the money.

I disagree with Cynical Highlander about Chris Monckton. The rebuttals against him are flawed and themselves engage in distortion.

cynicalHighlander said...

Cancun climate change summit: Viscount Monckton admits that global warming is happening

However Lord Monckton admitted the world is warming as a result of mankind’s activities.“Some warming is to be accepted as a result of our activities but on balance not very much,” he said.

AM replied in 22mins yet the rebuttal takes 73+mins.

subrosa said...

Well CH, I was initially sent the actual report and because of its length decided to just scan it. His evaluation is similar to mine. All he's done is frisk the actual report.

Yes I know many dispute what he says and that's healthy for all of us.

I don't mind 'green' taxes if they're sensible. I object to paying money for something which is only filling the coffers of the 1% of this world and doing nothing for the less well off.

Never have I denied there is such a thing as climate change but I'm on the side of the moderates. I'm sick of being told that the world is going to end in 20 years if I don't give all my money to 'the cause'.

subrosa said...

Sorry banned. It should work now.

subrosa said...

You know AM, I sat here wondering where I'd read that and just couldn't remember which blog. So sorry. I did want to put a link to it too but readers will see yours.

Yes indeed and I think Monckton is good at 'cutting the jargon'.

subrosa said...

CH, the climate is changing every nanosecond. I don't think anyone would dispute that. But I've yet to see evidence that it's all the fault of humans.

RMcGeddon said...

SR. '7 Homes Huhne' didn't fly back from Cancun for the vote. It was Tory MP Gregory Barker, who then flew back the morning after the vote. You might remember Barker was the millionaire who left his wife back in 2006 to be with his painter and decorator boyfriend.
I think I posted the Cancun climate festival but here it is again..

cynicalHighlander said...

Nobody is saying that humans are are the fault 100% SB but that our actions are the straw that is breaking the camels back which is the problem.

Unless we change our habits we will shorten the time available to react to natural+human climate change which will affect the poorest in society hardest.

Politicians are the problem in this whole arguement as they have jumped on the gravy train of a tax cash cow resulting in a them and us situation rather than having an open reasoned debate causing friction.

subrosa said...

I should have expressed myself better there RM. I mean he didn't attend because it was unnecessary and yes, you're right, Barker did.

Ah, I'd forgotten about Barker. :)

Aye you did post that link. I was going to use it on the post but thought it a bit out of date by now.

subrosa said...

What other habits can I change CH? I've already spent a fortune on a combi-boiler, insulation, low emission car - which I'm often now told is dreadful and I need to cough up for an electric one to line the pockets of electricity companies a bit more.

The list of what I've done is vast and it's been at great expense to my retirement. I'm not wealthy, not even financially 'comfortable'. What do you want me to do? Buy a new boiler for one of the poorest in society? I've been down that road and never again.

subrosa said...

Another thing CH, China, India and the US have no intention of signing up to anything at Cancun by all accounts. They're the biggest culprits. All the fanatics have done is this country is annoy people like me and made us look closer at the evidence from both sides.

I can't even read a book at night with these damned low voltage bulbs unless I spent over £10 on a 'daylight' one. My old 60w ones used to cost me 30p and worked perfectly.

RMcGeddon said...

SR. I've got a shed full of proper bulbs and could send you some if things become desperate :)
The whole Cancun thing is an obvious scam to create a global tax. If Al Gore was really serious about our impending demise then he'd sell his mansion and give his billions to charity. Same with '7 Homes Huhne' who left his wife for a lesbian mistress.
We're already signed up to Ed Milibands 2008 Climate Act . £20Bn a year for the next 40 years to reduce us to the dark ages while the rest of the world stands back and laughs at us.
Meanwhile oil rich Scotland comes to a standstill while it's wobbly M8 dual carriageway fails with 2 inches of global warming.

Good video here of why we are where we are...

subrosa said...

Thank you for your kind offer RM. I will keep it firmly in mind and if I should once more throw down a good book because I just can't read for any length of time, I'll be in touch.

Watching your video link now.

Apogee said...

Hi SR, we might as well face it, our Governments are totally brainwashed by the global warming fools and they do not have the common sense to see the inconsistencies in the so called 'settled science' that is being peddled by these carpetbaggers.
I am still amused by the idea of getting serious power from solar panels, you dont get much when the panels are covered in snow.
Scotland could generate a lot of hydro power by damming up a few glens, but why produce more than we need for our own use? We have oil off our shores but it is being sold by people from another country and we get no benefit from it.
Why do our politicians do nothing for us, and let other countries steal from us.
And while many people are agitating at the amount of immigrants from Africa, what is the latest scullduggery that the EU is up to in Africa, in fact for the last 10 years? Just what is the EU long term aims in Africa,what are our politicians long term aims, time we were getting answers and not what mushrooms are fed on.

Anonymous said...

I've never understood the idea of government meddling in 'green' ideals. As soon as the environmentalist movement put suits on they discredited themselves and showed themselves as corrupt and falliable as the governments they seek to influence. More money slushing into this or that isn't going to help anything, whether you believe in global warming or not.
Combating global warming/energy crises/sustainability problems should be the people's individual problems, with less reliance on the consumer-Capitalist structure around them which causes ultra-toxic pollution leading towards a better future without the suits' interference.

So much as I will stand with the 'green,' I must admit that I detest the whole one-world government nonsense with the same passion as yourself, if not moreso!

Gordon the Fence Post Tortoise said...

Mars has unexplained episodes of polar icing and as far as I know there are only two 4*4's there and both are solar powered....

What is utterly, completely certain is that a parade of berks and shysters are parading an extremely diverse body of work which irritatingly, in the majority of cases uses woefully poor methodology coupled to skewed analysis to conflate the required result.

The religious, "mystical" zeal of the useful idiots has been perverted into a taxpayer funded cash cow that looks to be one of the biggest frauds and episodes of mass delusion on record.

There categorically has not been indisputable evidence that CO2 drives warming and - there is a dispute running at the moment over the isotope analysis that identifies "human CO2" anyway. The aversion of a significant part of the climate science community to arithmetic rigour and proper peer review is a suppurating ulcer on the discipline.

Earth's climate is a complex chaotic system and there are not a few folk who think it might not be computable in detail. The dumb simplicity of much modelling that purports to "predict" climate would be risible if the consequences of the broken modelling were not so serious.

The science is not settled. There is little reliable evidence to base decisions on and straightforward arithmetic shows that even the maximum possible human input to control the ill understood atmosphere would be like a raindrop in a tropical rainstorm. 1.5% of UK GDP to "fight global warming" - someone at the UN tequila and coke fuelled jamboree is havin a larf.

Yep - look at the changing climate on Mars where there's solar powered 4*4's, no IPCC, no eco-loons and no politicians ... yet - but I sincerely live in the earnest hope that maybe one day....

Gordon the Fence Post Tortoise said...

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.....

Mark Wadsworth said...

Sub, we certainly do not spend 6.3% of our GDP on defence, we spend 6.3% of our BUDGET on defence, and the budget is about half of GDP, so we actually spend 3.1% of GDP on defence.

sm753 said...

"The UK spends 6.3% of GDP on defence. "

No it does not.

Read your source more carefully.

6.3% of budget, not GDP.

subrosa said...

Amended sm753. My apologies. I also had GDP figures. I must try to improve, I must try to improve, I must try to improve.

Joe Public said...

Yes! There is a God, and it knows irony.

That jolly get-together at Cancun - attended by thousands of well-intentioned individuals from all the world hell-bent on reducing Global-Warming ..........

Sad to say, it experienced a record December 'low temperature' for Cancun. Then another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. And yet another one.

In all, six consecutive record lows!!

subrosa said...

Scotland's power production is a difficult one Apogee. I mean, getting the balance between jobs and profit from any sales, because we would need to sell the excess. I don't see more development of hydro until the Grid charges are fairer.

Hopefully I'll look into the EU/African subject sometime.

subrosa said...

The one-world government is nearly completely lazaruszine. The takeover from the EU and the 'bailing out' of banks were final hurdles.

subrosa said...

I should have included this scam in my post to lazaruszine (above) Gordon.

Another excellent comment. Thank you.

Excellent link by the way.

subrosa said...

Amended Mark. It may be of interest to know that the UK spent more on defence in 2008 than China.

Finding up to date GDP figures was difficult hence my error.

subrosa said...

Ah Joe, you know how that will be explained though. 'It's weather not climate.' :)

Crinkly & Ragged Arsed Philosophers said...

It's not governments who want to govern the world - few can claim competence running the nations they're supposedly responsible to.

It's the global conglomerates and their controllers who want to control the world; and they want that control to be free of responsibility.

Climate change may well be a factor we have to consider - one irrevocable fact is this Earth we call World has never had to contend with 6.5 billion of such a dysfunctional specie.

It's WE who have to right these dysfunctional tendencies - leave it to the corporates and, once they have control they may well decide to audit their assets into those they deem profitable and those they deem a liability.

Far fetched? I don't think so. We're not governed today, every act and nuance blandished as governance is in fact aimed at advancing that control.

Anonymous said...

Uh... on the subject of areas having cooler areas disproving climate change, I think you have to take into account that polar ice entering into the natural currents, along with the disruption of currents caused by large amounts of toxic waste can upset said currents and prevent their climate effects on smaller areas, with the result that they needn't show a total trend towards warming... It is climate, but the monolithic 'climate' that green suits like to parade contains a myriad of microclimate areas.

I don't see what's so 'green' about a bunch of politicians FLYING to Mexico to disagree on a few minor points, give more time to the polluting corporations and then FLY home again.

Elby the Beserk said...

A tad disconnected, but these lectures on global development are absolutely fascinating

Elby the Beserk said...


Monckton, yes, a loose cannon but a good soul - but are you better qualified than these guys to pontificate on AGW?

Gordon the Fence Post Tortoise said...

It's mildly off topic but trendy media prof Brian Cox gets a bit of a going over for his muddled global warming boosterism over here. It's quite long but rewarding I would say.

subrosa said...

That is very true RA. Today's leaders think control rather than governance. Otherwise they would listen to their people.

subrosa said...

Can I suggest you have a read of the links others have suggested lazaruszine. Very interesting indeed.

subrosa said...

They were fascinating Elby. Thanks so much. Hope others watch them.

subrosa said...

Off to read your link now Gordon. Many thanks.

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