Surely everyone must have some sympathy with the Chilean miners trapped thousands of feet underground, knowing their rescue will take some weeks if not months.
In their circumstances I'd be desperate to see the sky but, in recent days it has been said that if the 33 miners make it to the surface safely, some of them may end up wishing they'd stayed underground.
Officials at the camp where families have gathered say at least five miners' wives have encountered surprises mistresses. Ugly scenes have ensured over the compensation packages. One miners has a first wife he never divorced, a live-in partner, a mother of a child he had several years ago and a woman who says she's his current girlfriend. Quite an energetic chap by all accounts.
The wives, mistresses and ex-lovers are holding a vigil at the camp. The Red Cross say it's a logistical nightmare trying to keep them apart. Officials are considering asking the miners whom they would like to claim the compensation, although they are trying to avoid raising the men's stress levels by letting them know too much about the dramas happening above ground.
Goes to show there's always a price for love no matter what we're told.
'Gold Diggers' is an apt phrase.
True Joe, maybe 'gold and copper diggers' would be a good augmentation.
Will he be looking for asylum at Dover, or will he just keep digging?
But, in all seriousness, I hope they all get out alive.
Ah yes, the old wardroom toast of "Wives and Girlfriends" to which someone always pipes up "and may they never meet".
Yes indeed Apogee, it can't be any fun for them even though they're used to spending so much of their lives underground.
You speaking from experience ASE? ;)
Had a good laugh at this last night!
Sounds like the rescued could face great danger. Shafted if you do and if you don't..
Alex, isn't shafted a rather strange word to use when they're underground? Just a though. ;)
Thanks for throwing some light on that for me ;)
Lesson learnt eh Alex? ;)
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