Nicola Sturgeon, one of Scotland's most highly respected politicians, married SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, in a civil ceremony attended by close family, at Oran Mor, a bar and restaurant complex, formerly Kelvinside Parish Church.
Alex Salmond, along with other SNP colleagues and friends, attended the wedding reception which was hold at the same venue.
The wedding cake was made by Scottish teacake producers Tunnock's. Lovely touch!
Subrosa sorry to be off topic.
Under the tag freedom. Please leave your important comments. Thank you.
'Save the Hospitality Industry by repealing the iniquitous smoking ban'
Heck I might have chanced my arm if I'd known the bar was so low.
This contrasts with iDave & Nicky-boy who 'just in a (temporary) relationship of convenience'
Nebby interfering squeaky wee busybody marries old bald geezer coz naebdy else would have her.
Wedding presents include net curtains to tweak surreptitiously when spying on the neighbours, 'Oh next door are at it again, that's the second kerry oot this month - we'll huv tae pit a stoap tae that'.
OK Rosie. I aint a fan. I admits it.
JJ I think you forgot to give a link.
Oh dearie me RMcGeddon! He's no' that bad the manny surely?
Good one Joe. I couldn't think of anything political. Was too taken with her choice of cake maker. That's a wummin fur ye.
Jim, noo, I couldnae hae guessed ye werenae a fan. She's aboot the best in Hooolyroood - mind you, that's possibly no' sayin' much.
Congrats to Nicola and Peter. I think I know who will wear the trousers! ;)
Oran Mor is a great place btw, just at the top of Byers road and have been there many times.
I think I do too Allan. :) Never been inside but I know where it is and it's highly thought of by many. Some super concerts take place there too I'm told.
Well Rosie, pot kettle etc but I don't think he's been following Ms Robisons 'preventing overweight and obesity routemap'. And I doubt if the tunnocks wedding teacake will help much. Hopefully they stick to their 4 units of alcohol and don't smoke too much.
Any truth in the rumour that Megrahi is making a special appearance and doing a couple of twirls on the dancefloor ?
Congrats to the couple and may they have health and happiness - the rest can look after it's self.
Being an ex church the acoustics are fantastic and as you say it is a great venue for concerts although I've yet to go to one myself.
Sorry Subrosa - How's this.
Rather a big link I'm afraid.
Moderation's the name of the game RMcG so they keep saying. Nobody would dare to admit to smoking these days, only someone like me who doesn't have to toe any party line. :)
Funnily enough I'm in the middle of writing something with Megrahi in it for tomorrow. Doubt if it'll be finished until then. Would he do a few twirls? I've heard morphine does strange things to you. ;)
Allan do go to one you fancy. If I lived nearer I'd be there often I can tell you.
Don't apologise for the size of the link JJ. I'll sign any petition which gets rid of the nonsense that 'second hand' smoke is dangerous. It's far more dangerous standing in front of a deep fat fryer with the fumes that come from one of these things or a grill.
Well said Dram.
ha ha Rosie. It is indeed a strange world that the SNP have given us. Attacks on smoking and drinking and eating yet they let Megrahi go free despite MacAskill saying he is guilty of killing 270 people.
And Independence quietly dropped. Methinks there are strange goings on in the background.
My concern RMcGeddon, is that there's nothing going on in the background of the SNP. I'd like to think there was something, be it strange or not.
The dark side has probably quietened them down.
RM, you shouldn't refer to unionists like that. ;)
Let's get the Megrahi innuendo's cleared up.
All the governments were pleased for an excuse to be found that would allow his release. Why, because his conviction was unsafe by any judicial standards.
yes sorry ;)
But MacAskill made a point of saying he was guilty on the day he released him. If he had been truthful and said Megrahi was probably fitted up so we're letting him go then he would have had to have had a full inquiry. This would have opened a massive can of worms. Even Levy & MacRae would have struggled to save Macaskill then.
RA, I had hoped to write about the Megrahi business today but time was short. I'll see what I can do for tomorrow.
The CIA did the Lockerbie bombing, reportedly. Gaddafi was recruited to the CIA, reportedly, and may now be in Zimbabwe, reportedly.
- Aangirfan
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