Saturday, 24 July 2010

Breast Ironing


Courtesy of Dr Grumble


Oldrightie said...

The irony is that circumcision is used to make a girl seem attractive. Sadly we are descending into similar behaviour in the UK rather than improving our own shortcomings. mass movement of peoples never seems to work out, does it. Now where is this documented for hundreds of years?

Linda said...

Poor kids. And the psychological impact it must have on them for the rest of their lives. They will be far ever embarrassed and think their is something wrong to have a womanly shape.

Reminds me of a story I read about Judy Garland who was a developing teenager when she played Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ. She said that she was trussed up in very tight bandages to flatten her boobs for the whole of the filming. She said she could hardly breathe and it was extremely painful! Of course, she wasn't burnt but still it was bad enough.

subrosa said...

Attractive and the personal possession of a man OR. Terrible physical and mental abuse.

subrosa said...

Aye WPT, I've heard about that too and it's not so long ago. They used to advise women who couldn't breast feed to do it too.

JuliaM said...

Good lord, I had to double-check that the title of this post really did say what I thought it said!

How utterly insane. And yet, you always hear about the Chinese and their foot binding, and now, FGM. Never about this.

subrosa said...

I hadn't heard about it either Julia. Where are Save The Children when needed? This is the type of thing their money should be spent on instead of handing it to corrupt politicians.

Joe Public said...

Saddened & appalled at the content of the video. I was aware of the more-brutal F G M, but had no idea such barbaric practices as shown, occurred.

Thanks to your efforts it will reach a wider audience.

subrosa said...

Hopefully other bloggers will pick up on it Joe.

They're lauded for their footballers so surely they should be internationally known for their physical abuse to young girls.

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