Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Another Death, 'Leaked' Information and Weak Politicians

A British soldier was killed in Afghanistan yesterday. According to the MoD he was from 36 Engineer Regiment and was serving with the Counter Improvised Explosion Device task force and was killed in a blast in the Sangin area of Helmand province.

The number of British military personnel killed in Afghanistan now stands at 325.

Also yesterday the Guardian published comprehensive details of the 'leaked' Afghanistan War Logs and further information is published today. From what I've read so far I'm in agreement with Dark Lochnagar (expletives used). EU Referendum maintains the Wikileaks memos were stolen but somehow I can't accept that, although I have to concur that if the War Logs make the lives of politicians that little bit harder, that is a good thing.

To my mind the 'leaked' memos have found their way into the public domain to be the catalyst for Obama to change strategy once again and we here in the UK will have to wait for his decision because we do not have even one politician strong enough to stand up and shout 'enough'.


JRB said...

When I first read this post, I was horrified.

It was not the content of your post that horrified me Subrosa, but my reaction to it.

Oh – another soldier has died. I could just as easily have been reading, Oh – another political scandal, or whatever. I have become de-sensitised, hardened, immune to the news of the tragic death of another young life.

My sincerest apologies go to the families and friends of this young soldier for my initial lack of sensitivity.

There can be no doubt left in anyone’s mind that this conflict no longer carries public support, and that even in the minds of the military and politicians there now seems to be confusion as to what they are doing and where they are going.

We should in all conscience end this now, but until the politicians can withdraw without loosing face, more young soldiers will die.
God help them all.

subrosa said...

It's been the job of politicians for years now John, to de-sensitise us to war - much in the same may they have dumbed down education, although that policy hasn't directly caused loss of life.

Every death means another family and friends suffering and telling themselves he died doing what he wanted. We never hear about any family saying he died because of warmongering policies made by politicians and he wanted to get out.

Getting out isn't easy as I'm sure you know. It's not a case of giving a month's notice.

The longer they stay the more face they lose John because we're doing little or nothing of benefit there. I don't believe the propaganda churned out by the army and other agencies. Yes, we may be building roads, but what we're not told is that a few days/weeks after the completion they're usually blown up again. Rather like the situation our armed services had in Iraq.

Countries have to build their own roads, schools etc then they will value them.

All Seeing Eye said...

Before making my point, I'd like to doff my hat with respect to JRB's initial reaction - one we are all in danger of slipping into - followed by his thoughtful response. Points well made there.

As to Wikileaks, it's a matter of perspective. Notice how the BBC regard the war memos as "leaked" (nice harmless word implying a public service) and Climategate emails as "stolen" (by evil baby-eating polar bear bbqing scum). Why? Because they have an agenda in both cases (as we all do).

You pays yer money and you takes yer choice.

If any information leaked/stolen leads to the death of a single serviceman I'm at the front of the queue for stringing the culprit up.

subrosa said...

Aye ASE, I noticed the different wording and I've also noticed the way the 'theft' is being reported in the US. Completely different to the climategate files.

I've yet to read them all but to publish them won't help any service personnel from any country. More ammunition for the Taliban and their helpers.

Unknown said...

Well said JRB - thanks for making that point.
I cannot see a great deal in the aiding the enemy contention. Their communications ar much faster than our PR and they will have formed their own conclusions that will not be changed by any foreign intruder fluff explanation. The potential benefit in the publication as I see it is that it opens just a little light and shows us just how much we are manipulated with selective press releases or complete avoidance or mentioning of an incident.
I also wonder just what the Press do there, Even the few (Michael Yon) etc do not keep us fully informed warts and all.pocknolf

Clarinda said...

'Familiarity breeds contempt' may be an aim or result of the manner by which the MSM and politicians contort and exploit the inevitable toll on our armed forces. How many were maimed and wounded in this latest explosion killing yet another young man - we're rarely told. Perhaps not in the public/political interest? It's made difficult to actively organise our national rage when grieving widows and parents are on our screens and the dignity and respect from Wootton Bassett is untouchable. Where are the protest songs, war poets and marches these days - the answer is still blowin' in the wind.

Interesting too how the US public are gradually, at this time, being made aware of the enormous rare, exclusive and valuable mineral resources in Afghanistan. With US gulf oil drilling being somewhat down at the moment, and no doubt in the future - I'm just waiting to hear the White House spin on the necessity to maintain energy access from Middle East pipe-lines. I've read that the amount being sucked out of Iraq isn't even calculated to avoid fair recompense.

This so-called Wikileak will fuel the oil leak subterfuge via BP and the even bigger oil 'leaks' from the Middle East. Our armed forces are doubling as indirect oil roustabouts.

Richard said...

Nah ... I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy ... when the "Climategate" files are leaked, the left-wing media howls that they are "stolen". When these files are leaked, the left-wing media rushes to print them, because they are er ... leaked.

subrosa said...

The press are in the hands of governments John as we both know.

subrosa said...

Clarinda, we're on the same wavelength with this one. Roustabouts indeed.

subrosa said...

Auch Richard, surely you don't believe these were leaked. I understand your point about the hypocrisy but these weren't stolen. The MSM know that so can't say it.

But of course, you know that too. ;)

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