The government is making plans to offload millions of doses of swine flu vaccines because it is predicted that a third wave of the 'pandemic' is unlikely to happen.
Options include selling surplus vaccine (who would buy it?) or donating it to poorer countries, but a stockpile will remain in place.
Cases of swine flu have now dropped dramatically to well below what is usually seen in winter flu outbreaks.
Last week France announced it was selling millions of doses of the vaccine after finding they had more than enough to cope with the outbreak.
The UK bought 60m doses from GSK and 30m from Baxter but the smaller contract had a break clause should the doses not be needed. An official figure for the cost of the vaccine to the UK has never been given but it is likely to run into hundreds of millions.
If the government negotiated a break clause with Baxter why wasn't the same done with GSK? Surely the WHO has some serious questions to answer as they announced the pandemic status which caused governments to rush into buying this untested material?
Or will it all be hushed up as usual. Maybe the Chief Medical Officer's comment is a clue. Sir Liam Donaldson said they would be calculating the economic costs of the pandemic at a later date.
Surely Sir Liam doesn't think we'll forget about the scaremongering stories he issued on a daily basis and the unnecessary expense of buying a vaccine which expert medics openly agreed had not been given appropriate testing. We won't forget Sir Liam, believe me we won't forget.
It appears that the WHO changed the rules on what constitutes a 'pandemic' so that a) Big Pharma could make even more profits and b) people will get sick from vaccines which haven't been properly tested and so need further medication.
Seems the Council of Europe will investigate what looks like another huge fraud.
Yes Stewart, I posted about that a wee while ago. Maybe I should link to the last post. Thanks for the idea.
That'll be the same disgraced Chief Medical Officer Liam Donaldson who led the anti-smoking campaign and now talks ill of alcohol drinkers, about to take a well funded early retirement before the true costs of his 'swine-flu' melodramatics are known?
Dear Subrosa
I always thought it was a dangerous con.
I see nothing to change my mind.
There should be an inquiry into this farce.
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
Liam Donaldson announced a few weeks ago that he was leaving later this year, one assumes just about the GE time.
Presumably Cameron has let it be known that Donaldson would on the red list, should he occupy No 10 later this year.
No reason apart from the usual soundbite ones were given.
That's the one banned. SIR Liam of course.
George I've just put a link to an older post where it is to be investigated. Allegedly.
Bug, I think his speech went along these lines:
"I've made enough money for myself and the pharma companies to be able to keep generations of my family in total luxury and all thanks to you commoners."
And one wonders if the flu was deliberately released so that they could shift these. Influence in the WHO? Without question. The raised the pandemic level to 6 which is supposed to represent the imminent threat of millions dying. Obviously big pharma has significant influence in Washington and hence over thier little poodle here in Downing St. Sheesh, if he'll rob us blind by following their economic madness on behalf of Goldman Sachs, then why not big pharma too?
I wish I'd known that last night, Rosie. I could have copied and pasted from your post. :-)
I'm not sure if I'm into conspiracy theories. Being very parochial, the flu scare has done GSK's factory in Montrose no harm, indeed it might just have kept it open.
What is wrong with trying to sell it? Lets face it, the government need the money! Mind you, the price of something that nobody wants now might not be just that great.
Good questions raised by you - as usual!
Conspiracies? Baxters were caught forwarding on contaminated 'vaccines' before in the Czech Republic.
A lot of micro-biologists have registered discontent on the subject. But as long as it doesn't hit local jobs..
One does indeed wonder Alex. Anything to place us in a deeper state of fear and despair I think. Social engineering at its best.
That's ok Stewart, kind of you to think it was worthy of a cut and paste. :)
I'd forgotten one was there Strathturret. I thought GSK was a solid business and Montrose would have been fine. A big price to pay though don't you think? Putting the frighteners on the whole nation?
Who would buy it WfW? Seems like France have got into the retail business before us and I'm sure they have big enough stocks too. Can't find anything in the German papers about them selling but I'll keep my eyes open.
Ah Alex thanks so much for the link. It's your kind of research which really does help a cynic like me.
Is this the vaccine the manufacturers would not accept liability for, if things went wrong? and the government agreed to carry the can for damages??
Is this also the vaccine that only shortened the symptoms by a day? or have I got the wrong one there? And the google page that Alex's link takes you to has many interesting items re vaccines. Could be like trying to sell sand in the Sahara.
And what is the law on selling pharma products that were not properly tested?
I think you're right Apogee, the manufacturers wouldn't take liability. But with the day thing I think that was Tamiflu, the tablets they were pushing.
I know nothing about the law in that respect Apogee. Now ask me about divorce...
Rosie, it looks like everyone's wanting rid of excess stock. I came across this while investigating yesterday:
"Germany is also trying to offload surplus stocks and renegotiate orders placed during an early phase of the pandemic. It is due to start talks with GSK in Berlin on Thursday to try to negotiate a 50 per cent cut in the 50 million doses of the Pandemrix vaccine to be delivered."
You wonder why they have to "negotiate". Does Big Pharma have that much of a hold over national governments?
Is this a rhetorical question?
Good morning Stewart. Thanks for that link. I did have quick look at the German papers to see if there was anything about it. Why didn't I think to look at the Swiss. They're good reporting fairly on European countries. Lesson learned Stewart ty.
At least it seems Germany can negotiate. We have 90m with negotiation available on only 30m. Marvellous.
They certainly have some control Stewart. If I recall it's been that way for my lifetime in the US but only recently crept in to the degree it has here.
Medical opinion is that another flu pandemic is a matter of when not if. Given that the 1918 Spannish Flu killed millions, WHO and Governments want to be prepared.
Not sure I buy all the conspiracy nonsense about 'big pharma'.
Big Pharma makes big money from drugs not vaccines.
GSK at Montrose makes active ingredient of Relenza which is similar to Tamiflu. GSK also makes flu vaccine in Belgium.
Relenza was a commercial lemon and has never been one of GSK big earners.
Various bird flu panics in 2006/7 and latest swine flu have provided welcome boost to production at the Montrose plant. The 2006/7 scare might well have saved plant from closing.
There is quite a lot of money to be made from just one vaccine. Makes getting your own people into positions at the WHO very desirable.
From Reuters... (selected quotes)
* WHO estimates global market at $10 billion-$20 billion
The latest is France, which has ordered 94 million doses of vaccine against H1N1 flu from GlaxoSmithKline , Sanofi-Aventis and Novartis at a cost of almost 1 billion euros ($1.4 billion).
Switzerland's Novartis, which reported strong second-quarter results on Thursday, said it had secured several orders for H1N1 vaccines and is in talks with more than 35 governments.
Marie-Paule Kieny, director of the WHO's Initiative for Vaccine Research, told Reuters the potential global value of the market was estimated at between $10 billion and $20 billion.
The United Nations agency, in revised guidance issued on Thursday, said that up to 4.9 billion doses could be produced in 12 months.
But if more than one shot is needed and production yields are lower than for seasonal flu vaccine, global capacity could be just 1-2 billion doses per year, it said. Some 20 vaccine makers are licensed to make seasonal flu vaccines and other qualified companies are also preparing to make H1N1 vaccine.
More than 400 deaths have been confirmed but most cases cannot be tested and the numbers are likely much higher. Seasonal influenza is involved in 250,000 to 500,000 deaths a year globally.
JP Morgan analysts reckon Glaxo has already received orders worth about 800 million pounds ($1.3 billion), but these are unlikely to be shipped and booked until the fourth quarter.
Strathturret, doesn't vaccine come under the banner of drugs? I don't know that's why I'm asking.
Aye the WHO needs a little independent investigation I think Stewart.
Reuters, many thanks for your contribution to the debate. Much appreciated.
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