Sunday 4 October 2009

Thank You Eire

To the Dear Irish People

Thank you so much for making me King of Europe and of course increasing my bank balance by an even more vulgar sum.

Love and kisses


(No need to put my surname because if you don't know it now you'll certainly know it very soon. Dave's not going to be happy but I can cope with public schoolboys, I was one myself.)


Richard Lucas said...

Surely the EU, which must acknowledge it has an image problem, is going to baulk at appointing a war-monger who fiddled his Parliamentary expenses. There must be a million and one better candidates for the position - the EU surely can do better money-grubbing has-been?

Richard Lucas said...

"the EU surely can do better than this money-grubbing has-been?"

AS i meant to say!

brownlie said...

Who said crimes does not pay with Mandelson the unelected President of the UK and Blair the unelected President of the EU it's high-fives and trebles all round for deceit and corruption. No doubt there'll be some dosh and perks left over for the otherwise unemployable Brown.

Conan the Librarian™ said...

I took Bonaparte less than five years from First Consul to Emperor...

McGonagall said...

Ein Reich, ein Volk, ein EU!

Allan said...

You missed the bit out where he treatens dissenters with Sith lightning... or ritually humiliated like the Irish Leader was last year in the wake of the "No" vote.

brownlie said...

Is that the red tie of socialism he's wearing or is it a white tie stained with the blood of innocent Iraqis?

Oldrightie said...

It will all end in tears and yet ever more bloodshed. There will a yet unforseen issue that will turn this daft conspiracy on it's head. probably from the East.

Witterings from Witney said...

God forbid Blair, SR it means we then also get that bitch Cherie and if she thinks I will bow to her, or her bloody husband, they can both think again!!

John McClane said...

Still Poland and the Czech Republic to go yet.

JRB said...


Why it only seems like seventy years ago, that all that stood between a free Europe and tyranny was Poland and the Czech Republic.

Déjà vu ?

wisnaeme said...

Good comment, JRB.

...and all done under our noses by stealth.

We don't know what we've got till it's gone, eh.

Why the Irish want to exchange one lot of empire builders for another, Christ only knows.

We'll have El Presedenti Bliar landing at Dublin airport from Das Capital jubilantly waving a wee bit of paper come shortly.

Reminds me of some place else back yonder.

Munich, wasn't it.



subrosa said...

I'm sure the EU knows that Richard, but they don't appear to give a damn do they. Now they have such power they have no intention of losing one watt of it.

subrosa said...

A wee rumour is that Brown has a nice wee number set up in the US brownlie. Why do you think his wife is often over there?

subrosa said...

It's only taken Blair 12 years Conan, so not bad going either.

subrosa said...

Genau scunnert.

subrosa said...

Sorry Allan, I'm not great at satire, that's Conan's forte. Apologies.

subrosa said...

That's an interesting concept OR, I must keep my eyes more open.

subrosa said...

I don't bow to anyone WfW and I doubt if you do either. What a pair of self-promoters they are.

subrosa said...

You think they'll hold out John? I think Poland will give in first and I'm not quite sure about the CR. Lots of different opinions floating around.

subrosa said...

It was Munich wisnaeme. Dark days.

Anonymous said...

Imagine having a president that doesn't have the backing of his home country.

Imagine having one who cheats on expenses and refurbishes his house days before resigning.

Imagine having a president who lies to people and insists his officials change legal opinions to suit his purposes.

Imagine one who is so in awe of the American president that he would do anything he was told by him, including sending soldiers of his country to their deaths in an illegal war.

Image having a president who thought that it was a fair and decent thing to do in an illegal war to engage in a programme like Shock and Awe, killing and maming thousands and thousands of totally innocent people, including children.

It's almost unimagineable to have a president like that. Well, maybe in Burma (although they wouldn't have a lacky of the Americans).

I hope that somehow it can be stopped, but now that the lily livered Eton boy seems to have folded his tent, it doesn't much look like it.

Maybe when we throw off the shackles of this unholy union with England and get a proper Prime Minister, a real Scottish one, we can get out of the EU...

subrosa said...

What a splendid comment tris. I have to admit I never thought I'd ever experience someone in power in my country such as Blair, or Brown for that matter.

CrazyDaisy said...


There will be a war in mainland Europe within the next 20 years the EU isn't everything to everybody....and we will get dragged in unless we become neutral when Independence comes otherwise another lost generation or 2 from Scotland all becaus eof Westmidden's bidding and Brussels.


subrosa said...

I'm with you on that CD, we must stay out and just be pals through the Council of Europe.

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