Wednesday 9 September 2009

Oh UK, Gies a Room

Mike Russell, the SNP constitution minister, yesterday published a document entitled 'Europe and Foreign Affairs' to a Brussels audience.

The document, part of the government's National Conversation' on Scotland's future, says that under current arrangements Scottish government officials working on Scottish affairs work alongside UK representatives overseas, reflecting the fact that in many policy areas Scottish and UK interests coincide.

However it adds: 'Independence would not change that and there is no reason why close co-operation on policy and representation, up to and including shared services, should not continue where Scotland and the UK (rest of the UK) agree that was of mutual interest.'

By contrast the document also envisages an independent Scotland 'opening new embassies, consulates or trade offices' and adds that 'a Scottish Foreign Service and embassy network could and should look very different from the FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) model.'

A Scottish government spokesman said an independent Scotland would seek to co-operate with the UK in a discussion about shared assets such as diplomatic and consular services.

Labour, both in Scotland and Whitehall, issued their usual affable comments:

Anne McGuire, the Labour MP for Stirling, added: “It reads like somebody has written it for a school project, not a serious government document. They cannot assert that Scotland needs something different, but in the same breath decide to piggy-back on our existing experience and structures.”

There was little encouragement for the SNP from Whitehall, with a source branding the idea of shared diplomatic services “utterly ridiculous. No-one who has had an acrimonious divorce would ever rent a room in their house to the person who left.”

Go on Britain, give Scotland a room. After all we pay £658 million annually as our share of UK overseas representation and there are already several examples of countries co-locating embassies in one building to reduce overhead costs.

A dual citizenship plan was also contained in the paper. 'Given Scotland's close ties to the other parts of the British Isles, a positive approach to dual citizenship would be essential.'

Source: Times


CrazyDaisy said...


I've read around this today, apparently the UK has a deal with Australia to provide BHC offices within their Embassy in Bali for UK chaps and chapesses abroad. So not such a daft comment/crazy observation; although I think the document lacks maturity despite the cogent thought process that went in to producing it.

I also picked up from "Good Morning Scotland" a comment that Oil tax makes up 1/5 of the Treasury's take, 20% of last years tax of £496 Billion makes £99 Billion from Scotland - so why do we get a paltry £30 Billion as pocket money?

I disagree with Westminster and the Opposition in Scotland who think the Oil price is too volatile to base an economy on, time to wake the fuck up and get a Referendum through and Indpendence.

I could get very angry but it's a waste of energy and emotion, I will remain patient!

Showers here today, after 27 Degs last nite!

Crazy D

Lallands Peat Worrier said...

Methinks you'd enjoy M'Lord Foulkes' comments on the subject, Subrosa, which made a splendid, inglorious appearance in the Hootsmon today.

Faux Cu said...

Sorry to change the topic SubR, has anyone heard any thing of Calman and his Amazing Gravity Defying Commission?

Has he gone AWOL just like that singer with Glasvegas.

Or, has the report been quietly filed in the bin in that room 101 with all the other dross, and the "too dangerous to see the light of day for 50 years," reports.

Oh, what a brave new World.

Faux Cu said...

On topic

"A dual citizenship plan was also contained in the paper. 'Given Scotland's close ties to the other parts of the British Isles, a positive approach to dual citizenship would be essential."

Tony Blair is away ahead of the SNp.

He has secured Irish passports for his kids, presumably his wife and maybe(???) himself.

Does he know something we don't?

Witterings from Witney said...

Tad academic SR, when the Soviet Republic of Europe gets 'Lisbon' 'done & dusted', all embassies will be EU embassies!

Why waste your money?

subrosa said...

Haven't read the whole paper as yet CD but I did hear that on GM Scotland.

Don't get angry, save your energies for better things other than those in London.

subrosa said...

I liked that Lallands. :)

subrosa said...

The last I heard about Calman's AGFC was when Davy boy said he'd kick it into the long grass for a few years Faux Cu.

Brave New World (Order) indeed.

In coming years the unionists will be able to say they commissioned a paper about giving Scotland more powers but Scotland wasn't interested. Independence wasn't included because only a handful of people wanted it.

Oh how history can be manipulated.

subrosa said...

Aye that's a strange action from the Blairs. You may well be right Faux Cu.

subrosa said...

WfW, but ours will have tartan curtains etc, that's the difference. :)

Your point is a good one, that could be the way things will go, in fact very possibly.

forfar-loon said...

Implicit in all of this is the notion that Scotland has been using "English" embassies all these years. Aren't they UK embassies? And as such aren't we entitled to a ~10% share of them as and when independence happens? (10% being based on population, a rather larger share being arguable based on the "union of equals" of Scotland and England!)

I guess that will be one of the things up for negotiation when Scotland goes independent. Rump UK can buy out our 10% if they really don't want us hanging around, otherwise we've as much right to continue using our embassies as they do. Given the palatial nature of many UK embassies we could likely move into more modest accommodation and have a few quid left in the kitty.

As ever our Scandinavian friends offer a rather more mature way of doing things, well beyond any outdated imperial notions of ruling the waves, or anything else for that matter.

subrosa said...

Here's a photo of the Scandanavian Embassy in Berlin FL.

Let's face it, we don't expect the unionists to be anything but negative and nasty.

Cruachan said...

On embassies; no problem, we'll share with the Republic of Ireland.

I shall read the citizenship ideas with interest. As a Scot, living in England I want to make sure I qualify. Though I suspect I will have to do my own Homecoming to make sure. :)

Cruachan said...

Mike Russell set out some interesting thoughts about what a Scottish Foreign Office may be for in his book "Grasping the Thistle" with Dennis MacLeod (published 2006).
Moving away from the UK world policeman role to a more progressive "Foreign and Trade Affairs" remit. Worth a look.

subrosa said...

Time to bur/rent a but 'n' bed I think Cruachan.

Yes I read that in Mike's book. Couldn't get a cross ref link to the actual piece though Cruachan.

Cruachan said...

SR, no its not on line.

subrosa said...

My copy's out on loan Cruachan and you've reminded me to ensure it's returned.

Vote Derek Bennett Walsall South said...

Witterings from Witney is correct in what he says about the Lisbon Treaty, the EU is the real menace here and when it completes its task of the creation of a new country called Europe there will only be one nationality and that will be European.

Scotland will not have independence, it will be a mere region of the European Union.

We in the United Kingdom all need to get together and work against this danger and only vote for real EU-sceptic candidates in the next general election who will work to take us out of the EU - that means voting UKIP.

The Labour, Tories, Liberal Democrats, SNP and Plaid Cymry are all pro-EU.

Cruachan said...

Here is the link to the document launched by Mike Russel on European & Foreigh Affairs

subrosa said...

Many thanks Cruachan, much appreciated. will keep that safely.

subrosa said...

I agree with you Derek and I don't agree with an independent Scotland being in the total control of the EU.

My wish is that we become like the Scandanavian countries and be in there but outwith control. I have voiced that often but perhaps I need to do it more.

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