Sarah Palin and her husband Todd are to divorce. A National Enquirer story exposing previous affairs on both sides led to a deterioration of their marriage and the stress from that led to Palin's resignation as governor of Alaska.
She has recently purchased land in Montana and is considering moving the family there.
Is this the end of Sarah Palin's bid for the White House or just the beginning?
Source: Alaska Report
Update: The divorce is denied on Facebook
She's certainly an awful woman, and a complete hypocrite for portraying her family as perfect when in fact there were clearly some deep seated cracks.
However, divorce is horrid for anyone, and it would have to be a very strong marriage to survive the scrutiny it had last year. I think we should be sympathetic to her as a human being.
The Republicans will not select her, and I doubt they ever would have done, to be honest, just on the grounds she's a woman.
Regarding the notion that Mrs Palin is the front runner for the republican party's nomination for 2012? - I think its a non starter,
The wing nuts in the Republican party are more than likely to perfer someone like Liz Cheney for a stab at the white house in 2012.
Indeed Caron, particularly when she used religious values so much too.
I think now her chances are nil because much of her support was from the family/religious electorate but, knowing America, I may well be proved wrong.
You think Liz Cheney BD? It goes from bad to worse doesn't it.
A great lady brought down by the left. She really did not suit the Bilderberger dream. A woman as a Bilgerberger, no way. Bastards.
She put her family and "Hockey Mom" status right at the centre of her campaign, so it seems unlikely that she'll run.
Besides, she had precious little political knowledge or nous!
Of course OR, no women in the Bilderburger boys club - no more than they're accepted in freemasonry.
Do you need knowledge to be a politician Fausty? That's a new one to me these days.
Ladies & Gents.... over the big pond....you are looking at the next leader of the Free WORLD....!
If Gordie is running the UK..it only stands to reason that Sarah can run the World... do not underestimate her by any means
Just to update ye, She is not divorcing from a statement:
"Yet again, some so-called journalists have decided to make up a story. There is no truth to the recent “story” (and story is the correct term for this type of fiction) that the Palins are divorcing. The Palins remain married, committed to each other and their family, and have not purchased land in Montana (last week it was reported to be Long Island).
Less than one week ago, Governor Palin asked the media to “quit making things up.” We appreciate that the more professional journalists decided to question this story before repeating it."
Source: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=111060718434
I just updated that a few minutes ago Stephen because I saw it on Facebook too. Not sure what to believe now, but then it is associated with politics.
You see and hear more about her there than we do here Baron. I never underestimate any woman. :-)
I didnt see the update!! At least you are willing to do that unlike other media outlets!
I've heard estimates that she'll make about $20,000,000 doing a book and talk shows over the coming year.
Wouldn't surprise me in the least scunnert, she may even make more. Good luck to her I say.
Thanks Stephen, I try to keep up usually :)
no more than they're accepted in freemasonry.
I gonna tell ya again...she's the next leader of the free World...John MacCain the vietnam vet was right in chosing her and America will stand behind her...she da man...!!!
Oh OR, I sit corrected. I had no idea such an organisation existed. Now that's certainly going to be a question I ask all women at a party next week.
You know I always respect your opinions Baron. Not too sure I agree with this one though. :)
Hey I understand...but you need to trust me on this one...
People in the US are fed up with Obama...he only looks good overseas where foreign leaders are exploiting the idea...but the mood at home is different...unemployment is way too high, foreclosures are worse than what they were in the 30's...people can barely afford to feed their kids with 3 square meals a day ,you don't hear about this in the UK, but your fat assed Gordies Brownies are fully aware of it... the Pres is now showing his racist colors...even though his mother was white and his maternal gran parents raised him... things ain't so good out here in America...meaning North America....
Change is about to come sooner than you think so I suggest you just sit tight and watch sista...! This ain't Scotland , Ireland, or the UK ...where poetry makes the day.
Oh OR, I sit corrected. I had no idea such an organisation existed. Now that's certainly going to be a question I ask all women at a party next week.
It goes deeper, Subrosa. Do not tell of your decency, that it might be misconstrued. Masonry hates to be in the public glare, for the right reasons. Just google their charity contributions. I would be proud to be associated with this movement but it does require not to use use foul language, so I,m out!
OR, I'm afraid I have little time for organisations such as the masons. I've worked with too many of them in my lifetime. As for foul language being a dismissable offence - I could have had at least a dozen of them drummed out immediately.
They may well contribute to charities but it is still a club and they have little regard for those who are not members.
Too long in the tooth now to change my opinion.
Thanks for your comment Baron. I do my best to read about the US but of course, being on the spot gives a far more realistic picture.
I will do as you suggest and sit tight and watch.
(Yes I did realise Obama is not playing games with race issues, although of course it hasn't been highlighted in the press here).
Subrosa, yes, if they don't want to be humiliated, as Palin was when interviewed about Russia. A toe curling interview!
Cheers and keep well
You too dear man.
Aye indeed it was Fausty. Even I was cringing and usually I criticise women less than men. I would say that wouldn't I :)
My internet fantasy, do not dismiss the power of rightous grouping. Alone we are weak.
Oh I never do that OR, I firmly believe is social groupings but many bad experiences of masons have left me rather dubious about the candor of their aims.
Needless to say...I'm with RRR on thi isue
'There is no truth to the recent “story” (and story is the correct term for this type of fiction) that the Palins are divorcing'.
Damn, damn, and blast. I was getting a really nice letter ready to send to her too. Faint heart never won fair lady and all that.
RRR, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm no tool and neither am I desperate.
What Mrs Palin said lowered her in my estimation. She implies looks are everything when most sensible people realise that is complete and utter nonsense. I would go so far as to call it very shallow thinking.
Dare I suggest those who are impressed with her response are tools and desperate?
It seems you think Mrs Palin WILL run in 2012. That certainly is interesting.
Let me tell you from a woman's viewpoint. Being divorced should certainly not barr anyone from any career path.
Thanks for your contribution.
Afternoon Jim. Ye'll jist have tae pit yer quill back in the box fur anither time.
I appreciate your views on Sarah Palin Baron and RRR's reasons are passionate. Interesting response though. :)
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