Monday 13 July 2009

Equality in the Civil Service

Only the other week a civil servant was sacked for sending an email from work accusing Hazel Blears a liar and a thief.

Azad Ali (pictured above), an IT worker and president of the Civil Service Islamic Society, was suspended on full pay for sex months following comments on his blog. It is understood there were concerns that Mr Ali may have breached the Whitehall code of practice that restricts civil servants from political activities.

In one post Mr Ali quoted an interview with an Islamic militant who said, "If I saw an American or British man wearing a soldier's uniform inside Iraq I would kill him because that is my obligation. If I found the same soldier in Jordan I wouldn't touch him. In Iraq he is a fighter and an occupoer, here he is not. I respect this as the main instruction in my religion for jihad."

The investigation has now finished and Mr Ali has returned to his job.

My thanks to the Ranting Penguin


banned said...

"suspended on full pay for sex months"
Shurely shum mishtake SR, Freudian slip ?

Presumably the man " quoted " by Azad Ali feels obliged to kill the entire Iraqui Govenment and administration since UK troops are there with their approval and left at their request ?

Good example of double standards SR, criticise an X minister, get the sack; promote High Treason, no problem.

Goodnight Vienna said...

A crazy state of affairs - what was it that warranted the leniency meted out to this odious individual? He had his own blog site where he wrote incitement and she sent an anonymous comment from her work email. Has his blog site been taken down? (I think I know the answer to that one).

subrosa said...

Morning gentlemen. I think I know the answer to it too GV.

subrosa said...

I'm considering suggesting the civil service permit a Humanist Society. It's only fair isn't it? And of course there could be thousands of societies in the civil service.

Allan said...

Private Eye last week reported a similar case where a Civil Servant at the DWP was under facing disciplinary action for organising a petition calling for the ousting of his MP, Jilie Kirkbride, contrasting that with their actions (or lack of) when a member of staff stood in their local council... for the BNP.

subrosa said...

Ah Allan, so that's where it was! I knew I'd read something similar last week, but I couldn't remember where.

Can I employ you as my internet memory? The pay would be pretty awful but I'm a reasonable cook and there's always a bottle of malt around somewhere. :)

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