Friday 10 July 2009

Bob Ainsworth - Is He Incompetent or Plain Stupid?

Why do photographs of Bob Ainsworth disturb me? This one in particular does as it's the standard 'photo-call' for politicians who have an ego-boosting need to record their half hour visit to the front line of the wars which they so loudly approve. Or perhaps it's his complete lack of understanding his remit. So many thousands of lives in the hands of this incompetent individual and so few politicians willing to question his abilities.

That aside, Bob Ainsworth's words in his speech on Wednesday were chilling. He denied Afghanistan was becoming another Vietnam but continued by saying, "More lives will be lost and our resolve is going to be tested. If we are to succeed, we will need both the courage and the patience to see it through. There is no defined end date, only an end state." Who are the 'we'? Certainly not politicians because I see little courage within the Westminster Parliament.

Nick Cleg, in yesterday's Telegraph wrote 'Recent events have led me to question whether we're going about things in the right way. Lives are being thrown away because our politicians won't get their act together.' Fitaloon has taken the trouble to transcribe part of the evidence submitted to the Defence Select Committee on 30 June when journalist and author Stephen Grey was asked his thoughts about the position in Afghanistan. Do read the whole transcript but the following are a couple of quotes:

Mr Grey: I have to say, I think we owe it to all those that are sacrificing themselves in Helmand, to be brutally frank about what is going on there and what is going wrong, because it is only with that frankness that I think certain things can be put right. From the perspective of those on the ground, I think the Comprehensive Approach has largely been a parody of reality.

Mr Grey: I disagree, yes. As to the solutions, obviously there are many, but the only thing I would highlight is that at the moment the strategic commander of all UK agencies is the Prime Minister, and there is no other place where it comes together. I think that came out from your briefing from the permanent secretaries. So there was no-one in charge apart from the Prime Minister. I think the Prime Minister of Britain has got other things on his mind, and that is the real problem. So I think there needs to be someone, not quite a General Templer of Malaya who had full civilian powers dealing with a sovereign country, but there are so many agencies involved, so many countries involved here that Britain’s interests need to be combined into one role, an ambassador that combines the role of both military commander and civil commander.

Tom Harris states 'Afghanistan is about the fight against facism'. This statement is rightly rubbished in the comments section. Tom of course supports the Afghanistan war as he did the invasion of Iraq. May I suggest he has a word in the ear of the Prime Minister and tell him his non-strategy in Afghanistan is putting unnecessary lives at risk.

Much more credible is the report from Richard Holmes, an Emeritus Professor of Military and Security Studies at Cranfield University and a man to whom one listens.

Have you spoken with Mr Holmes yet Mr Ainsworth? If not, may I suggest you do it sooner rather than later. It may help you look less incompetent and stupid.

Update: I've just noticed this in today's Daily Mail. Why haven't the likes of Lord Guthrie spoken out before? He's been our of the army since 2001 so he hasn't had to worry about keeping his job.


Vronsky said...

That's not Bob Ainsworth, that's Mr Growbag. There's an interesting piece at the London Review of Books. Sample:

The power of the US and its allies, and our commitment, knowledge and will, are limited. It is unlikely that we will be able to defeat the Taliban. The ingredients of successful counter-insurgency campaigns in places like Malaya – control of the borders, large numbers of troops in relation to the population, strong support from the majority ethnic groups, a long-term commitment and a credible local government – are lacking in Afghanistan.

subrosa said...

Morning Vronsky. Funnily enough I've selected LRB as one of my SSS for tomorrow but not this particular one, although I did read it.

Many are shouting loudly now and I do hope many more join as we need the people in power to realise they can't use our troops as canon fodder to suit the US.

Of course, it's the people in power who are the problem.

Anonymous said...

incompetent is what I hear from people in the forces.

Key bored warrior. said...

Incompetent and stupid, I would say. Just look at the utter garbage that new Labour have had in that post. Reid who famously said "without a shot being fired." When referring to troops being deployed to Afghanistan. Hoon, Ingram, these people are just overpromoted oiks who's only interest is their own and their party's survival. They would cheerfully say any thing just to cover up the incompetence of procurement and restriction of budgets for the Afghan and Iraq operation.

Look at the utter humiliation of Iraq. Who can forget the Royal Navy's incompetence and humiliation at the hands of a bunch of Iranians in speed boats. The Royal Navy and The Royal Marines made to look like Girl Guides on annual camp. Presumably doing a risk assessment and audit on bullets before deciding not to engage the pirates with weapons. Britain needs to get the f*** out of all these countries ans stop pretending to be a superpower, we are a bloody joke, and I mean bloody.

Our yound men and women are being sacrificed on the altar of political egos and incompetence. Simply put, we just cannot afford to do this any longer. The Taliban know this and can play this game until hell freezes over. It is what they do. It is the only thing they know. Apart that is from molesting children and having more respect for their animals than their women.

The foreign policies of America and Britian is what created these groups who now want us gone, of the planet. We have made the world a much more dangerous place with this bullshit crusading. "These people need democracy." Who the hell are we to make that decision.

End of rant.

subrosa said...

KBW, there's nothing I can add to that. I agree with every word.

Oldrightie said...

His rug makes him look even more yukky than his ugly mug. As we age our personality becomed evident from the smiles and expressions we have used for many years. This ugly, wig crowned mug was a Trade Union thug and thick as thick can be. Secretary of State for Labour. Says a lot, does it not.
My features have become more and more distorted with rage and despair since 1997 and Jimmy Snot stole most of my pension before taking everybody for over £50 a day in tax.
Mind you, the result of these trillions in investment is all around us. Happy, crime free housing complexes, wonderful, germ free hospitals, an elderly nursing care system the envy of the world. A transport system of such efficiency our roads are uncluttered and a joy to use. The Utopia of a Socialist era. Well, that's what they say.

The Last Of The Few said...

His speech as a disgrace.

He has no place in his current role. Complete fabrication, complete spin and complete statement of the bloody obvious.

The long haul eh! Not our Vietnam, sorry Bob you useless moron it already is.

And did anyone here Milliband on the TV this am. Saying the Taliban regroup over the border and mentioning the excellent work of the Pakistan military.

That border is some length the Pakistan Military are not even scratching the surface.

A horendous week in the sad chapter of Afghanistan conflict.

Bugger off Ainsworth, bugger off Miliband no one believes anything you say.

Great Big Billygoat Gruff said...

Incompetent or Stupid?

In his case they are not mutually exclusive, infortunately.

Oh what a circus, when the clowns run the ring.

CrazyDaisy said...


A sad situation to face when Bob is in charge of the decisions - he is neither qualified not cerebral enough to carry the weight of office.


I disagree with you entirely on the Iranian incident, no one died, yes it caught the RN off guard, the CO should have resigned his commission. Our ROE does not permit slotting people of any nationality without good cause - so our hands are tied. Atleast I get my mates back in one piece despite having being stroked by some Persian gentlemen who "bowl from the pavillion end".

Finally, Brown is distracted and should also call a GE now. We then get the Tory boys promising the same but with cuts, Scotland votes for Independence and we go our own way and are no longer volunteered as Unionist Ego appeasing cannon fodder.

Sunny here today,

Crazy D

Anonymous said...

I was interested to read Mr Guthrie's comments. I wonder why so many of these top brass manage to leave it until they have secured their place in the Lords and their fat pension before they manage to realise that what their political bosses are asking them to do is impossible and extremely life threatening to the people under their command.

Surely men who reach these incredibly senior positions in the armed forces aren't afraid of the likes of Des Browne, Hoon, and this latest muppet that they have dragged out of the gutter in the dying days of their administration. If they are, may heaven help us if the war ever comes to the streets of Scotland.

Clarinda said...

Inspector 'Blakey' from On The Buses comes to mind when the gormless phizog of Bob Jobsworth is on view which explains the mutual incompetence and stupidity.

Am I being naive in wondering why there is no formal War Cabinet that can brief us on a regular basis as to the continuing purpose, progress and potential of our armed forces presence in areas of direct combat? Or would that thrust the shocking facts forward more than the UK government would like. I gather two more soldiers died yesterday.
The young man on last night's QT was right in calling for a review of our strategic purpose, priorities and the consequent proper resourcing of our armed forces.
Re - who's in charge...I suspect there may be a situation more devastating and dangerous than incompetence and stupidity and that is a clinical disorder affecting the decision-making of our UK leadership. Emotionally drained and vacant facial expressions, physical ticks and suspect body language appear to accompany and beleaguer someone who ought to be at the height of his self-control, national focus and rational approach to making good choices. Intelligence is inadequate without the backbone of a robust attitude - desperately lacking in our current UK government.

CrazyDaisy said...

More bad news to come folks - I wait for it to come through official channels.

Blakey - yes I thought that too - I'll get you Butler - oh don't you'll have me pissing myself.

The Comprehensive Approach whilst in theory sounds great it only adds to DFIDs ability to sit in protected compounds at their chilled swimming pools on double wages while Jack, Pongo and Crab go into the heat and dust of the desert to do Westmidden's bidding.

Billions go to waste on "propping up failed countries" or those emerging from war - who supplies those countries with weapons? UK Plc - so it is a cyclical piece of bullshit that your sons and daughters are dying for - nothing other than Corporate greed.

Democracy my arse - time to send out some p.45s to MPs me thinks....

Crazy D

Nikostratos said...

I thought more Fred Kite than Blakey

Fitaloon said...

Who said the following In my experience… he [Gordon Brown] was a most unsympathetic chancellor of the exchequer as far as defence was concerned – and the only senior Cabinet minister who avoided coming to the Ministry of Defence to be briefed by our staff on our problems. And I think really that he must take much of the blame for the very serious situation we find the services in today.”"
Yep Guthrie back in 2007.He is also President of the UK National Defence Association so he has a long history of doing this sort of thing about Afghanistan Iraq etc.

subrosa said...

OR does he really wear a rug? That's worse than women getting a face lift.

subrosa said...

LotF, it was said to me tonight by someone who met him that he was 'totally inadequate'. When I questioned in what areas I was told ' All of them'.

There we go. Idiots in charge of men who can't speak out for themselves. The only public services who have no voice other than the likes of Guthrie who has suddenly found a conscience.

subrosa said...

Right enough Billy, they're not exclusive. Neither is inadequacy.

subrosa said...

No Clarinda you're not naive. Brown doesn't have a clue and he's leaving it to is henchmen who have no clues either. Brown waits for commands from Obama but of course we can't afford (?) Obama's requests.

The military top brass don't speak out because they could well lose their pensions and positions. That has always been the case,

subrosa said...

Ah CD was reading about that earlier.

Of course the money us taxpayers spend on our military doesn't go to protecting us, it goes towards feathering the nests of the rich arms industry here.

It's time all the drivel about protecting this country etc was exposed for what it is - sh!te,

subrosa said...

Thanks so much for the link Fitaloon, now I understand much more.

Fitaloon said...

Huge sadness tonight. Thank god broither-in-law was back from Afghanistan in May.

subrosa said...

So many poor folks have had the ring on the doorbell and the two officers standing there this week Fitaloon.

Glad yours is safe.

subrosa said...

Tris, you have no idea what powerful politicians can do to military personnel regardless of their rank. I could tell you a few stories, believe me.

Guthrie as decided to speak out now - why I have no idea. Perhaps he now feels secure, that's the only reason I can think of at present.

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