Sunday 7 June 2009

Quote of the Day


There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force,socialism -- by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.
Ayn Rand, LA Times


Vronsky said...

Rand's antipathy to communism springs at least in part from her personal history. I once noticed (don't know if it's still true) that most dictionaries gave the same definition for socialism as for communism - often word for word. Odd. But here is a counter-quotation:

The choice is not between socialism and capitalism, but betweem socialism and barbarism.

Rosa Luxemburg

subrosa said...

Ah Vronsky, I was tempted to put Rosa's quote, with which I have always agreed.

I don't know much about Rand at all. From what you say she has her own agenda. Her quote just caught my eye and I thought it worth discussion.

Administrator said...

It's from 'Atlas Shrugged' which is currently undergoing an inexplicable rise up the Amazon bestseller list. All part of the anti-Obama repugnanticans agenda...

wisnaeme said...

So what's in a name then? Take 'Rand' for example.

Visions of Voortrkkers with god on their side, circling the wagons after 'aquiring' other folk's land and riches. Denigrating the natives to the position of 'Boy' or Kaffir leaving them not even worthy of being second class citizens in the land of their forefathers as the herren pilaged and exploited for their own greater good in the name of administering 'improvements'. Sounds familiar that does. Indeed, wasn't that the norm in the good old days? Happened in America as well, I believe. ...and in other places.

Then there was that obnoxious McCarthy and his conspiracy theories.

Then there was Bliar, Bush et al and their foreign adventures in the name of 'improvements'.

Neo Con is she? Now there's a surprise.

Aye, weel, never mind; God bless Americans, some of them onyways.

subrosa said...

You must be pro-Obama then Monty, from the tone of your post that is :)

subrosa said...

Some conspiracy theories come true though Tom. What about the New World Order with Common Purpose to assist?

wisnaeme said...

Well, Subrosa.

Them folk who those accusations of conspiracy are direct at deny any knowledge of such goings on.

...and they have the power and influence of their legions to validate their claims of innocence. Governments and their willing lackies, the meja, state organs,Judges, lawyers and such upstanding lumminaries, beezness organisations, etc etc.

So mibee ah believe them. Aye right so.

subrosa said...

Ah Tom, I can see your 'angle' now. As has been said by a few ' it's the 1% who will dictate to us all.'

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