Monday 29 June 2009

Grey is Good for You

I don't know if men or women get more anxious about grey hair but, if the latest science is to be believed, we all should welcome it. Hair goes grey when the number of stem cells in hair follicles declines. Now a scientist of Toyko Medical and Dental University in Japan and colleagues have found what causes this decline in mice.

When the researchers exposed mice to radiation and chemicals that harm DNA, damaged stem cells transformed permanently into melanocytes which produce the pigments that colour hair and their numbers are kept topped up by stem cells. This ultimately led to fewer melanocytes, as it meant there were fewer stem cells capable of topping up the melanocyte pool. The mice also went grey.

David Fisher, a cancer researcher at Harvard Medical School, suggests such processes may hep protect us from cancer, by discouraging the proliferation of stem cells with damaged DNA, which could pass on mutations. "One likely beneficial effect is the removal of potentially dangerous cells that may contain pre-cancerous capabilities," he says.

So don't think grey hair is all bad news. Yes it shows we're all getting older but it could be very good for you.


Fitaloon said...

Well if it all wasn't falling out and being replaced in the most unlikely of places I'd be doing well.

subrosa said...

An you but a youth too fitaloon! It doesn't get better and I'm usually an optimist. :)

Oldrightie said...

Makes me a wunderkind!

Conan the Librarian™ said...

Heh, I could plait the grey hairs coming out

May return soon..fuckety fuck. said...

i dont want to think about grey hair!..i got too many of them!..once, it was just one or its a whole bunch of them!..time for the nice 'n' easy...

wisnaeme said...

Ach weel, there's hope for me yet then. What with my full head of greying hair.

Ah've two younger brothers who are 'slapheads' (baldies) anaw.

RantinRab said...

Whit aboot us baldies?

McGonagall said...

A barber told me - when in my thirties - that it would be a competition to see whether I went grey or bald first. He was right. Must admit my grey is turning white.

subrosa said...

I've been on the nice n easy a few years now OB. My grey isn't a bonnie colour.

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