Thursday 4 June 2009

FMQs 3 June 2009

FMQs was a day early because Holyrood is closed for chamber business today as MSPs are to be out campaigning.   George Foulkes isn't happy but it seems this has become normal practice for the day of the European elections.

Both Ian Gray and Annabel Goldie questioned the First Minister on his refusal, at last week's FMQs, to reveal another person had absconded from the open estate.  All rather tedious really as Alex Salmond answered by reiterating what he said last week plus quoting the Chief Constable of Tayside and various other police agencies which agreed with his stance.

Tavish Scott asked if the First Minister would be present in the chamber next Wednesday for a serious debate or would be be attending Westminster to vote for a general election.  Alex Salmond retorted he would be at Westminster where the libdems supported the nationalist proposal.

One constituency question of importance was asked by Hugh Henry with regard to the 4 people who have been diagnosed with swine flu and are being treated in intensive care.  The FM assured Mr Henry that all health services are co-operating fully and 88 cases of the virus had now been identified in Scotland. Testing is now faster thereby allowing earlier treatment.

At close of play it was Angus McLeod's chance to be referee.  He was surprised Annabel Goldie had questioned on the same subject as Ian Gray but had since discover she had wished her question to be about the First Minister's expenses as an MP.  The Presiding Officer had insisted that would be out of order. Auch well, we all win some and lose some.


brownlie said...

George won't be happy until the sun's over the yard-arm.

W.v. is squelsh which I understand is a new name for dancing with unwilling old ladies.

subrosa said...

Tut tut brownlie, you should know what squelsh is. It's when one puts one foot in one's mouth - like our PM.

brownlie said...

Our, or Labour's Angus managed to get in two references to Salmond's food bill although it was totally irrelevant to what went on in the chamber.

subrosa said...

Aye I noticed that. It was pretty tame stuff yesterday with Ian Gray and his pathetic performance once again. I do wish labour had someone who was even average at public speaking. Gray is abysmal.

Was tired when I watched it late last night, hence the lack of detail brownlie.

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