Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Brown's Snub to the Queen

Sometimes if I waken in the night I listen to TalkSport, mainly for its soporific value, but on occasion the main topic is quite interesting.  That was the case yesterday morning when Mike Graham's anger was evident.  What was his topic?  The fact that the Queen has not been invited to the 65th commemorations of the D-Day Landings.

He strongly felt that Gordon Brown had acted improperly by ignoring the Royal Family.  As I said in this post, protocol requires the government to invite royalty to such occasions.  No such invitation has been received by Buckingham Palace.

It has been said that Mr Sarkozy wanted the event to be primarily a Franco-American ceremony. Once Mr Brown heard this he ought to have contacted Mr Sarkozy and informed him that British and Canadian forces were the majority and he must include a royal representative from Britain.  It has been reported France said it was not up to France to determine the British representation.  Then, if you remember, when France announced Barack Obama would be present, Gordon Brown decided he would attend.

As some of you may know, I'm not an avid royalist but I am a fervent support of HM Forces and those few remaining veterans who will be attending this ceremony are of a generation which hold the Queen in the highest regard.  That is why I think she should have been invited.

Gordon Brown has proved himself to be possibly the worst PM in history but he'll certainly also be recorded as the least diplomatic.  We pay a fortune for him to have advisers - what do they do for their massive salaries?

Update:  After the intervention of the White House, it now appears Prince Charles will attend and represent the Queen.  Now Brown needs the help of the US with his basic PR.  Shameful.


Anonymous said...

I suspect that Brown probably wants to be up there with Sarkozy and Obama. If the Queen or even Old Charlie adn Mrs Parker-Bowles were there, Brown would be relegated to second rank, along with the French Prime Minister.

Brown knows that every time he's seen in the same room as Obama, his ratings go up, so, he decided that he would play head of state, be seen with Obama, and hopefully profit from it electorally.

He's wrong of course. It's made him look idiotic. This is not the role of the Prime Minister. As you say the veterans like royalty and appreciate the Queen's undoubted affection and admiration for them.

I suspect that rather than being badly advised, he has been inclined to ignore advice and do it HIS way, which, as usual, is the wrong way.

He's a fool... and that's bumming him up.

subrosa said...

Many people will think the same as you tris, including me.

He's a madman and a fool.

Anonymous said...

Being ignorant to all of this, you just answered my question of who snubbed the Queen. No surprises there. A combination of political suicide and egotistical lunacy.

Great Big Billygoat Gruff said...

I think Brown is a bitter vengeful man and is repaying Buck House for some perceived slight on his omnipotence.

Maybe the well publicised audience with The Band of England Chairman swifty followed by that for the Joint Chief of Staff?

Brooding, menacing, vengeful and mad makes him just what this country needs to be the PM.

naldo said...

The only invitation that parasite should receive is one to get off her posh erse and get an actual job or try signing on the dole like the rest of her subjects are required to do for a living.

Bring on the republic!

Anonymous said...

According to the Telegraph, after intervention from President Obama an invitation was extended to the royals, and Charlie will be going.

How humiliating. Just as well we have Predisent Obama to do the job.

Added to a pile of resignations including allegedly, the Home Secretary, her bath plug and her dirty DVDs, this has not really been Brown's day.

On a brighter note, the First Minister has been in Dundee today.

Cate Munro said...

I'm soooooooooooo bloody annoyed about this I can't tell you!

Gordon Brown has absolutely no respect for anything remotely British. The fact that he's willfully signed away the freedoms that BRITISH MEN sacrificed their lives for over 2 world wars, clearly demonstrates this.

How DARE he treat Her Maj with such disrespect. The man is utterly disgraceful beyond words. Sniding off to France to nab a photo-op with Obama. He has to go down as being the most deplorable Prime Minister EVER. Churchill would be turning in his grave at the antic of this preposterous idiot!

subrosa said...

CB you're far less ignorant than the PM I assure you.

subrosa said...

You could well be right Billy and your description is spot on.

subrosa said...

Naldo, the post is not about the Queen and her position, it's about Brown and his disregard for the troops he sends as cannon fodder to lands where they shouldn't be deployed.

The veterans, all at least in their 80s, come from a generation who had great respect for royalty and Brown's behaviour is appalling to them by not ensuring the Queen was present.

subrosa said...

Ah yes tris, I read about Obama's intervention yesterday and didn't think, at this late hour, that anything could be done. Good for Charlie standing in at the last minute.

Oh if I'd known Alex was trotting up and down the Nethergate I'd have popped down to do some shopping. :)

subrosa said...

Aye TP it's sickening to see how far our country has fallen under Brown. I realise now all this started when he was chancellor but at least Tony Blair kept up good PR.

The man really has to go, he's way way out of his depth.

brownlie said...


I'm not too sure how many ex-servicemen will be impressed when they see HRH Charlie proudly displaying the multitude of medals that he's done little or nothing to earn.

Back to the subject, the more we find out about Brown the more ridiculous he appears to be and some of his actions make you wonder if he is in need of urgent help.

subrosa said...

Aye true Brownlie, but the old soldiers will pay him respect because he's representing his mother. Funnily enough Anne has more respect from the regiments over which she presides.

He's looking more and more unstable each day isn't he Brownlie. Surely someone can see it and do something.

naldo said...

Okay sorry, Subrosa, I'll accept that you're not a royalist and that this is about respect for those who sacrificed during the second world war (though my paternal grandparents were of that generation and most certainly not royalists so please don't tar all of tht age with the same brush.)

Do you reckon most SNP supporters are republicans or royalists? Seems to be one of those subjects that the leadership really doesnae want to talk about. I suspect that this is because (most unusually) the leadership is far more left wing than its membership.

But then i would say that.

subrosa said...

Naldo, I apologise if you think I'm tarring your grandparents with the same brush, that wasn't my intention.

I was discussing the veterans. All military take an oath to defend Queen/King and country. Our military take that oath seriously. The Queen is the head of HM Forces. Get where I'm coming from now?

subrosa said...

Naldo, I'm not active in politics these days but my feeling is that the SNP are content to leave the royalist/republican debate until the present Queen abdicates or dies.

Idle Pen Pusher said...

Every twist in this story seems to show how loathesome Brown is.

He invites himself when he hears the Messiah is going. He doesn't follow protocol and request an invitation for the Queen to represent her British and Canadian forces. I bet he was instrumental in getting Charles to go. That way he appears the British Big Cheese, along with Obama and Sarkozy, whereas with HM there, he would have had to with decline or play second fiddle.

God, I hate him.

Idle Pen Pusher

Anonymous said...

The Times, just for once, was impressive, pointing out that the Queen is the only Head of State who actually served in the War. In any case, all the creepy democratically elected politicos remember what is like with her at the G20 summit. She's the only one most people in Europe (and the World, for that matter) will recognise - apart from possibly Barack Obama - and so she'd get all the media attention that they want for themselves.

subrosa said...

I detest the man too IPP. Can hardly bring myself to listen to him on radio these days. He's encouraging the people to take to the streets with his behaviour. That's what he'd like of course.

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