Sunday 3 May 2009

How's This For Courage?

Paraplegic Phil Packer is saluted at the mid-way
point by Beefeaters and Chelsea Pensioners

Major Phil Packer, 36, suffered catastrophic injuries during a rocket attack in Basra and lost the use of both his legs.

Yesterday he was celebrating reaching the half way stage of the London Marathon despite the race finishing last week.  Crossing London Bridge yesterday marked the symbolic halfway step for Major Packer in his bid to complete the course.  He was originally told he would never walk again, but he battled the odds and fought his way to the start line last week.  He is due to finish on May 9.

Major Packer is hoping to raise £1 million for the soldiers charity Help for Heroes.  A hero indeed.


Anonymous said...

Major Phil Packer is a Heroe and well done to him for battling against all the odds..

CrazyDaisy said...


Aye he's a battler, we had 1 mins silence yesterday at the match for all those chums that had lain down their lives for the warmongers Bliar and Broon. This was followed by "Blake" singing Sweet Chariots and Jerusalem - clearly the RFU of the Army and Navy are fucking ignorant.

I sat there shouting at the top o'my voice FREE SCOTLAND - the looks were all I needed, mind you the wife was a wee bit embarrassed.

Here's hoping you're enjoying the weekend - I am!


subrosa said...

Horrific injuries he had Spook. I can't imagine the pain he suffers either with each step.

subrosa said...

The military are excellent at protocol CD and well done them.

There will have been at least one other in the crowd yesterday CD but I imagine they would have been singing 'Flower of Scotland'. The non-Scots just look at you because they don't understand why Scotland isn't free. I wish ...

Anonymous said...

This man humbles us all. Awesome courage. I think we could all learn something from him.

subrosa said...

I do hope he achieves his £1m. At least the money goes directly into caring for these personnel and not into the pockets of administrators.

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