Thursday, 7 May 2009

Does Illegal Immigration Work?

In today's Courier there's a story about a young Chinese woman who was found working in a restaurant in Dunfermline.  She is a 22 year old illegal immigrant who says she borrowed £20,000 to get into the UK in order to further her education in Britain after her mother told her she could no longer afford to support her.

Sheriff Ian Dunbar, who heard Zhou could not be deported for the time being, said the fact she paid so much showed how desperate people like her were to get into the country.  It seems she cannot be deported without a genuine travel document and although a request has been made for an emergency travel document, it is not uncommon for the Chinese government to refuse to issue this, or to take up to 18 months to issue them.

But there is a happy ending.  Because Zhou cannot be deported she plans to move to Montrose where she has an uncle, whom the court heard last month was also an illegal immigrant, before applying for asylum.

If this young woman was so desperate to further her education here why hasn't she learned any English in the past 4 months?  How on earth did a young woman like her manage to raise £20,000 to come here?  Where did she get the money to pay the £160 for the fake registration card?  Surely her uncle wouldn't have told her how easy it is to get asylum here.

Sometimes news articles create more questions than answers and this is one of them.


McGonagall said...

The present regime likes illegals. It's the same throughout the west. Why? It dilutes a peoples sense of sovereignty.

CrazyDaisy said...


Confucious say a fool can ask more questions than wise man can answer.

If Broon is the fool, who's thw wise wan?

Crazy D

Alan Smart said...


Methinks on this and your previous post you are showing some disturbing tendancies.

I dont konw of this case, dont generally read the Courrier, and the better for it I guess.

But firstly do note the young women, Zhou was working, - probably in a job no white person in Dunfermline would do.

Where did she get the £20k? Who knows? - from a loan shark , a relative. the RBS's Chinese subsiduary? Does it really matter? -And is it only us white folks tha are allowed to run up irresponsible levels of debt?

Where did she get the £160 pounds? Probably out her £20,000 loan or simply from her wages

Why did she not learn any English? Firstly, I very much doubt she does not speak any english, but 4 month aint long to get remotely fluent in totally differernt language. I doubt after a year in Bejing my Mandarin would be up to much. And what do you suggest Zhou should have done? - turn up at Carnegie College and ask for classes? Yeh, bright thing to do as an illegal

Life is complex - I dont know nowt about Zhou. But I have an innate admiration for someone at the age of 22 would come ( illagally ) to a far off foreign land, where she spoke near none of the local language, knew few folks, but for one fundamebnatl reason - for a better life. A modern day Carnegie indeed.

And do look where she is coming from - a totalitarian regime where everythinbg is controlled and indeed as a potential mother she'd be limited to one child and then sterilised. Protest against anything and be arrested or worse. Zhou's prospects in China? Near zero I suspect. Were I 22 and living in China - I'd be on that illegals boat with her.

And why Scotland ? Maybe because she has an uncle nearby. But maybe also becasue she had heard we are a freindly welcoming people.

And Scotland aint full up - far from it. Our population is in fact shrinking and ageing . 22 year olds with some get up and go is precicley what our country needs. Dont deport Zhou, waste money on lawyers, detention centres , dawn raids, air fares home to a life of persecution and misery. Send her to college, give her a passport and watch that investment repay us 50 times by the time she dies, a proud Scot, with a few kids and grand kids, working , contributing.

And nat voters I reckon, but not the point - free to chose

Anonymous said...

20 grand? No speaker the English?

Where's the proof she paid 20 grand to come here? I dont buy it. stinks to high heaven!

Ship her back - return to sender!

Oldrightie said...

Does Illegal Immigration Work?

Probably yes for them. Benefits galore, priority treatment and special status all for agreeing to vote Liebore.
For us, no. To quote a well known idiot, "British Jobs for British workers"!

Nikostratos said...

the answer is send her back and her uncle........China is the upcoming super power she will have many more opportunities there than in the fading west.

Alan Smart said...

see what you;ve started subrosa

Scratch that surface.....

Zhou will have had no benefits at all, cost us nothing, worked hard -until "the system" caught hee, Now it will cost us a fortune to do the wrong thing

Cate Munro said...

Absolutely no sympathy whatsoever.
"But firstly do note the young women, Zhou was working, - probably in a job no white person in Dunfermline would do." With all due respect . . .so what?
Are we to welcome everybody the world over who fancies coming over here "to better themselves." . . or "for a better life"?
The world's population is something in the region of 6 billion. Shall we let them all in? Just because they're prepared to do a job nobody else wants to do?
The fundamental issue here is not "admiration" or the stoic determination of these people. The issue is that they chose to BREAK THE LAW by coming here in the first place. They are ILLEGAL immigrants - not LEGAL immigrants. That immediately implicates them as criminals - ie: not willing to abide by our laws. If I did the same thing in any other western country, I'd be kicked out immediately.
This country is far far too soft on people like this. She needs sending back a.s.a.p.

Alan Smart said...

Tory poppins

In any EU country you and I could settle anrd work without even a visa. Pick any other country , including China, and with little effort you could get a 12 month work visa, probably more

But you live in a rich prosperous and free courty - and are white I guess

So you situation dont remotely equate with Zhou's, or foks like her. Do you think if given even a tenth of the choices you and I have she'd have borrowed £20k and illegally moved to scotland to, no doubt do the type of job neither you or I would as much as look at?

The system, our system is set up for and by the privillaged. You condem if you want - ours is a free country - but i wont condem people for fighting for what you and I take for granted. In this contect the law is an ass, Because it would be near impossiblke for Zhou or anyone like her to settle legally in this ocunty under the UKs Nationality Act. But a Zimbawe famermd an impeache US banker, or a group of italain neo fascists - or far that matter a loaded corrup Chinese Billionaire - they'd get in easy peasy, probably with an MBE thrown in

PS I notice here I am fighting a lone battle on this "nat" blog. Tells me something

Baron's Life said...

No it doesn't work, never worked and never will. We have the same problems in America except a lot of these young women end up working in massage parlors prostituting themselves.
Australia is got the right approach to the problem: Deportation...!

Vronsky said...

You do seem to be striking a sour note here, sr. This is a mongrel nation and we are all of us illegal immigrants - simply because most of us got here before the phrase 'illegal immigrant' was invented.

And that £20,000? Don't query the resourcefulness of desperate people if they need to get out of somewhere they don't want to be. Might not be long before it looks like a fair price to be out of the UK -- nobody blinked at Gordon Brown's £5,000 a head price tag, after all. I even saw a few enquiries from folk wondering where to send the cheque.

Nikostratos said...

Using Aye We Can's Logic who wouldn't be entitled to illegally immigrate to the U.K.

There are more have not's than have's in the world.And the lives of many are truly awful but the U.K. doesn't have the unlimited capacity to aid the world.

subrosa said...

Crybaby, sorry I missed your comment. Good to see you.

Mr.Grumpig said...

It seems unlikely that this woman walked off a plane with a bag full of fifty pound notes. Four years of overseas student fees for even the smallest college might come to ten grand (but paid electronically in advance). I agree with your main thesis; once you've questioned each sentence, phrase and each word of an article it ceases to be about the person and becomes about the art/artifice of the 'journalist'. (Maybe the 'sub' changed the details to fit space. Always a good excuse...)

subrosa said...

AWC I do hope your first sentence is not meant as the insult it is.

I would assume (emphasised) the woman was working in a Chinese restaurant. Very seldom have I visited a Chinese restaurant where the staff are not all Chinese.

Four months is an adequate time to acquaint yourself with a language AWC, I mean the basics. I'm not sure about the rules of illegals attending English classes but I do know they are given free classes in certain situations.

We give free education to the children of illegals and that costs a great deal. I don't mind that because it's children but many times they have the children to use to strengthen their case instead of for loving reasons, that's what I object to. I paid my taxes all my life to contribute towards the well-being of the people of the UK and I have no problem with that. As Wrinkled Weasel said generations before us fought and died for us to establish a country based on good laws and Christian values. I welcome immigrants who are going to make my country a better place and there are many here who do so. I don't welcome people who come here because we're the softest touch. Other European countries would send this woman home and let the Chinese sort it out.

What kind of message does this convey to others? Come to Britain, you can use false papers no problem and they won't send you back because they can't get the Chinese government to issue travel documents. In the meantime you'll be provided with everything you need.

Aye right.

subrosa said...

China is indeed Niko and that makes me wonder there's possibly more to this than meets the eye.

subrosa said...

No harm in debate AWC, it's healthy. I have no problem with doing the post. Actually I did it late last night but was too tired to check it so didn't post until this morning. I should have warned you not to read it.

Yes she possibly didn't have basic benefits but would she have been able to pay if she'd found herself really ill? No.

subrosa said...

I do hope TP refutes your claim that you can get a work visa in China with little effort. That's rubbish and surely you know it.

Our system was set up by your great-grandparents, grandparents and parents AWC. Were they privileged?

You may take things for granted, I come from a generation where nothing was taken for granted.

This is not a "nat" blog AWC and you know it. This is a blog written by me and I support Scottish independence. As no other party within Scotland openly supports independence I give the SNP a level of loyalty.

Let me assure you, I know my readers and they're not all nationalists. Perhaps you ought to look at the way you accuse anyone who challenges you.

subrosa said...

I do Vronsky but it's not intentional. I wrote this post late last night before AWC started his accusations. The content of the article interested me, mainly the fact the woman had managed to borrow £20,000 and how was she going to pay it back, plus the Sheriff seemed to be giving the message that it's ok to break the law here if you're Chinese because there's little hope of you being deported for quite some time.

£20,000 seems rather a lot of money if she intended to get here and work. Of course out of that she'll possibly have paid all the conmen.

Sweeter now Vronsky?

It wasn't by design I did two posts on slightly related issues. In future I shall take more care.

McGonagall said...

The UK would fit into one quarter of the province of Ontario yet has a population twice the size of Canada as a whole. England is way over populated whereas Scotland's population is just about right for the size of the country.

The UK takes in about one million migrants a year. Canada takes in 245.000. All studies I have read on immigration indicate that it is revenue neutral - it doesn't provide any financial benefits to a country.

It does, however, put added stress on housing, social services, health services, schools, transportation, water and sewage services, energy requirements, and landfill requirements etc. Increasing population density leads to environmental degradation, and a reduction in quality of life.

Most people who support continued mass immigration do so because they are afraid of being called xenophobic or racist. This must be the case as there are no positive benefits accruing from mass immigration.

Immigration - you either have rules and restrictions or you don't. From what I read in the UK press - you don't.

Alan Smart said...


I aint made any accisations - just have a different view from you.

You asked- in your orgiginal post " does illegal immigration work?" , based atound a case you read in the Courrier. I simply took the case and pointed out there might be different explanatiuons from the ones you presumed.

I also pointed out that under the current Immigration Act illegal immigrastion is the only sort of immigration available to people like zhou - ie people from outwith the little rich club of developed largely white counrties

I also asserted - and I can provide stats if need be, that immigrants, legal or otherwise tend not to draw benefits but are amongst the hardest working and most entrepreurial of scots

And? Nt a single supprter for me on thji blog thread, made up of what i reckon is a fairly mainsteam group of otherwise reasonable progressive enough nats

This tells me something

The SNP leadship has a good record on race, asylum rights and wider nationality issues - fsr more in line with mine than yours., But the grassroors, in so far as posters to this thread represent them, seem more to reflect the view of the Daily Mail, than say the guardion. Entirely their perogative - but i do ponder what sort of immigration policy might emerge from this were scotland ro become independent.

For now, on this one, Im glad its a reserved issue - not for my sake but for the sake of the vulnerable. They'd get more justice out of london Labour by the sounds of it - and they get a pretty bum deal from then

And Subrosa , i was not at all picking on you, We are all privilaged - living one of the top twenty richest countries in the world however you count it. And a democracy, by any reasonabkle definition of the word.

All I said was this - and from this perspective we should be wary of judging others born on the other side of the great divide.

I also asked wher else are we going to get working age 20 and 30 somethings to fill a huge labour maret gap as our indigenous poppulation ages , and that provably and statistically the real "scroungers" are white, and made in Scotland. Not your fault at all - but not remotely the fault of immigrants, legal or illegal either. Indeed most of them cant remotely understand why we collectively put up with it.

But it is easier to blame immigrants - always has been, sadly probably always will be. But that wont stop me, and thankully loads of others (if not on this blog) trying to do otherwise

Anonymous said...
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subrosa said...

scunnert: Immigration - you either have rules and restrictions or you don't. From what I read in the UK press - you don't.

But we do scunnert and this story is a first class example. Any illegal immigrant should be deported, that's the law.

The mockery is that their country of origin won't take them so many get onto the human rights bandwagon. This young woman didn't commit murder, rape or theft like some who fill our prisons and only the other day I was reading about a murderer who will not be deported when he completes his sentence because he has claimed his human rights 'for family' would be contravened. He married while in prison and now he's been permitted to stay here.

I really despair at times.

The End (Bye Bye!) said...

SR: I'm with you on this.

The whole world can't just upstakes and move here, whether they are willing to do worthless crappy jobs or not.

subrosa said...

Auch AWC you've called me a middle class privileged woman without knowing me at all.

I'm always happy to hear the views of others but as you rightly assess, the views of many commenters on this thread are different from your own. Have you ever thought why?

I agree the SNP differs from me in some of their policies, but as a supporter of independence and not an SNP member, I shall voice my opinions about their policies as I do about the other parties policies.

AWC where did I place blame on immigrants personally? I realise you're passionate about this because of your work but you have to hear the general views of people or you may lose any perspective dare I say.

As reiterate, our labour problem has to be solved by getting the 'unemployed' and 'disabled' back to work rather than bringing in more workers who require all the services scunnert mentions.

So let's draw this to a close and agree to disagree. I'm not against immigration but it has to be controlled, laws have to be met and those who have arrived here illegally (having crossed many other countries) must be deported.

Alan Smart said...


Lets indeed agree to differ,

It aint you I worry about - im sure if down to you most asylum seekers, illegals etc would get a fair hearing. And I certainly do not advocate an open door immigration policy - a sure fire recipe for disaster, and imdeed serious racial conflict. So that means controls, and difficult decisions in many cases - just glad i dont have to make them , let alone implement them.

But can i say one final thing - Do look at some of the other comments in this thread and to your earlier "gaelic" thread" I do find some of them distrurbing, and as i said from as far as I can make out from otherwise reasonable, "mainstraem" people. This does worry me, genuinely - because these are the good guys

subrosa said...

Crybaby, I'm not against immigration in the least but as I've said to AWC it has to be seriously managed. Leaving every border open asks for problems and of course you'll know that Britain has a world-wide reputation for being soft on illegals, soft on crime and softer on giving away our money to keep them on benefits once they realise how easy it is for them to be accessed.

Thank goodness there are still honest working folk on this island who are prepared to work and pay taxes or we'd have been bankrupt years ago since Customs Officers were so radically reduced.

There will be genuine asylum cases of course but they should be thoroughly investigated and they're not here. No other country in Europe is so lenient and that saddens me. As scunnert says it dilutes the peoples sense of sovereignty and once that reaches a certain low, everyone will just throw their hands up and say enough. Hope it happens in my lifetime.

subrosa said...

AWC, yes it's true my readers are the good guys but I know I'm really weary of governments spending money on people who are the responsibility of other countries. Certainly I wouldn't wish anyone harm but I think many people are now saying enough's enough.

All this has come about because of poor government. Just goes to show what damage can be done and quickly.

Keep up the good work young man (well I can say that because you're the next generation to me!)

Oh and yes, the Dundee facelift looks good. It was even remarked upon by the Everton supporter so it must do.

McGonagall said...

It's interesting reading AWC's remarks regarding immigration. Here is a poster who claims to support Scottish independence but writes:

" ... Im glad it's [ immigration] a reserved issue ..."


"the real "scroungers" are white, and made in Scotland."

So he supports independence, but is glad immigration is a reserved matter and thinks white Scots are the real scroungers. Yet he complains:

"Nt (sic) a single supprter (sic) for me on thji (sic) blog thread ..."

Is it any wonder given his views?

But I'll cut him a little slack - he is concerned that vulnerable, hard working, illegal immigrants with an entrepreneurial spirit, from poor countries, are getting a bad press.

AWC wants us to believe that having trecked across half the globe in search of the liberty only on offer in the UK, and the economic opportunities only to be found in Scotland, these are the people we need. Possibly because white Scots are the real scroungers.

Obviously I'm against mass immigration. But - not against the people - legal or otherwise - who are in search of a better life.

I believe Scotland should - in cooperation with other nations - try to ameliorate the conditions that drive people halfway around the globe to work as a waitress in a Chinese restaurant for example. Let's help folks to stay home rather than encouraging them to come here illegally, having to lead a furtive underground existence, where they are preyed upon by unscrupulous employers, and live in fear of the "dawn raid".

For reasons previously listed I don't see any benefits to Scotland from a continual inflow of migrants. Neither do most proponents who now argue a moral case rather than an economic one. AWC is caught in transition here - he argues a bit of both.

For some perspective here are some countries GDP's:

1 Macau 15.00
2 Angola 13.20
3 Azerbaijan 11.60
4 Equatorial Guinea 11.20
5 Qatar 11.20
6 Anguilla 10.20
7 Turkmenistan 10.00
8 China 9.80
9 iraq 9.80
10 Belarus 9.20
195 United Kingdom 0.70

Thank you Gordon Brown

Alan Smart said...

I always know I am on the right side of the argument when I clash with Sir Oswald Mosely admirer, Scunnert.

I wont even try to respond to his just thick attempts to intepret my points.

But hey Scunnert - can you explain this table you posted?

1 Macau 15.00
2 Angola 13.20
3 Azerbaijan 11.60
4 Equatorial Guinea 11.20
5 Qatar 11.20
6 Anguilla 10.20
7 Turkmenistan 10.00
8 China 9.80
9 iraq 9.80
10 Belarus 9.20
195 United Kingdom 0.70

What? Like these countries are better off,(ten times) better of than the UK/Scotland?

What drugs you on man? Just how big is that anti English nulab chip?

How thick to you think people are? - this aint an Sir Oswald rally, where you can say anything and the admiring masses will believe it

Now "nats", all come in and support him - say what great points he makes, how spot on he is!

Alan Smart said...

oh , and Scunnert , what country is it you live in now? Is it only you and folks like you ( who were born into the relative agfluence a freedoms of Sccotland/UK) that are allowed to go abroad to better themseves? These pesky foreigners, with the misfortuine to be born into poverty and oppression - they got to stay home and fight.

Very good of you to offer to help them

And its me tht confused?

Indy said...

It’s called people trafficking.

She is lucky that she did not end up working in the so-called ‘sex industry’ like so many girls who are trafficked here.

It’s a massive problem, which is only now receiving proper attention with the setting up of a dedicated police unit. This followed the publication of a Scottish Government-commissioned report on the scale of human trafficking in Scotland which makes extremely grim reading.

The problem is I guess that it’s an issue that is under the radar for most people and, as the comments very clearly illustrate, there is scant sympathy for the victims or understanding of the nature of the organised crime which underlies it.

PS: I always laugh at people like Baron who say that Australia has the right approach to immigration. Roughly speaking one third of Australians are first, second or third generation immigrants. This compares to around three percent of the Scottish population.

Still want us to follow the Australian model?

subrosa said...

Morning Indy, you're right I think. Yesterday I was speaking to a detective friend in Perth and he actually mentioned this case (he doesn't know I blog). He said she was very lucky too but the answer lies in the fact that we have no proper border controls.

What annoys him and his pals is that we're an island and the easiest land area to police.

I remember back in the early 70s when the Westminster government reduced the customs officers in Scotland by 70%, being told that was the end of security in the UK because Scotland's coastline is, believe it or not, a very busy place for illegal entry.

Lucky girl, but I still think she should be sent back regardless. This 'kindly' attitude encourages thousands more.

subrosa said...

AWC, I'm not going to speak for scunnert, I'm sure he will himself, but I do find your last post bordering on insulting to him. You know nothing about scunnert but you've created an image to punch. That's not acceptable here.

If he wishes to disclose information then that's up to him (in fact if you look back over the months he's disclosed quite a bit in comments on other posts).

If you bothered to read them you'd find that the man deserves your respect. In my opinion he's done more for the vulnerable in Glasgow than anyone I know.

Indy said...

I don’t really agree with that analysis. It’s not so much about border control as about internal controls on employment and so on.

I know that goes against the popular perception that it is lack of border control that is the issue. But I don’t think that is the reality. The real problem is the laissez-faire attitude to employment which gives unscrupulous gangmasters and organised crime more room to operate without fear of being caught and prosecuted.

Essentially the UK provides people traffickers with a lucrative market. It’s all very well blaming illegal immigrants for being trafficked here but they wouldn’t be coming here, rather than to other countries, if there wasn’t a market – if there weren’t people ready and willing to employ/exploit them.

In passing I must point out to you that illegal immigrants cannot get benefit so the idea that they come here because we have a ‘soft touch’ system is just not true. Ever tried to claim benefit without an NI number? Likewise they cannot register with a GP, or access housing support or anything else of that nature. They come here to work, not to scrounge. And work they do, often in horrendous conditions, for peanuts. No minimum wage for them.

The key to reducing the problem is tougher regulation. Crack down on the employers – jail some of them - and you reduce the demand by creating a stronger disincentive.

That goes against recent economic policy of course which has been focused on light-touch regulation in employment matters as well as everything else.

The sheer folly of that approach becomes more evident by the day.

subrosa said...

Indy the serious reduction in the control of our borders was the start of all this. I was quoting from a conversation I had with a very senior Customs and Excise officer back in the early 70s and he said the UK would pay in a couple of generations time. How right he was.

If the borders had been controlled in the manner they were since WW 11 then these traffickers wouldn't be in this country and the people trafficking problem wouldn't be nearly so serious.

As for my soft touch comment, isn't this article a prime example of our 'soft touch'? The woman may well have known that if she was caught the UK wouldn't send her back because the Chinese won't do the paperwork. There are Chinese restaurants all over Europe and I'm sure she would have been offered a job in one of them (they are a very close knitted community and look after their own), but no she came here. So I would suggest we are a soft touch country. I realise illegals are unable to access benefits but they are able to access health care. Having been hospitalised several times in the past couple of years, I've witnessed the A & E in my local hospital, having to attend to people who have no ID and I've actually heard a few admit they're here illegally but they were seen to. So they may not have access to a GP, but they use A & Es as GP surgeries (the words of one A & E receptionist).

The problem needs to be tackled from your perspective and mine - in other words the whole problem and not just tinkering round bits of the edge.

Indy said...

I also have to make this comment Subrosa. When you allow comments such as these people will draw certain conclusions:

'I would say a large chunk of immigrants coming into the UK now are scum. Benefit seeking, lazy, good for nothing shite.... are these sponging fuckers getting away with doing nothing apart from sponging? ...The sooner we stop these immigrants from infecting our society, the sooner the country can recover from the disease they spread with their filth.'

If you do not want people to draw the conclusion that you are a racist I suggest you make some effort to distance yourself from that kind of language.

McGonagall said...

AWC - yer a wee nyaff but I won't drag the tone of Subrosa's blog down by dealing with you here. But please do visit my blog where the gloves will be off. Grrr - I challenge.

Indy said...

Subrosa you specifically said that the UK is 'softer on giving away our money to keep them on benefits' - referring to illegal immigrants.

You are completely wrong about that. I suggest that if you are interested in solving a problem you need to understand it more clearly in the first place.

Illegal immigrants don't get benefits. Illegal immigrants have no recourse to public funds full stop - they don't get benefits, they cannot access public housing or any kind of social service which is funded by the taxpayer. They can present to hospitals as emergency cases but that's it as far as healthcare is concerned. They can't register with a GP or access anything other then emergency treatment. I am sure most people would agree that is fair enough - you don't seriously suggest we should deny people access to emergency medical treatment?

So let's knock on the head the idea that illegal immigrants come here for what they can get out of the taxpayer. It's a myth. They don't get anything out of the taxpayer (unless they are unfortunate enough to suffer a medical emergency) so that is not why they come here.

They come here to work and they come here - rather than to many other EU countries - not because we are soft on illegal immigrants but because we are soft on the people who employ them.

The best way to tackle illegal immigration and trafficking is to crack down on the rogue employers. But do we? Do you know that employers in the UK can be fined up to MAXIMUM of £10,000 for employing illegal immigrants? That's really going to stop them isn't it?

And to date there has not been one single prosecution for people trafficking in Scotland.

subrosa said...

Indy I do apologise and you're right, I did say that. My reason for writing it was because, without government help, how is the woman going to survive in this country? She's been told she can stay until the necessary papers come through and the article said she was going to an 'uncle' but I very much doubt if he'll be able to provide for her or he surely would have offered to house her when she arrived.

Indy of course I'm not suggesting people should be denied emergency treatment, for goodness sake. What do you class as emergency treatment? A twisted ankle, a headache, a swollen finger? I witnessed queues from 7am Monday to Saturday outside my small local hospital with such serious injuries, injuries I myself wouldn't even bother my GP with. Fair enough the majority were eastern Europeans who couldn't be bothered registering with a doctor because they knew they would be seen eventually at the A & E. Is it any wonder our health service is creaking at the very foundations and can't afford money for modern treatments?

Any other European country would send these people away and tell them to see a doctor but not the UK.

If that is what's happening in a small town hospital it will obviously be a far greater problem in large city ones.

Of course the employer problem has to be exposed and laws enforced. I leave that to you younger ones. My main concern recently has been to campaign for cleaner hospitals and that's being tackled here in Scotland.

I defy anyone to say a sore finger, a twisted ankle and a headache (oh forgot the bloke with toothache) are worth visits to an A & E by anyone, illegal immigrants, eastern Europeans or Scottish citizens.

Indy said...

Subrosa - she will not get any support. Please believe me, legally there is no way that she can access any kind of financial support. Even if she is given some kind of a temporary residence permit until she is deported she will still have no recourse to public funds. So she will work to support herself, as she has done since she came to this country.

Meanwhile the people who employed her illegally will carry on regardless because you will note from the story that there is no indication that they will be prosecuted or even fined.

That's the way it works. She gets sent to Cornton Vale, they get away without so much as a slap on the wrist.

subrosa said...

Indy I did think about allowing that comment but thought it says far more about the commenter than me.

It's a balancing act between allowing freedom of speech and not, but I shall ask crybaby here and now to amend the language as it isn't necessary in the context of his/her comment.

Personally Indy I couldn't give a toss if anyone thought I was racist, I know what I am and that's what matters to me and mine. I wouldn't say one badly moderated comment on my wee blog would have me registered in the big racist book.

subrosa said...

Indy I have no reason to disbelieve you, it is obvious you know far more about the system these days than I do.

I expect the Chinese community will take her into their employment in some takeaway which was perhaps a place she was found in Dunfermline.

Even in small towns there are many takeaways run totally be ethnic minorities and if they're closed down they just move onto the next place.

Perhaps the fact that they get permission to open these food establishments is another area which need to be far more tightly regulated and policed.

If I met this woman and her story rang true with me, I'd possibly advise her to get married tomorrow and have a child immediately. That would possibly secure her future here but seldom do some minorities marry outside their own culture.

subrosa said...

I have deleted a comment from Crybaby on this thread because I do not approve of the language used. Apologies as I should have read it more thoroughly before moderating.

Another commenter has been emailing me today and causing me some distress. He's obviously not brave enough to put his email contents in a comment here, so here's a couple:

'your immigration related threads - the BNP would feel quite at home in them.'

'Even footbal (sic) fans gave up on this neo racist stuff years ago.'

Aye We Can you're not welcome here. I've been most tolerant with you today and actually polite but you persist with your emailing. Stop now please.

Alan Smart said...


This is the very last post I will make to your, that I promuse. I hope you are "brave enough" to publish it.

You know exactly why I e-mailed you today rather than posted. And I e-mailed you a grand total of two times, to express my private concens at the tone and pitch of this immigration thread thread.

If you dont want people to e mail you I suggest you take your email address off your home page. -I not assumed that was a reason it was there.

You quote selectively from my email. Can you please just publish the full paragraph of one of the quotes you select>

Here my full quote was:

"Your immigration related threads -the BNP would feel quite at home in them. I feel unconfortable, so count me out for now. I'll read, but that's all - seriously. I no longer wish to be associated."

subrosa said...

Brave enough? Selective? AWC your first email was all about a one of my readers and you gave endless links to his blog trying to persuade me to block him. Why else would you have said "I don't want you to ban xxx'`? for goodness sake.

Would you like me to publish both your emails? I'd be quite happy to do so but I doubt many would be interested.

Don't you realise everyone has given up having a debate with you because of your attitude.

Baron's Life said...

Seems to me you folks have a lot of issues to sort
How do you ever get the time to make a living if you spend your life arguing???
Slange valech

subrosa said...

Morning Baron, very true. My day yesterday was trying to debate with someone who had a strange agenda and I didn't realise until I'd spent far too much time on the matter.

Today I will get some work done!

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