Monday 6 April 2009

Professor Sir Neil MacCormick


Sadly Neil MacCormick lost his battle with cancer this weekend.  I was privileged to hear him talk on a couple of occasions and his enthusiasm for Scotland, the SNP and independence was infectious.  His achievements were extensive and well recorded.

Richard Thomson of Scots and Independent writes a touching tribute with which I'm certain most SNP supporters will agree.


Bird of Prey said...

Professor Sir Neil MacCormick had all the characteristics, values, personality and qualities of a true gentleman and i was fortunate to had met the man at my time at Edinburgh.

He gave a awe inspiring lecture on Legal Right and Social Democracy and you could hear a pin drop in the hall.

He also spoke of his childhood visits to Mull and how Scotland was always close to his heart even when he was working far away.


subrosa said...

He was a man of many talents BoP. I heard him speak years ago and he enthralled his audience then. People who can capture an audience in such a way are few and far between. What I admired most was his ability to put his argument forward in a way which wasn't condescending to the less knowledgeable. None of the lecturers I've had dealings with are able to express themselves so distinctly. I didn't know Neil MacCormack but he wasn't much older than me and that's too young for any life to end.

Anonymous said...

He will be a sad loss. I never new much about him but from reading all the articles on him he was indeed a true gentleman..!!!

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