Thursday 30 April 2009

The Price of Paracetemol

Yesterday, when shopping, I decided to stock up on paracetemol because there were only two left in the medicine box.  Nothing to do with stock-piling at all or worrying about being in contact with someone who sneezes in my face.

Wish I'd read this blog before I went out.  It goes to show that price isn't everything - of course we all knew that didn't we.


Anonymous said...

Lidl and Aldi do them at a really good price, I believe.

subrosa said...

That's interesting Tris. Never think about buying pain killers from either of these shops. Shows how brainwashed we are I suppose or perhaps it's because for years we couldn't get them from anywhere but a chemist.

CrazyDaisy said...

Aye, good article wondered why I was being robbed by Spar when 16 for 30p had sold out and I had to make do with £2.49 for 16 Anadin - Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

When u have a heidache u have no choice!


subrosa said...

Erm CD, perhaps it's better to stock pile a bit if you're prone to headaches ;)

Great Big Billygoat Gruff said...

It is one of the big problems of pharmaceutical companies and in fact any company with a unique product. How do you price it?

If it substitutes for another product do you price under the existing product or over it, if there are advantages that can be quantified either functionally or financially.

In the case of commodity products, like asprin or paracetamol how do you get "added value". You make easier to use and charge for that or you brand it an charge for the brand ie the confidence factor.

I have just tried to buy a blood sugar measuring thingy and was quoted €80 at all the pharmacies I tried for all the models.

I checked on the web and bought two identical models from the UK for €25 including delivery.

The pharacetical / life support industry are a bunch of crooks aided and abetted by the EU who permit them to get away with it by tying everything up in obfuscating red tape, committees and licences.

subrosa said...

Your last paragraph says it all Billy. This article goes to show that cheapness doesn't necessarily mean poorer quality, but I'm sure that's not the case with all medicines.

banned said...

16 X Nurofen @ Tesco £3.60, Co-Op no-brand 16 X ibuprofen
( same stuff ) 86p.
No wonder the Co-Op are making a come-back, their supplies of Smirnoff are more regular too, all the local Tescos have been out of stock since sunday !

subrosa said...

Jings banned you're not a vodka drinker surely. Nae wunner ye need paracetemol.

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