Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Blair, First President of the EU?

James Merrick of the The Independent is reporting Tony Blair has upped his fight to become the first 'President of the EU'.  Gordon Brown has accepted that his old rival should be in pole position for the appointment on the basis that Britain needs to have a key figure in the architecture of the "new world order". There are these three words again, new world order.  For a few years now I've been reading about this including the conspiracy theories.  Wikipedia has a definition along with other sites, one of which analyses the term after the G20 last week.

Of course the presidency relies upon Ireland voting 'yes' to the Lisbon Treaty in the autumn.  Mr Blair will have spent two years in the Middle East role by July, giving him a legitimate opportunity to claim he has devoted enough time to the job, but critics will say he has failed to make any significant breakthrough.

Could it be Gordon has hopes of being Tony's deputy as a thank you for the nod of approval? 

Update :  Craig Murray has more information on his blog.  Please read as this affects us all.


Ted Foan said...

You pulling our proverbial leg, aren't you? This would be the single most affront to common decency since....well, since Gordon Brown squirmed his way into being our Prime Minister.

If the Irish (my mother came from County Wexford in 1933) vote for the Lisbon Treaty and pave the way for the heinous Blair to be the President of Europe I will emigrate to New Zealand with my family and never come back to the UK. And that's a promise.

subrosa said...

Ted the Independent is usually a reliable source of information. It doesn't surprise me in the least.

As we've said before I wish I could emigrate but I'm past uprooting. Life isn't as bad here as yet so I think I'll stick it out, it's a case of having to really.

Anonymous said...

I agree Subrosa, The Independent is pretty reliable as a source.

What I'm wondering is, how can you be the president of the EU when your country isn't really fully intergrated into it... ie opts out of so much and doesn't use the currency, indeed puts the currency down?

Surely, if it comes to a vote, he will be humiliated? While I'd admit the man has some talent at diplomacy, I rather vote for next door's dog than Blair.

But I won't emigrate either. I love Scotland too much and I want to stay and see independence which is not now that far away.

subrosa said...

I think we are integrated enough Tris. Brown signed the Lisbon Treaty didn't he?

Can I suggest you visit http://tiny.cc/GyfNe. That's Lallands Peat Worrier and he's my teacher in European matters. Not that I want rid of you, you understand :)

Faux Cu said...

Dirty deals behind closed doors.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, a better man by a straight mile or two, gets Nato and Bliar gets the EU.

Broon must have wasted at least a dozen Nokias these last few days.

McGonagall said...

This stinks.

subrosa said...

FC good to see you. I thought you were away in Monaco or somewhere sunning yourself. I've heard about Rasmussen and it's mainly good. As for Blair ...

subrosa said...

Hope you gentlemen read Craig's block. He's always far more in the know that the papers.

Stuart Winton said...

Of course, the TB for EU President angle is nothing new; wasn't this often mooted long before he relinquised the keys to Number 10?

The problems with the Lisbon Treaty scuppered the idea, of course, but it's hardly surprising that it's back on the agenda - the Middle East diversion was just stopgap for His Toniness.

As for Gordon Brown for his deputy, that effectively amounts to trolling, Subrosa ;0)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up about http://tiny.cc/GyfNe Subrosa.... I'll go there right after this. (I'm sure you don't want rid of me already ;))

I know Brown signed the treaty (although he turned up late and did it in private seeing as he was going back on an manifesto pledge), but I thought that you would at least have to use the Euro and/or be in the Schengen (is that how you spell it?) group. Or at least act as if you didn't detest the rest of them for not being English, before you could be president.

I propose Mrs Thatcher. I mean I know she doesn't have any qualifications to do the job, but it would be a laff, doncha think?

subrosa said...

Oh Stuart, me a troll? Never in a million years :)

Have you read Craig's blog? Interesting stuff and you're right of course, this was muted before Blair left office. I think Sarkozy objected though and it fell by the wayside.

subrosa said...

Tris, it would be hysterical but sadly it's not to be. At least Maggie had some dignity about her office. Blair and Brown are using it like a Wendy house - somewhere to stay until you find somewhere better.

CrazyDaisy said...


The man's scum and a self serving sanctimonius git, I hope he dies a horrible death with his wife by his side.

Right I feel better for that, I hate what's become of our society and I'm desperate to be living in a free Independent country with no religous interference either.


subrosa said...

Glad you feel better for that CD, it's always good to share :)

Don't read Faux Cu's last comment on my G20 Policing Post if you feel like that. Mind you he's saying what a lot of us may be thinking.

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