Saturday 28 March 2009


It has just occurred to me that none of the Scottish newspapers has carried a photograph of Jim Murphy during his visit to China this week. Usually these events, with such high profile ministers, are blazoned over the wires but the most I can find (although I admit to spending all of 5 minutes looking) is an article by him in today's Scotsman.  It's a subscription article so don't all rush to read it although I admit I found the comments interesting.  His article appears to be far more about the UK's economic mess and promoting the G20 than representing Scotland but, after his speech to Glenn Campbell last week, I'm not in the least surprised.

I'm sure the SCDI, on their eleventh visit to China, managed to cope more than adequately without Mr Murphy when he was away pressing the flesh with the China's finance and foreign ministers.  Their trade mission would have been a success no doubt and they will have paved the way for the First Minister's delegation early next month.

All the media photographers must have been touring the world with the PM or it could be journalists and photographers like Robbie Dunwoodie don't like being made to look like fools.


Alan Smart said...

Sadly, more likely scottish newspapers are so broke and short staffed China is off their radar.

I am no fan of Murphy, but i think you put motives in his moves that aint there. Maybe he was just persuaded by SCDI ( incraesingly a new Labour front by the way) that he could help swing some deals in China. Mayve he facied the trip. Because as you point out he got near no publicity.

If it was just publicity he wanted he should have stayed in Eastwood. The Herald's budget might just have taken them there. The Scotsman's, not so sure

I half jest, but this is a strategic problem - as scotland starts to look outwards, globally, our national press is retrenching. A dacade ago any trip by an SoS to China - Labour Tory or SNP - would have got big media licks, as they'd have all sent jounos.

I fear Tartan Day ths year wil similarly suffer with the SG in the lead. Unless its agencies like VisitScotald subsidise the jounos' trip, as they regularly did under Laboour. But it came with big strings - "cover this, dont cover that" says some jumped up PRO taking orders from the FMs office. It might temprarliy work for the SNP for now, but it aint jounalism, just state sublisidised spin.

Just like in China

subrosa said...

Aye we Can, I think you're being a bit optimistic about SCDI inviting any government minister. They've managed for years without one, why would they want Jim Murphy with them when their programme has been organised for months??

Have a read of my previous post, he went to prepare China for the G20 and it was nothing to do with Scotland although he used the SCDI as an excuse.

As for photo calls, I would hope the SG have enough people with digital cameras to take photos, upload them through Twitter then they can reach the papers without too much cost. That's the way things are going.

Murphy's just an apology for a chancer. He should have stayed in Europe.

I won't comment on visitscotland because I'll never stop.

CrazyDaisy said...


Perhaps it's best we hear nothing about this egotistical social climbing gimp's trip.

A conman of the first order and I do not like his interior design taste - you can tell alot about a man from how his house is decorated - bland!

He reminds me of Rimmer from Red Dwarf.

Smeeeeeeeeeeeg Heeeeeeeeeead!


brownlie said...

Blimey, subrosa, after posting that picture what do you want, surely not more picture of this gargoyle? Yes, I know he can't help it but give us a break!

subrosa said...

Aye you're right CD but I bet he's really hacked off his China trip never made it to the papers - especially after the lengthy interview with Glenn his bestest pal, last Sunday.

subrosa said...

Brownlie, would you take one of my small pleasures away, surely not. Searching the web for photos of Murphy is fun, he's not exactly photogenic is he.

Dreadful man. Did you see him on Scottish Politics today? Liar and not even a good one.

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