Thursday 26 February 2009

FMQs 26 February 2009

Another noon but not a high one, in fact it was bordering on boring. Whilst I thought it was appropriate for Alex Salmond to extend his condolences to David Cameron and his family, it was very poor he didn't mention the death yesterday of the soldier from 45 Commando Arbroath. Really Alex I wasn't only surprised but also disappointed that a death of 'one of our own' was ignored.  Any military death is significant to Scotland and it's time the Scottish government paid due respect.

Iain Gray, attacking a very ex-chairman of RBS purely because he supported Scottish nationalism was pathetic to say the least.  How I wish for someone from the labour party who could debate with Alex Salmond instead of only being able to script-read. No comment from him either about our dead soldier.

Annabelle Goldie's performance wasn't good today either.  I expected her to stand up with all guns blazing after her promotion to the giddy heights of being invited to attend David Cameron's shadow cabinet, but alas no.

Tavish Scott had a nerve to criticise the pension of Fred Goodwin when he's built up a great portfolio in the past years on the back of the banks lending behaviour.  So nil points Tavish.

As we have come to accept, the First Minister came out on top throughout what should be a bruising half hour for him.  I'll give his researchers 10 out of 10 but Kevin Pringle's staff a mere 4 out of 10.  

I do hope someone from the SNP government takes note that we should acknowledge the deaths of soldiers from Scottish regiments but somehow I doubt it.  It's certainly a point I shall email to my own MSP. How can I criticise Gordon Brown for his lack of respect when Alex Salmond doesn't bother either.


Malc said...

I agree. FMQs was a non-event today.

Nikostratos said...

Iain Gray made a valid point about Sir George Mathewson who takes a contradictory view on Banker bonuses.
At odds with the overwhelming majority of Scots.

Alex sounds a bit wheezy in his speaking these days

Faux Cu said...

First we gad the current head of the FSA pointing the finger at Brown for the pressure to lay off their oversight of the banking system, even though they had expressed concern about the solvency of the banks. I bet they did stress test the banks but Broon told them to shut up?

Then today it was the head of the B of E pointing the finger at Brown for not building up reserves when the going was good. Now we have entered this depression with oor drawers at oor ankles and are trying to borrow (ie print money) to get us out of the dunghill.

Everything has Broon's snot encrusted fingerprints on it and he is jetting all over the World pretending he has saved it.

The man is mad, and I am being serious here.

Where is the IRA when you need them?

Anonymous said...

Niko i watched FMQ,s on the BBC website and Iain Grey was well out of line. Labour are the ones to blame, The new RBS boss has said this. Iain Grey is the type of man who will bring trouble to the streets with his daily rubbish.

Agreed Subrosa, i would like our MSp,s and First Minster to pay tributes to our troops like they do in westminster but thanks to Labour we will be talking about how many stamps the SNP used last week.

subrosa said...

Malc I admire you for putting a bit meat on the bones of today. I couldn't even see the skeleton other than Gray's attempt to destroy the reputation of George Matheson.

subrosa said...

Niko that's bullsh!t and you know it. Gray had to back peddle after being accused of trying to smear Matheson. Pathetic effort from him but then he's a pathetic excuse for a labour leader.

subrosa said...

Faux Cu, you're right. It's scarey being government by a real nutter. In the past most of them have been 'reigned in' by their colleagues but it seems as if they're quite happy to let Gordon hang himself over and over. Trouble is he is still causing great damage to the UK and that will take some years to make right. I don't envy the tories.

Alan Smart said...

Wee Eck wil come to regret his savish devence of Sir George Mathieson.

The truth is out there

subrosa said...

You think so Aye We Can? I don't think he's deferential to Sir George, he's defending his friend. They've been friends for years. You may well be right but what Iain Gray was implying today was incorrect.

brownlie said...

When will these clowns ask the First Minister questions relevant to what is best for Scotland instead of tediously and fruitlessly trying to up-stage the First Minister.

WV is "boakerse" - I don't believe it!! Better than the Scotsman headings.

subrosa said...

Love the WV brownlie! Few will ever upstage Alex. Iain Gray is like a seriously depressed court jester.

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