Monday, 10 September 2012

Another Casualty

A soldier from The Light Dragoons has been killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan.

The vehicle in which he was travelling hit an improvised explosive device in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand Province.

His death follows that of Guardsman Karl Whittle, 22, who died in hospital in Birmingham on Friday.

The number of members of UK forces to have died since this futile war began in October 2001 is now 427.


Anonymous said...

And still it goes on. Such a waste.

A group of some description really is required to represent the armed forces to make sure they are protected from the government and their senior officers in each of the services. They need protection from having to fight in wars which shouldn't be fought, having to use substandard equipment and in the way they and their families are treated if they are injured, disabled or killed.

Joe Public said...

Meanwhile, politicians remain cocooned from all risks they've generated as a result of their ill-informed decisions.

subrosa said...

Thanks for your support TT. Much appreciated.

subrosa said...

That's the problem Joe. If they had to accept responsibility for their decisions they may think more carefully.

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