Jeanne's (J R Tomlin) choice for a Sunday morning today. Johnny Cash was never a favourite of mine but perhaps that's because my best friend flooded my senses with his recordings.
Funnily enough, I was never a big Johnny Cash fan either, Rosie, but Sunday Morning Coming Down was always an exception, maybe because I had my share of Sunday mornings like that. However, for the non-Cash fans, you might prefer it sung by the man who wrote the song, Kris Kristofferson:
Next novel is going to be (tentatively) entitled: The Hammer of England (Book 3 of The Black Douglas Trilogy) and is requiring much listening of appropriate music. ;)
Speaking of my next novel (would *I* do that?! ;-) ) I'm debating the title. At the moment, I am considering "The Hammer of England", but putting England in the title is giving me pause. I'm not too worried if someone thinks the said "hammer" is English. (Of course, the said hammer was actually the great and good knight, Sir James Douglas and England was the one being hammered)
I don't think Scots would make that mistake, but with Americans, you never know. They'd find out differently when they read the book though so no harm. Still, but it seems odd with the subtitle which all my historical novels have "A Historical Novel of Scotland".
People often mistake the meaning of the title of Countenance of War and I knew they might on that as well.
SUBROSA - Please contact me if you have any ideas, stories or complaints: subrosa.blonde AT Replace AT with the @ symbol. My profile can be viewed here.
Funnily enough, I was never a big Johnny Cash fan either, Rosie, but Sunday Morning Coming Down was always an exception, maybe because I had my share of Sunday mornings like that. However, for the non-Cash fans, you might prefer it sung by the man who wrote the song, Kris Kristofferson:
I kind of prefer the Cash version. :)
But what I'm listening to today:
Next novel is going to be (tentatively) entitled: The Hammer of England (Book 3 of The Black Douglas Trilogy) and is requiring much listening of appropriate music. ;)
What's Johnny Cash ?
Change from a durex machine ;)
A joke circa 1974.
Sunday mornings. Ugghhh. Hangovers and the "Tay talk in" on the wireless.
The first thing I ever learned to play on a guitar was "I Walk the Line" because it was a great exercise in fingering with that walking bass line.
I must admit I like the song Jeanne and yes, I do prefer the Kristofferson arrangement. :)
Now I do like that Jeanne. I must download your latest novel, you've reminded me.
I can't think of anything more erm... irritating than Tay Talk on the wireless Monty.
I've had a look at the music Chas and see what you mean.
Speaking of my next novel (would *I* do that?! ;-) ) I'm debating the title. At the moment, I am considering "The Hammer of England", but putting England in the title is giving me pause. I'm not too worried if someone thinks the said "hammer" is English. (Of course, the said hammer was actually the great and good knight, Sir James Douglas and England was the one being hammered)
I don't think Scots would make that mistake, but with Americans, you never know. They'd find out differently when they read the book though so no harm. Still, but it seems odd with the subtitle which all my historical novels have "A Historical Novel of Scotland".
People often mistake the meaning of the title of Countenance of War and I knew they might on that as well.
Whatcha think, Rosie?
Jeanne, what about Hammerer of England? Is that too misunderstood when readers are scanning?
I do appreciate what you mean though.
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